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트럼프왕과 기사이야기...4016...속보...최고법정 판사 롸버츠 횡포
kimi 추천 3 조회 748 20.12.28 02:42 댓글 14

게시글 본문내용

오늘 폭로된 기밀.

최고법정 판사 죤 롸버츠가 그동안 트럼프를 괴롭혀온 판사들을 뽑아

지적 명령해온 사실이 폭로되었다.

죤 롸버츠도 체포될날이 머지않은걸 알수있다.

이미 이곳에서 언급한바 롸버츠는 딥스테이트의 하수인으로서 

일을 해왔음이 밝혀지고 있는것이니 놀랄것은 없지만 

앞으로 모든 그들의 행위가 폭로되고 있으니 참고 하시기 바란다.

또한 그들이 어떻게 정치인들을 협박하고 고문을 하며 그들을 잡아 

왔는지가 폭로되고 있다.

미치 멕카놀 공화당 스피커의 손이 다쳐있는걸 보셨을것이다.

그건 의원 자신이 다친게 아니라는건 또한 눈치로 알아보셨을것이다.

정치인 모두가 이런식으로 협박하에 그동안 국민을 우롱하고 

유린해 왔다는 사실을 알고 있어야 겠다.

또한 내가 이곳에서 이미 언급한바 있는 스칼리아 판사의 죽음.

롸버츠 외 최고법정 판사들이 알고 있었다는 사실 또한 참작하자.

꺽이지 않는 나무는 이런식으로 부러져야 했다.

그들에게 반대하는자들은 모두 사라져야 했던 지난날이다.

아래 자세한 설명 참고 하시기 바란다.

우리님들 번역 부탁요!


Many people have asked, "what do they have on Chief Justice Roberts"?

The time has come to answer that question.

I'm told the SCOTUS will be taking up some Second Amendment issues soon,

issues with Far reaching implications for our Country, Roberts CANNOT

be relied upon to to uphold The Constitution and protect Our Rights.


Recent SCOTUS decisions have been carefully crafted and approved by the Deep state to appear impartial.

This includes recent decisions supporting President Trump's views.

This was done to keep Justice Roberts appearing impartial and effective. He is anything but.

There have been questions about his adoptions, I have no definitive evidence in that regard.

There have been questions about interactions with children, on a island or elsewhere, again,

I have no evidence about that issue and we'll never brand someone without proof.


What I do have is the knowledge, the ability to prove, the whereabouts of physical evidence,

and the people involved along with Roberts. In the death of Justice Antonin Scalia.

"Chief" (racist term now)Justice Roberts was and is a integral part of the Coup against

President Trump and the U.S., so is his nominator, George Bush.


Roberts directed, approved, and covered for illegal surveillance against President Trump, General Flynn, political adversaries, business rivals, and U.S. and Foreign citizens.

He covered for illegal activities committed by our intelligence agencies here and abroad.


He personally ignored and "wrote past" (gave approval) for the torture of American citizens on U.S.

soil and overseas,as well as foreign citizens.

Roberts conspired with, suggested, directed, and protected illegal elements (people) and operations

within our intelligence and legal agencies.

"She was never supposed to lose". The Coup continues.

So, back to the original question, "what do they have on Roberts"?

The answer is all of the above AND there are detailed recordings of Justice Roberts discussing,

suggesting, negotiating, and approving the replacement for Justice Antonin Scalia, PRIOR TO HIS "SUDDEN" DEATH.


There is zero ambiguity on these recordings, plans and methods to remove (murder) Justice Scalia changed repeatedly.

As did the timetable because of the success of then candidate Trump.


They knew all of this was highly illegal so they sent emails to themselves as proof,

they recorded conversations, had "insurance files". All to provide themselves with an alibi, a "get out of jail free card".


The "Heads of Depts" we're directing the coup. White House, SCOTUS, DOJ/Rod, FBI/CIA, State, etc.

Everyone had to put something in, everyone had to be as dirty as the others so no one could rat out anyone else.

Anyone they didn't trust with their illegal plans was removed or

destroyed as much as possible, General Flynn, myself, and many many others.


Illegal surveillance was rampant, especially among themselves.

This info, recordings/details about Justice Roberts just happens to be why so many deep state players

have a smug shit eating grin on their faces when they testify.

Rod thinks it's his "Trump card"

(what he actually calls it as a joke) They think they are untouchable,

smug in their knowledge that no matter how you drag them through Court ultimately they control

scotus and we'll get away with it because of their control of Roberts.


Their isn't much more I can do or offer if no one takes any action, threats already coming worse than 2015/16.

This election means more to them, they have NO limits this time.


If people continue to ignore evidence it will get to a point where it seems deliberate,

like they don't want to know for a reason, like they "deliberately kept themselves in the dark".

Please Pray for Our Country, our President, and each other. Thank you.

Please keep in mind when you read the thread that as recently as 2000,

Bush V. Gore, the SCOTUS had a hand in deciding contested presidential elections and issues.


Something needs to be decided action needs to be taken now, for there is no tomorrow


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