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Commander: Can you explain, a little bit, the differences or a little bit about the entities that you are fighting the Reptilians, the dark Draconians, and Annukani..  Are they all referring to the same race…
Sekhmet: Oh, I’m not…
Commander: Or not, or…?

Sekhmet: We would say that what is going on here is that many of these people originally came from our planet called Niburu.  And when they came to this matter universe they decided that they wanted to re-write their history, and started from Dracos and moved forward in terms of conquering the Milky Way Galaxy, and so on, and that is not the case.   And that is why we have had so many different skirmishes and little (mmmmmm) wars, you might say, out in the galaxy.   Not that the Orion War was a little skirmish.  It lasted 5,000 years and it was no pretty picture.   We would say at this time that these ones have been cut off from their forces that are out in the galaxy that are trying to come in, and they are trying to activate certain “Stargates” along with the dark agenda on this planet.  There are many vortexes on your planet that are Stargates, like in the movie Stargate.   And they are opened to sound frequencies, and they have been playing with this on many levels.   And they can and do try to use the Stargates, and at this point in time the Stargates have been shut down.  They have been cut off from their, (mmmmmm) shall we say, contingency forces that are out in the galaxy.   And Lord Michael, Medatron, myself, and Mitraya, have physically drawn a line in the sand across the galaxy and they will not cross that line.   And meanwhile down on this planet they are trying to desperately grasp at straws and still keep a strangle-hold on all of you with the petty laws that they initiate in Congress and in the House and Senate that is ya-de-ya-da.  It is…

Ava: Home Security.
Sekhmet: (mmmmmm)  Home Security  (Paackk-Taaach!!)  (laughter)
Ava: That was a swear word in Poex Law.
Sekhmet: Yes!  They all (Paackk-Taaaaach!!)   That is Klingon on for traitors.
Ava: Yes, that is right, Mother.

Sekhmet: We would simply just say that what is going on here is that these ones, they know their time is up.  It has taken eons of time to come to this moment, where so many Lightworkers are waking up and seeing the writing on the wall or the spray paint, if you will.   And they seem to know, but yet, they have to wipe the fog from their mind.  It is sometimes difficult because of the mind-control games that they use with the chemicals in the air called chem-trails and HAARP and (mmmmmm) ELF frequencies and UFL frequencies and A, B, C, D, E, F, G.   And we would say that as people come into balance, the true people of this planet, all 144,000 of you times 10 hundred thousand, times 10 hundred thousand; you are waking up and reclaiming your power with Love in balance.   This is the thing they have done.  They have used power without Love.   And it is a very unique way they control the people where they separate the mind from the heart.  This is what Luciafera [Lucifer’s full name] is best at.   And this is why it has come to such a level in which one hand does not know what the other hand is doing.   And we might be going off on a tangent, here.

Ava: You’re doing very good, Mother.
Sekhmet:  But we would say that the Reptilians and these dark agenda controllers know there is very small amount of time left for them to come back to wholeness.  Otherwise we will come in with a Cosmic vacuum cleaner and remove them.   And this is already being mobilized, both on your planet and in your (mmmmmm) orbit.   One of the reasons there are so many mass coronal ejections going on and solar flares is that the sun has been transformed back to helium rather than hydrogen.   We know you guys talked about this yesterday, that (mmmmmm) the helium sun is, in result, bringing a higher frequency back to your planet, where you will not be able to detonate any nuclear weapons, they will simply push buttons and they will fizzle and fry out the circuit boards.  Billions and trillions of dollars down the drain.   Bye, bye, Joshua!  AHHHH!   (laughter)

Sekhmet: And we would just say that these ones, they know that their day in the sun is over and the sun; and the sun has set on the Queen’s place where they will rise up, take their chains off and let my people go....   NOW!!! [spoken in a loud cat growl]

Ava: All right!
Commander: Mmm-mmmm!   Can you let us know or explain a few of the major things that yet need to be done before NESARA is announced?

Sekhmet: What needs to happen is we need to remove these (mmmmmm) lizard scum (excuse my French) but we love all beings but they have not been nice.   We would say these Reptilian controllers that have been in Washington and all the other capitols on your planet, they have held a stranglehold on keeping the Truth from the people where (mmmmmm) the true teachings of what our founding fathers brought forth on this planet in the time when they declared their freedom and (mmmmmm) brought forth a new nation under God.   All of these ones called George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Ben Franklin, and James Madison —  They were all overshadowed by all of us to bring in the true teachings of the (mmmmm) shall we say, the teachings of Sohth, who was Kathumi but the philosophy of life.   As NESARA gets announced, all of the true teachings are brought back for the people.   The 45 books of the Bible that have never been written about but are sitting getting dusty on the Potula and in the monasteries of the Seven Rays in Lake Titikaka.   It is time to bring all the old books out and let the people read the truth.   And your dark agenda controllers, reptilian slime, have allowed eons of time to continue where the Truth, day after day, gets hidden.  And they spit more lies up from Dan Rather and Peter Jennings and Tom, and we don’t want to bad-mouth the humans.   They are simply doing their jobs because…

Ava: Mother, I just want you to hone yourself now and just have A, B, C, D. of how many minutes are we away from, and what’s being mobilized right now to actualize NESARA now on screen.
Sekhmet: Right now….
Ava: Twenty four hours would be nice.

Sekhmet: Right now there are two hundred million motherships in orbit around your planet that are at least 5000 miles in diameter if not more, besides all the billions of Inter-Universal Forces that have come in.   These ships are so large they have to park them beyond the orbit of Jupiter because these ships upset the gravitational pull of a planet.   If they were to come in and create an orbit around the stationary planet, we would (mmmmmm) shall we say, cause axial excursion and polar shifting of the planet so, we have to park (mmmmmm) beyond the confines of Pluto and come in shuttle craft.   The shuttle craft are 100 miles in diameter or more.   Right now all of this is coming to pass.   At the same time the White Knights are mobilized.   White Knights are mobilized with intergalactic communication technology where they can instantly interact with all of us.   They are using the Intergalactic Federation shuttle craft like the White Bird speaks of, and we would also just say that the ones that are the Reptilian controllers, they know their moment in the time is over.
We take a moment to drink some water.

Commander: O.K.
Ava: Let’s get more down to 3rd dimension, now, Mother because…..
Commander: Yes.
Ava: We need to have that.
Sekhmet: What you want to know is when NESARA will be announced….
Ava: Well, what are the movements on 3rd dimension?   Now we have already been told a number of those things.

Sekhmet: The movements that are being done on the planet is that the White Knights are stepping into, shall we say, where they will have the technology with the Forces where they can walk in and take the stations that they need to take and…

Ava: Take them over.
Sekhmet: Shall we say, (mmmmmm) there is the word that we would describe (mmmmmm) Give us a moment to think of it…(mmmmmm) but it is---we would take command of the situation where, let’s say, Rockefeller Plaza to Studio 3-B, White Knights would beam with the Galactic Forces on the roofs.   They have phasers in hand along with phaser rifles.   This is reality.   [Lord Ari] met someone who is a White Knight tow-truck driver in Santa Fe, who helped him out one day and pulled a phaser from out from under his seat, and he said, “I am a White Knight, I listen to you on 94 Rock all the time…but back to story… the White Knights are in the place where when the moment the Admiral Sananda Kumara gives the word along with the rest of the Inter-Universal Forces, and the Word will be given.   The White Knights are mobilized.   They will take that Word, they will instantly take control of all of the satellite communications.   We will help in that process of how that is done, where instantly we can do this if it is wished.   The point here, in time, is that we would wish the humans do it rather than us so that it is a learning, growing process for the HU-man, so that they can get to that level where they claim their power with Love and the balance there where they can stand in their power and not be afraid of looking into the face of a Reptilian soldier and they can look at him at radiate Love and not Hate.   That is the biggest test here, where we can look at our fellow beings with each other and radiate only Love and not hate and war and death.   Because that IS how we come back to a balance of enlightenment.   Right now the biggest thing the humans need to get is that they have to get over their anger.  Yes, we know 15,000 people died.

Ava: Was that 9/11?
LMMS: Not 3,000, 15,000.
Sekhmet: That is correct, and we were there instantly to beam them up out of that building as they were jumping out of those buildings.   That is why when certain websites right after the day of 9/11, like on Jafferen and Cybercpace Orbit and Rumor Mill, you could see shuttle craft right next to the building.   Interestingly enough, three days later they were gone — all of those pictures, but there are some that are still saved.   We will just say that the truth will be told now of what has occurred.   We sent you a transcript, 19 pages of an article that was spoken from Phil Donahue’s show where a widow of one of the victims of 9/11 spoke and a book was written by an author called, The Forbidden Truth, where the entire Afghani War is simple a plot to create a pipe-line to pump oil for the Reptilians so they could maintain another 500 year control over this planet, and we say “NO!   That will not be the case!!   You will get out NOW!   And you will go home!”

Ava: Mother, we’ve gotten lost on the third dimensional thing.   I heard you say that there were things you would only employ if it was requested.   Hasn’t it been requested by now?

Sekhmet: It has been requested and intervention is coming to pass, but yet and still we have to do this in a way in which we do it where the least amount of life lost is not the case, but the most amount of life spared is the case.   And that is how we have to do it with the help of the Forces.   That is why it is so delicately done in a way in which where we will be in position.   Yet and still, right now, what is going on, is that each time White Knights are ready there is still another group that has played games and they have capitulated to the dark agenda, and the White Knights are not ready, each … day it is like that, excuse our French…

Ava: O.K., now.  I want to say something as a little earthling, here.
Sekhmet: Yeah!
Ava: You’re not considering the fact that, yes, this is a delicate situation, yes, you don’t want any life lost in the actual NESARA arrangement of announcement.   You are not considering that every time, that every time some little White Knight group fools around on the 3rd dimension and NESARA doesn’t get announced and you don’t come in and take over, how many lives are continuing to be lost all over this planet?   And I feel a feeling inside my gut when you say that you’re still going to wait for humans to get it together.   This could go on and on and on.

Sekhmet: We would say that this is not the case.   Right now, already in a moment in time, we went into a bank on Friday here in...
Ava: The Rental unit?

Sekhmet: Rental unit went into a bank and asked. “I got a 20 dollar bill here.   I want to trade it in for Treasury currency.   We heard that the rainbow treasury bills are ready.   Can we change this $20.00 for a treasury bill?”   And the lady said, “I have to go and talk to my superior.”   So she went and talked to the vice president of the bank.  The bank president came as well, and they were both discussing this in low tones and they looked at me, looked at the rental unit.   Rental unit has long hair, blond, looks like someone from the sixties.   And the teller came back and said, “We are not ready yet for this.” And we could see because we are able to see auras and we are able to look into the fifth dimension.  We knew they were lying to us.   They are ready, and simply what needs to be done here is Sananda Kumara needs to give the word, the White Knights would do it.   And we have to say that at this moment this could be anytime right now.   We are at the place where it is so critical, we are very close to getting this announced.   It is moments away.   That is what we could say.   It is, in a sense, moments away.   And as you are saying, Lady Master that you feel this in your gut.   We would say that what you feel is all of what humanity feels.   For so long they have been in a place of wanting this to come to pass, and they are sick and tired of waiting.
We have a large Pashat here who was sitting on Lady Master’s chest.  (laughter)

Ava: Big beautiful chocolate point Burmese cat.  (laughter)
LMMS: He’s after you and he wanted to be in the middle of the…
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