Lady Kadjina Speaks
February 2,  2003
Wayne :  Many are requesting a perspective from Lady Kadjina regarding yesterday’s Columbia Disaster.  We (Wayne and Kay) have been discussing this throughout the day yesterday and continuing today, and both feel that the event is still too intense and we are perhaps too emotionally involved to get non-biased information.  However, our immediate reactions yesterday morning was that this event was not based upon a standardized risk analysis and chance accident, but that it was the result of something like “the hand of God.”  I have been gathering a series of parallel and unusual events throughout the morning that tend support the theory that this was not the usual accident and that there were other forces, both natural and unnatural that could have contributed to its fate.  Can you give us some perspective at this time as to the relationship between this disaster and the worldly and off-worldly events that are now in motion?

Because Kay is so emotionally charged at this particular point in time, I will refrain from going into specific details.  As we have said before, there are only four years of this intense darkness left for humanity to endure.  What this means in essence is that many things will happen in order to shift and secure the light by the year 2007.  We will tell you that from this point forward at any time you have a major event transpiring it would be wise to look for as many facets as possible.  From this point on, no major event should be taken simply at face value.  There is going to be more to it than what meets the eye.  The dark forces have been told in no uncertain terms that their days are numbered and they will not go out quietly.  They will buck and rear every step of the way.  They would rather die than turn the planet over to the light.  We have alluded to the fact that there are two countries upon the Earth at this time, and both of them have technologies buried deep within the Earth and neither of the two that we refer to are Iraq.  The United States does not have a clue that these countries have a secret weapon far beneath the Earth’s surface.  

The Master Joshua, back in the 1980s, was telling us some of the things to watch for during the shift.  The shift would begin at the turn of the century, would reach a high point during the year 2003, and by the year 2007 the light would then be secured upon the planet.  Mar-ek is saying the same thing.  We will tell you once more that the major cataclysmic events have now been transmuted; they will not happen.  Some of the things that you can look for to begin to transpire in your life this year will be increased aspects of mental telepathy.  Your healing abilities will escalate.  You will find that the first and second dimensions will begin to merge with the third.  The underworld beings are now emerging.  Many of these beings are very powerful and can be anywhere from 7 to 15 feet in height.  You will begin to see the devas of the mountains, rivers and oceans.  You will see the manifestation of many things that humans have not encountered in a very long time.  One such event was at the time of the Columbia incident, where the solar wind speed suddenly increased dramatically to almost 6 million miles per hour.  You are also going to begin to see strange configurations of rainbow lights in the sky.  There is so much chemicals being sprayed in the skies right now that the little orbs are becoming coated by these chemicals and as they move around the colors of the barium and aluminum will show up at times.  Also, as the Sun shines through holes in the chemical clouds, you will see the colors of the chemical components reflecting colors that you don’t normally associate with the true rainbow colors.  You will see odd colors of pink, peach, lime green, baby blue, shades of lavender.  These are various types of light playing upon the chemical components that are in your skies at this time.  This is not always the case; there are other reasons for the rainbow colors, but these lights are the small orb-type lights that you will see moving around and encircling small openings in the clouds over your head.  

Most of the key players upon the planet at this time are not in support of the United States and its agenda where Iraq is concerned.  And two of these countries have technologies capable of bringing a war to a screeching halt.  If there is a war, it will last only a very short time.  This is the timeframe for the fulfilling of prophesy.  There are some key prophesies that many overlook.  And one of them, which is to be fulfilled at this time in the event of a war are:  “If you live by the sword, you shall die by the sword,” and another is “Ye shall take the poisons of the Earth and not be harmed.”  Consider carefully the chemtrails and the various vaccinations and many other poisons as well.  It is true that only the Americans who were vaccinated and took anti-nerve gas pills during the Gulf War got ill (Gulf War Syndrome), and the French, who did not have the vaccinations etc. did not report illness.  

One of the most effective ways that you can protect yourself from these poisons is to build a pyramid around your home, your place of business, and where you go to school.  Now, the substances of these poisons are of the Earth.  So, visualize your pyramid as being constructed of prana, or liquid light.  At the apex form a great ball of light that can draw energy from the Great Central Sun and it goes up and down the walls of the pyramid like a waterfall, raining down on whatever you place under that pyramid.  It has the authority to draw unto itself whatsoever is not of the highest good and transmute it, rendering it harmless.  See the colors as a liquid emerald green light and the raindrops themselves as being flecked with gold.  Green is the healing color of the angels and also the color of the astral planes as they are being cleansed at this time, and gold is the color of Lord Chiron, the master alchemist.  Invoke his presence from this time on into your meditation circles.  He is lord of Alpha Centauri, Master of Spiritual Alchemy, and Grand Master of Astrology as pertaining to the Earth plane.  A word to astrologers:  Include in your astrological configurations Chiron, Vulcan, and Lilith.  This will give you the key that you need to understand personally for a safe passport through the ending times, wherein you shift into the greater light.  

Wayne :  The Columbia astronauts photographed aurora-type lights that have never been seen before and that seem to support this information.  Can you tell us more about this?
This is in part due to the removal of what you call the ozone layer.  Now, keep in mind that the Earth is encapsulated now by two structures: one is the star tetrahedron and the other is the shield of Lords Michael and Metatron.  From out in space, looking at Planet Earth, earth herself does not look quite the same to beings out here.  Everything is in escalation mode.  What you might call “more than” and “greater than” ever before: greater wind speeds, more dramatic coronal mass ejections, greater and more dramatic variances in the patterns of interaction of electrons, protons and neutrons.  Mother Earth’s electromagnetic fields are being picked up by humans that you would call sensitives.  Kay at times is picking up a vibration that lasts for hours on end, and many are doing the same thing.

There are times when, if you stand upon Mother Earth and draw her energy into your physical body, you will draw from her energies that are making her ill, and subsequently you yourself could have very loose bowels, skin rashes, pin pricks at various acupuncture points on your own body.  Again, this is not always the case, but we mention it for your own awareness.  When you draw the Earth’s energies into your own body, it would be wise to cleanse yourself within a matter of minutes.  If you do not have access to water, be certain that you have a mister in which you have placed Rescue Remedy.  Spray the air around yourself.  If you are in a region of extensive chemtrails, build your pyramid around yourself and take it with you wherever you go.  Put it on the outside of your auric egg.  Use the blue-white cross to return impurities to the Earth.