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----- Original Message -----
보낸 사람: Petri Hartoma
받는 사람:
보낸 날짜: 2002년 12월 12일 목요일 오전 6:06
제목: [PagPawnt] What is GF's REAL motive?

Hi everybody!

I know some of you are real experts on Sheldan Nidle's reports and
messages. I have read all of them and translated many of them for others
to read in Finnish and also read 3 of his books. I understand and
appreciate the view Galactic Federation has given us to co-operate with
them. Simply: to help Mother Earth and her habitants to reach the Full

However, being a Scorpio, and knowing personally 2 other persons who
channel information from Galactic Federation, I'd like to ask your
opininions or views of Sheldan's message. One of those Finnish GF
ambassadors revealed that the "higher" civilization of Andromeda (HQ of
GF) exchanges energies with us, the Earth people. They give information
and other keys to raise our consciousness and they receive our emotional
energies for exchange. No comment on that from me. That is just what she
told me when I asked the real motive behind their (GF & Andromedans)

I know Sheldan is been told that the Sirians and some others are LIKE
our forefathers. And that is the reason they are helping us. And maybe
karma. But, what is the REAL reason for this energy exchange? I mean:
what do THEY get for helping us? I find it extremely difficult to
believe they are doing it JUST to balance their (and our?) karma! I
think they have an agenda which hasn't been revealed to us, not via
Sheldan, at least. Are we not mature enough to know it? Or what is it?

Comments, views, facts, anyone?

(* Petri - Finnish/Estonian PAG/PAW Coordinator - Publisher *)

----- Original Message -----
보낸 사람:
받는 사람:
보낸 날짜: 2002년 12월 12일 목요일 오전 6:36
제목: Re: [PagPawnt] What is GF's REAL motive?

One possibility is they cannot progress (up the spiritual ladder)
until we do. Like the supervisor must train his/her replacement.

***Breathe In and Out Love and Light Daily***Ron

----- Original Message -----
보낸 사람: Lyle Vickers
받는 사람:
보낸 날짜: 2002년 12월 12일 목요일 오전 8:05
제목: Re: [PagPawnt] What is GF's REAL motive?

Hi Petri, I have asked Spirit to comment on your query about any possible 'agenda' or ulterior
motives regarding the activities of those we term 'extra-terrestrials' , and although this may
not be the only valid explanation, we hope it is of some value to you.

"Well Petri, this is a very valid question at this time because many people are starting to
question the veracity of much information that has been distributed concerning contacts with
extra terrestrials and those of a ' spiritual' nature regarding the situation on planet earth at
this time.

The reason that they're doing it is because they've been asked to. It's as simple as that.

In other words, if you had a very favourite person in your life that wanted you to do a favour,
and you weren't going to get any remuneration or any other reward for doing it, you would
probably still do it, as a favour to that person.
Well this is the way things are working at this time.
You see people look at things differently when they are in different conditions of existence.
In other words, if you had a billion dollars in your bank account, why would you be concerned
how much money you might make by doing a favour for someone that you cared for?
And in a manner of speaking this is the way it is on other planets, everyone has everything as
far as comforts and material objects and benefits for themselves.
There's really nothing that anyone needs.
So what they're doing is something that they might consider a great opportunity and privilege to
be able to use their resources in order to do someone a 'favour'.
This 'Someone' is a Being that cares for you and all others very, very much.
So the time has come on this planet for changes to be made, for old 'wrongs' to be corrected,
for a new way of doing things, where everything is just and correct and is conducive to a life
full of joy and happiness, without fear of someone taking advantage, without fear that someone
is going to harm them in any way.
This is what is destined for this planet very, very soon now.
The old 'hurt-full' ways will disappear, and in their place will be a wonderful experience for
those people fortunate enough to have a body on earth during these times to come.
That is their only motive, Petri.
For them it is a great opportunity to be of service, without any ulterior motives whatsoever. "

All the best to you Petri and all.

----- Original Message -----
보낸 사람: Milson
받는 사람:
보낸 날짜: 2002년 12월 12일 목요일 오전 8:56
제목: Re: [PagPawnt] What is GF's REAL motive?

Very misleading or incomplete information. You must be sure when you contact "Spirit" that you know what is at the other end ..... and most people do not do that, even seasoned channelers.

There is both good and evil out there - and it is always the negative side that "reports in" first, if you do not clear your space ............

----- Original Message -----
보낸 사람: Dave M.
받는 사람:
보낸 날짜: 2002년 12월 12일 목요일 오전 8:40
제목: Re: [PagPawnt] What is GF's REAL motive?

How about:  as higher dimensional beings they are much more attuned to
knowing and doing the Creators will.  This is what their/our Creator wants
for us/them at this time, and both/all of us will share in, and learn from,
this magnificent experience.

Please make a distinction between those aliens of darkness who are being, or
have been, pushed out of this space/time frame or cajoled into reversing to
positive polarity (i.e., to service to others vs. service to self);  and
those aliens of the light who are the majority in the universes who are
serving the will of our/their shared Creator.

PS: Those of positive polarity understand that service to others IS service
to self, since we are all truly One!  We are really just experiencing the
illusion of separation as a learning tool, but thousands of years from now
our energies will merge with those of others (and yet we will still maintain
our own uniqueness) and together we will be able to accomplish things that
would be regarded as miraculous today.  What you are feeling and hanging on
to now is the last remnants of a dissolving mass consciousness (of fear,
separation, and limitation) that has been around for millennia and which is
now in its' twilight.  It is now time for us to make the shift, we no longer
need to hold on to our fears and thoughts of separation.  We can now
experience and know, to some degree, the love and will of our Creator, and
we can have confidence/faith that His Will will be done!

----- Original Message -----
보낸 사람: Petri Hartoma
받는 사람:
보낸 날짜: 2002년 12월 12일 목요일 오전 9:25
제목: Re: [PagPawnt] What is GF's REAL motive?

Milson wrote:

> Very misleading or incomplete information. You must be sure when you

Ok, now that we are REALLY trying to have a civilized discussion here,
I'd like to ask a humble question: if you have an urge to criticize some
other's opinion, could you PLEASE serve some COMPLETE and NON-MISLEADING
information about the subject? For exchange?

I didn't find any clues of that information from your message?!

> There is both good and evil out there - and it is always the negative
> side that "reports in" first, if you do not clear your space

I think Good and Evil are programmed values within our mind, nothing
objective, not even this Universe. How do you reason your statement? The
way you put it, it's only one more argument without any reasoning.

Put some Light on your Fire!

We're All One!

(* Petri *)

----- Original Message -----
보낸 사람: "Gerold Weiland" <>
받는 사람: <>
보낸 날짜: 2002년 12월 12일 목요일 오전 8:41
제목: Re: [PagPawnt] What is GF's REAL motive?

> Hi Petri,
> At 23:06 11.12.2002 +0200, you wrote:
> >  knowing personally 2 other persons who
> >channel information from Galactic Federation, I'd like to ask your
> >opininions or views of Sheldan's message. One of those Finnish GF
> >ambassadors revealed
> are there sources to get some messages of the other channeling ambassadors ?
> it might help to see things more clearly..
> GW

----- Original Message -----
보낸 사람: jeannoelg68 <>
받는 사람:
보낸 날짜: 2002년 12월 12일 목요일 오후 2:32
제목: [PagPawnt] Re: What is GF's REAL motive?

Hello Petri!

There could be many 'smaller' reasons amounting to a big 'real'

A 'guide-student' relationship allows to student to acheive a certain
experience of 'self-transformation'.  The guide has been though the
same experience also.  But teaching it to someone else allows the
guide to learn higher perspectives to the experience as well.

The question "how do I know is the other is lying?" has no solution.
We cannot know.  A way out is focussing on improving ourselves that
we can discern better what is good for us and what is our best next

A good test is whether we feel empowered or disfranchised.  From
there we can decide. It seems to me that the solution lies in
awakening to our spirituality and multidimensional nature and acting
from there.

At school, teaching is matched to the level of the pupils.  The
pupils are taught things, grow in this knowledge and are taught new
things when they are ready.  Besides a mental indigestion, the GF
might want to 'protect' us from ourselves...To change into "physical
angels' we must think of ourselves as such.  Asssuming that some info
makes us experience doubt, fear, hatered, etc. what would be the good
in realeasing that info in the broader perspective.  Later when are
truly physical angels, we will look back and bless everything.

Blessings of light,

----- Original Message -----
보낸 사람: yvidal
받는 사람:
보낸 날짜: 2002년 12월 12일 목요일 오후 11:29
제목: [PagPawnt] Re: What is GF's REAL motive?


This is a difficult question and I don't think we have the complete
understanding of why the Sirians are helping us (among others, as well).

According to the scriptures and some channeling works, the Sirians
introduced the Human race on Earth (See Drunvalo and Innana's books).
In a way, they are like our parents. According to Sheldan,
they brought us from a distant system called Vega, if I am not mistaken.
Because they have some responsibilities towards us, it may be a good reason
for them to intervene and make sure we do not fail one more time.

Now, according to the Spiritual School Of Ascension and Inanna's messages (Annanuki)
the Sirians have a very heavy karmic debt with us. In a distant past,
they solved a karmic debt with the Pleidians by giving us away
to a group of renegades known as Annanukis.
Sirians thought they could get away of their karma and ascend in peace.
It did not work out so well, and they came to an incomplete ascension
or the incapacity to ascend any further.
The Annanukis used the Human race for their selfish purposes
(mining, entertainment, life force sources, wars...etc).
The Sirians, alarmed by what had happened with their "children",
tried to send another human race which had a complete DNA set,
very similar and potentially as powerful as a Sirian Being,
in an attempt to lead and wake up the masses which had been artificially
"fallen" through DNA reduction. This Race known as the Red Races
(7 of them) are what constitutes the indigenous tribes and races today:
American Indians, Africans, Inuits .......etc. The White race is the Slave race
used by the Annanukis. The Red Races as  we know them, were destroyed little by
little and lost the ability to show and teach the Human masses how to ascend.
This knowledge, about to be lost was transferred to the Cetaceans and has been
kept by them, until recently where it was returned to Human beings in incarnation.

The Sirians are not alone in this little game and many extra-terrestrial
races have skeletons in their closets and thus are actively trying to help us out.
The Earth in its ascension process, is sending back to the originators,
all bad karma that do not belong to her Kingdom or to Human beings.
Sirians as well as Pleidians and many others are now receiving back their
"unhealthy" karma, and taking a very close look at what is going on.
There is a lot at stake as Ascension (or evolution) for these ET races is doomed,
unless we make it. It explains why Sirians (who are benevolent for the most part,)
are helping us with so  much fervor, whereas Pleidians who are not so loving,
watch us from a distance and provide their help almost reluctantly.
In fact they don't seem to have a choice.....

I have asked the question about the role and motivation behind the Sirians' help,
personally to Sheldan and never received a clear answer. Either Sheldan does not
know, or he cannot tell us what is going on.
I do not believe the Sirians are using us as a battery source, or any unpleasant purposes.
In my opinion, they simply want to make up for their bad karma and
genuinely help us as they understand that our multi-racial (I imply ET races, here)
origins is a wonderful and powerful asset to the progress of the entire universe.
We should not despise these Sirians or Pleidians for what they have done
as it is the way of the Creator and a simple role in the Cosmic Game.
Once we are re-united, compassion and Love will prevail and hopefully,
we will all benefit from it.


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'은하연합의 진짜 동기는 무엇인가?'라는 제목의 글이 최근 Pagpawnt에 게시된 이후,
많은 답변이 올라왔습니다. 질문한 사람의 뜻은 쉘단도 모르는 은하연합의
진짜 의도가 있는지 궁금해 하는 것 같고, 답변한 사람들의 핵심 내용은
우리가 영적으로 진보할 때까지, 그들도 진보할 수 없다는 것과,
모든 것을 충분히 가진 부자가 단지 부탁을 받았을 때, 도움을 주는 것이라는 설명,
과거의 카르마의 빚을 갚기 위함이라는 해석 등입니다.

* 전문 번역을 조만간에 하겠습니다.


그냥 천상의 요청에 따라 온거 아닌가요?
전 은하연합의 함대가 UN의 평화유지군과 비슷하다고 생각하는데요.
공적인 임무를 수행하는것 뿐이지 어떤 이득이 있어서 하는 일은 아니겠죠.


사람들은 이상하게도 소위 은하연합의 큰 이득은 우주평화 지구평화라곤 생각치않는 경향이 있습니다. 무언가 이득은 음모적이어야 하며 부정적이어야한다는 이상한 편견에 치우친 느낌을 받습니다. 글쎄요 =] 저도 사실 이렇게 말은 하지만 은하연합의 숨은 의도가 있다면 듣고 싶네요 히히 두둥!!!
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