http://www.fourwinds10.comURGENT!!! World Prayer For NESARA, July 8-11, 2003

From: Patrick H. Bellringer
To: The People of the World
Sent: Monday, July 07, 2003
Subject: URGENT!!! World Prayer for NESARA, July 8-11, 2003

To the People of the World:

We need your help. We have put out a call for WORLD-WIDE PRAYER to be focused on the days of July 8-11, 2003 for bringing NESARA to fruition. We are petitioning for the official public announcement of NESARA to be made during this time-frame, and we urge all peace-makers, lightworkers and enlightened people everywhere to focus their thoughts and positive energies on the announcement of NESARA to the world during this time-frame. Any help that you can give to this effort will be gratefully appreciated. You are doing a great work and we honor you for it.

In Love and Light,
Patrick H. Bellringer