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역 사
트럼프왕과 기사이야기...2981...드뎌 케이큐 큐아난 앞서다.
kimi 추천 10 조회 1,318 20.06.25 11:50 댓글 92

게시글 본문내용

일주일전부터 큐아논이 드뎌 케이큐 정보의

도움을 받고 있는 중이다.

케이큐 정보는 이미 앞서가고 있고 

모든 정보부들이 앞서 다투어 보고 있는중이다.

케이큐 정보는 그어디에서도 볼수없는 

정보로서 이미 정보계에서 앞을 다투어 

자신들의 정보로 바꾸어 내보내고 있는중이다.

누가 내보내든 상관없다.

인류의 눈을 뜨게 할수있다면 

그것은 케이큐에게 있어서는 최고의 선물이다.

우리님들은 알고 계시기 바란다.

케이큐는 인류의 눈을 뜨게 하기 위해

진실을 올리고 있는 중이다.

오늘 케이큐가 올린 글로벌리스트 나토 군

다이나 코어는 무척 중요한 정보다.

이 나이나코어는 누구도 모르고 있는 정보다.

아는 이들은 매우 소수다.

이들이 지금 미국경찰을 대체하고 있는 중이다.

케이큐의 정보를 알려 이 위험한 

글로벌리스트들의 계획을 알아야 한다.

우리인류의 자유가 달려있는 정보이자 

우리의 행복이 달려있는 정보다.

이 다이나코어에 대해 폭로한 죠지웹은 

유튜브 체널을 잃었다.

그만큼 중요한 정보다.

케이큐가 님들에게 알리는 정보

즉 글로벌리스트들의 계획 작전 

모든건 무엇보다 중요하단 사실을 

알아야 한다.

그들은 인류를 휩쓸어버리기 위해 온갖 방법을 

동원하고 있는 중이다.

곤충을 만들어 인류대살상 작전을 시작했었지만 

창조주께서 보낸 곤충에의해 먹혀 실패로 돌아갔다.

그들은 바이러스를 만들어 인류에게 뿌려 

대살상을 노렸다.

그러나 그또한 선한 아눈나키에 의해 실패로 돌아갔다.

이번 엔티파를 이용 폭동을 일으켜 또한 대살상을 


그러나 그 또한 카프리콘에 의해 실패고 돌아갔다.

앞으로도 그들은 그들의 우주군을 불러 인류를 해치려

노력을 중단하지 않을것이다.

이들은 강한 바이러스를 살포하기 위해 또준비중이다.

우리인류는 그들의 게임을 알아야 하고 

그들의 게임에 넘어가지 말아야 한다.

다시한번 님들에게 알리지만 

방송을 믿지마시길 바란다.

방송은 인류를 거짓으로 유인하고 있으며

그들의 게임이 먹혀들도록 유도하고 있다.

더이상 그들의 거짓에 놀아나서는 안된다!


Page 74 - people ask me to sum up what was going on with the fourteen years of the Awans on Capitol Hill with on sentence. If I had only one sentence, it would be - Pelosi, Schiff, and Schumer send Hundreds of Billions of dollars to NATO every year unless there is a war like Afghanistan or Iraq (then it’s trillions) with the understanding they want a big chunk of that back. That’s why NATO would have the motive to BioWeapon Trump far more that China. When you see NATO operatives and couriers all around something when the COVID-19 like the Wuhan NATO Military Games, you have to think about which organizations have the means, motive, and opportunity to do the Bioweapons test of the relatively safe strain of COVID-19 in October 2019. Those are the same orgs with the means, motive, and opportunity to do a more lethal version of COVID-20 in October 2020. Beware the angry teenager screaming for more and more money and less and less responsibility. NATO has the motive, not China, to BioWeapon

‪Just talked to the Stone Defense Team. Zelinsky will not tell the whole truth today. The guy who offered Stone Hillary emails was a two decade FBI informant and ran guns from Ukraine will be suppressed. Oknyansky’s identity was provided by Greenberg Traurig of Windermere FL.‬. Devin Chauvin worked with this same law firm in Windermere Florida.

Devin Chauvin and his wife may have used realtor accounts in Windermere FLORIDA to purchase weapons from FBI Russian informant Henry Oknyansky from Ukraine stores for caching at El Rancho Nuevo in Minneapolis owned by a Somali warlord.

Page 77 - being close to Washington, DC, I frequently have gone to DC trials of Mike Flynn, his business partner Bijan Kian, a DNC Defense contractor shipping to Iran named Farouki, and Roger Stone who I have met on numerous occasions. I went to numerous locations in Florida where a two decade FBI informant brought weapons into the United States and sold them to go between JTTF police officers and DEA Agents in the United States. These negotiations took place at the Windermere Country Club where Officer Devon Chauvin and his wife were realtors in 2018 and 2019. Stone met this Henry Oknyansky FBI informant in Sunny Isles, Florida, and was offer Hillary Clinton’s emails about these transaction he conducted with Ukrainian arms brokers. Non of this exculpatory information for Stone was ever presented Court, showing the true nature of Hillary’s emails regarding covert weapons purchasing and storage all over the US in places like Keith Ellison’s Minneapolis and Andre Carson’s Indianapolis.

Page 78 - I have long warned that Hillary began a cached weapons (stored or provided sanctuary) for extremist groups in major cities like Antifa, La Raza, and Muslim Brotherhood through a DHS program called Operation Cassandra and Operation Blackjack. Journalist Sibel Edmonds has called this Operation Gladio C. I have stayed numerous times General David Petraeus provided his JTF Plan for the US, and Bill Clinton signed it into law with Presidential Decision Directive 62 in May of 1998. The weapons from these Awan blackberry carrier districts will be used to put down protests of Conservatives In my opinion if Trump is leading in the polls past September 10th. September 11th is the day the DNC has rehearsed with DNC operatives like Krylova and Bogacheva who have procured and distributed these Russian style AK-47s weapons in Houma, Louisiana and distributed them to 14 states as one example.

Page 79 -Mossad Agent Sibel Edmonds has stayed the overthrow of a duly elected government would come as after a Fatwah (call for revolution) from outwardly moderate Muslim leader Feta Giles based in Saylorburg, PA. After going to Saylorsburg and several of the Awan blackberry carrier Congressional districts, I added 45 weapons caching areas to the US map in Imran Awan’s Operation New Dawn and his New Dawn Corporation formed in 2011 after the death of Osama Bin Ladin. This faction of the CIA leading this extension of the weapons caching program is lead by the Peter Strzok St and his son, FBI in name only Peter Strzok Jr. Extensive use of diplomatic immunity is used to maintain a logistics network for CIA Special Activities by a CIA contractor in Reston, VA named Brillient Corp in the PACTS II program for DHS. Contracts for covert weapons shipments from Pakistan Ordnance factory are provided though the Navu’s NAVSEA Seaport-E contract vehicle. Carter Page was involved in this program in San Diego.

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