Presently, a number of events are unfolding.  First, a global shift in the financial power of this regime is under way that will make it impossible for them to reap the fruits of their endeavors.  Second, a coalition in this cabal's home-nation is busily preparing to oust this group from power.  Finally, Heaven has developed a specific timeline and formally communicated to us the sequence of events required to complete these tasks, which will result in our first contact with you.  
Your whole world is about to be turned upside-down in a most extraordinary way.  These developments will end this last obstinate regime's power and place its leaders under the close investigation of a specially-convened international court.  Suddenly, many of your governments will topple, and there will be calls for scores of new elections.
Times such as these give rise to troubling predicaments or provoke incidents that may severely test your resolve.   Now, your strong, connected thoughts are gathering power.  To them are added the blessings of Heaven.  Together, these components are coalescing into a mighty, unstoppable force.  That force is capable of utterly reshaping your world and of making her ready for your final transformation.  
Again, we reiterate that Heaven has only allowed the events of the past week in order to challenge those who are illicitly changing this world.  Without question, these desperate acts have separated the good from the bad.  Now, as a result, a group of earthly allies are fully prepared to implement the agreements so laboriously drawn up between us several years ago.  It is distressing that these tumultuous소란한 events seem a precondition for such a thing to take place.  Nevertheless, we repeat: Heaven was wise in allowing it to occur.  It has greatly advanced our cause because it makes these new governmental, economic and political coalitions much more willing to fulfill every aspect of our agreements.  
이번에 허용된 비극이 새로운 현실을 가져오는 동력과 맨파워를 증강시켰으며, 네사라와 연관된 시나리오를 재삼 구체적으로 강조하는군요.  최근 한달간 은하연합 메시지는 거의 네사라관련 이야기로 도배가 되고 있습니다.
전지구 규모의 혁명, 역사상 유례없는 신성한 사건으로 기억될 네사라!  ㅋㅋㅋ(나 지금 오바중?)
이번 달이 은하달력(3/23 - 4/11)에서  "A time to go Within,  Empty the mind,  and Prepare for Scared Ceremony"입니다.  
신성한 세리모니를 준비합시다.