Lady Kadjina Speaks
January 5, 2003
Items Covered:
·        Alien Healing Technologies on Earth Now
·        Young People and Interdimensional Travel
·        Interdimensional Space Laboratory-3D Connection
·        Etna-Stromoboli Activites as a Trigger for Major Earth Changes
·        Divine Potential--An Epiphany Moment of Clarity
Wayne:  There is a doctor practicing in Israel who claims to be a “contactee” and is a conduit for alien healing technologies.  The claim is that there are 54 planets in a confederation of healing civilizations and who want Planet Earth to be a member.  Can you tell us more about these healing technologies?  
Good morning; Toquamando here.  I was listening in when the other morning Kay said we need to bring Captain Torquomando in and do an update (to which he laughs and says, “I have been patiently waiting.”).   When we told you some time ago and took you on a tour of what we call Tetros, we pointed out that this is a refurbished dead planet that we are using for multiple purposes.  There is a quadrant set aside specifically for technologies, part of which is medical.  Tetros has a vast computer system with the capability of linking to many planets interested in establishing healing modalities.  These modalities are for physical healing and also mental, emotional, and spiritual.  These healing modalities are all-inclusive and extend to all forms of life.  Planet Earth will be included in the confederation and actually has been to some extent.  There are now more than 54.  But first, she must be, along with all of her inhabitants, become healed.
Approximately four years from now, when the light upon Planet Earth has become secured, the Earth will then step into her role as communication hub for this quadrant of the galaxy.  Galactic communication cannot take place unless all of the systems are healed.  This means in part that all of the chakra systems must be cleared.  All of the corresponding organs must be stabilized and healthy.  This is part of the work that this doctor is doing.
Now this is not the only doctor that we are in contact with.  The difference is that he knows he is in contact with us.  Other facilities and their physicians and scientists believe that the ideas are their own.  It does not matter that much to us so long as the information is forthcoming.  There is a sound and color and frequency chamber that is in use at this time that we gave to the individual that is now using it to help heal individuals.  There are individuals that are using the Language of Light.  This also came from us.  We have also told you that many of your doctors, scientists, and many healers come here during their so-called sleep time and they study and take classes.  They return to their Earth life, taking this information back with them.  Their DNA communication encodements makes this possible.
There are on the Earth at this time, through the Nibiruan Council, what is currently being called “galactic counselors.”  We would point out that there are some souls who come in to the Earth plane with their DNA-RNA systems fully connected, enabling them to be able to bypass the need for various kinds of attunements.  There are some souls who have come in fully tuned to the master levels of Reiki, for instance.  These are the souls that raise the dead to life.  Some Reiki masters are not able to do that.  
Another technology that is being utilized by a few so-called dentists at this time is psychic surgery on teeth.  They are able to visualize a cavity, clean out the decay, and then fill it with DNA materials of the tooth itself.  In other words, it’s not a mercury or porcelain or gold filling; it’s filled with tooth substance.  These dental psychic surgeons are able to straighten teeth and they are able to heal all manners of gum diseases.  This information came from us.
Soul reconnection is also a part of our technology.  Now our group has been in existence since approximately the 1930s, but it was only in the 1980s that we refurbished Tetros and moved it into position as a galactic headquarters and communication networking system.  

Wayne:  There are many young people now who are sharing their experiences as “travelers” on UFOs and who are consciously leading parallel lives in these other dimensions and worlds.  What can you tell us about this experience?
Kay first took note of these young people who are between the ages of 19 and 21 in a chat room.  One young man was talking about his activities on the Earth plane during the daytime.  He would then go to sleep and dream about a wife and children on another planet.  One of his children on this planet was also a friend on the Earth plane.  And we could go on and on with these multidimensional relationships—it got quite involved.  Because Kay has been both a multi-personality and a multi-dimensional traveler herself, she recognized these qualities in this young man.  These young people have full awareness of these other worlds and the many lives they have led.  They remember being trees; they remember being etheric beings in many places throughout the galaxy.  So these youngsters are now communicating with one another freely, and saying to themselves, “Hey, maybe I’m not such a weirdo after all; it’s OK to be me.”  There are many like Kay locating these travelers and grounding them to Planet Earth.  The most effective way to do this is simply to let them know that they are welcomed and it’s OK to be different.  Every counselor with a metaphysical background should be saying to these people, “You are right, absolutely.”
Kay has dubbed these young people The Druids.  Don’t take that too literally.  She is referring to certain skills and talents.  These young people are one of the first waves of what you call “the Indigos.”  Remember the color indigo means birthing into new forms of consciousness.  So these young people are the birthers.  They have come in with these skills in place.  Many of them are relatively newcomers to Planet Earth.  So we find them as travelers in a foreign country, where they don’t know the customs or the language.  This is the reason so many of the young indigos are having such a difficult time of it.  Their parents volunteered to bring them in, knowing full well that they would be greatly challenged, for some of the educational systems that these youngsters are being exposed to are what we would consider barbaric, in that the needs of the soul are never taken into consideration.  
So these young people have a great need to communicate with seasoned adult souls who can literally understand “where they are coming from” and thereby be in a position to reassure these young people that it is OK to be different.  So by the medium of the Internet and the usage of the private chatrooms, those whom we call the channelers are locating these young people and connecting them.
Now there was a very interesting experiment conducted by a 19-year-old Russian physics major.  He wanted to do some remote viewing experiments.  Now the people involved were located on different continents.  This young man is a musician, having had his own band.  Now in this group there was a young woman who didn’t feel that she had any particularly special talents, yet when the young man began to play classical music on his piano, the young woman was able to hear it and identify the various pieces.  Kay was able to see a large picture hanging on the wall above the piano.  All members of this particular gathering got 100% of all of the colors that were projected.
In another experiment, Kay was tired one night and went on line with a Reiki practitioner who sent Kay healing and energy using Moldovite.  Kay knew she was receiving healing, but didn’t know about the Moldovite.  The practitioner had put this substance on her body and when she scratched her throat, Kay could smell the Moldovite and was able to describe it perfectly.  Now this is the perfect example of what we call the higher seven chakra nadial connections.  Those higher chakras connect the etheric bodies.  Remember you have been told that each body has all the components that you normally consider to make up a body.  The etheric body can see and feel and move around the same as can the physical one.  Now Kay is a fully functioning third dimensional being who has added to the 3D the 4th D.  So she is therefore able to use her keyboard and do these other-dimensional activities at the same time.  Kay is also something of a networker.  She links together people of common interests.
Another experiment that took place was with a mother who lost through death a 30-year-old son, who left behind two little girls and a pregnant wife.  The mother has a photograph taken during Christmas, where her son shows up in the photograph.  So through the private chat room and using the keyboard and a method called Source Integration, the mother learned to contact her son and the son learned to type through his mother’s hands.  The son is a skilled technician and will impart to his mother much useful information that will bless humanity.  

Wayne :  Yesterday morning, I had one of “those” dreams that seemed so real that I felt I was awake during the process.  I was at a major university-research facility in the U.S. and looked up in the sky to see a very large space station forming, with various parts and pieces being put into place as it sort of emerged into full view.  Part of the station separated and came down to attach itself to the building.  At the same time, a space shuttle carrying some kind of a space probe on top followed it.  Just before the space shuttle arrived at the building, the vehicle that had separated from the space station and attached itself to the building opened a “portal” into the building and the space shuttle ejected the probe directly into the building.  I could hear the probe’s engine propelling it down a long corridor into a research lab at the end of the building.  After waking from the dream, I still didn’t know if this was a dream or whether I had really experienced this.  The institution where this took place turns out to be the same one that has recently charged the U.S. Government with fraud and deception regarding certain research activities being conducted there.  Can you tell me what was going on with this dream?
Well, first of all, it wasn’t a dream.  We do indeed have these axial-type ships and they are built with several extensions out from the axis.  Any one of these can function independently from the axis or the hub.  They can separate and detach themselves independently from the axis because each is equipped with its own unique sensory device and it has a search and find mechanism built in.  When it zeroes in on a location that fits the technologies of its search and find, it does an auto-lock and without any permission from any one in particular, it disconnects from the axis and hones in on the facility, for instance, that is processing common denominator technology.  Now remember, this ship is 5th dimensional.  This means it can utilize all frequencies of 1st through 4th dimensions.  And also keep in mind the number 5 itself is that of the capability of taking off in any direction as needed.  And also the number 5 is universal learning through science and technology and at this point in time that is alchemical science.  
Now, what the axis has done through its sensory probes is to create spiraling spectrals of frequency-color-sound tunnels through which the mini-probe jet-propels itself into the inner sphere of Planet Earth.  In other words, they can penetrate the Michael-Metatron shielding and also the star-tetrahedron.  They have galactic permission to function in this way in that they are of the 5th dimensional frequencies and are of a very high order of light technology.  So when the probe approached this scientific facility, which is 3rd dimensional, they were able to penetrate the dense physical substance and create an opening by which the 5th dimensional sensory was able to enter the facility.  With the information contained within this facility, the probe was able to extract all information contained within that facility.  In the event that facility should be shut down for any reason, we would take that information and inject it into another facility very quickly.  This would be done through the minds and the hearts and the physical bodies of others of the scientific community who are capable of receiving information.  In other words, it would do no good for a government to shut down a facility.  We fully intend to implement the full disclosure law; it is the time.

Wayne:  As we are transitioning into 2003, we have a number of volcanic hot spots around the world.  One of them is the Etna-Stromboli region of the Mediterranean ( Island).  This is an area that Edgar Cayce was much interested in and suggested that activity there would trigger the major earth changes.  We did a session some time ago, where Lady Kadjina suggested that there is an energetic connection between this area and the Turkey-Iraq-Iran corridor.  Can you refresh us on this connection and indicate what are the dynamics involving this at the moment?
There are a series of tunnels and they are located on both the north and the south shores of the Mediterranean.  This is all part of what we call the Cleopatra complex.  The portal entrance to these underworld complexes had for its marker the Colossus of Rhodes at Alexandria.  Because of changes over many centuries of time in water tables, some of these tunnels have filled with water and have a surface skin of an oil-like substance.  Others of them are not only tunnels of air, but they are more like wind tunnels.  In other words, the air can move very quickly through these tunnels.  Now those tunnels with water and oil do not totally fill the tunnels, so the space above also contains air or oxygen.  And Edgar Cayce was correct in being concerned.  As you know, Saddam Hussein set the oil fields in Kuwait on fire.  If he were to do the same thing in Iraq, that would trigger fires throughout the region and would cause a major eruption to Mt. Etna.  
Bombing certain areas of Iraq could also ignite fires in some of these underground oil reserves.  This is one of the reasons that joining in any form of activity of the peace movements is imperative at this time.  The mantram of this world should at this time be “No more wars.”  Are there more questions regarding this?
Wayne:  Yes, I am aware of the Edgar Cayce prediction done in the 1930s that relates to the Mediterranean and the sinking or rising of the island and wonder whether what is happening now in that area and the South Pacific is the signal that he was talking about:
"When there is the first breaking up of some conditions in the South Sea, and those as apparent in the sinking or rising of that that's almost opposite same, or in the Mediterranean, and the Aetna area, then we may know it (the major earth changes) has begun."
~~Edgar Cayce, Reading 311-8 (19), April 9, 1932
Greetings.  This is Edgar Cayce here.  You are now in what many call the end times and you have now entered into what some call the final cleansing, or the great battle of Amageddon.  And yes, what you see transpiring at this time is indeed what I saw in my vision.  Unless the peoples of the world rise up in unison as one humanity, the cataclysmic direness of the region will have far-reaching consequences.  I did not see the fullness of what Torquomando has described above with all of the various underground tunnels, but I was able to see Mt. Etna and also the sunken island and I was also able to see a triangulation of energy in the South Pacific.  But included in this triangle is also the volcano that you call now Popo.  On a map this would look like a very sharp-pointed shard and you have a story called “The Dark Crystal” where the “Children of Light” went looking for this missing shard in order to save the world.  By taking the shard and putting it back in place into the Mother Crystal, the world will stabilize and the darkness fall away.  Those energetic beings cloaked in darkness shook off their hooded cloaks and reunited with the light.
You have been given many fables that have to do with the end times and the reconnections and stabilization of the worlds, the worlds being the above and the below, or the many dimensions.  Another good film to watch would be the “Princess and the Goblin,” another story about the unification of the worlds.  If all of the global citizens unite with one voice, calling forth peace, these events which I foretold can yet be diverted.  But yet I say to you, sitting quietly in prayer, unsupported by action, will not solve the problem this time.  Your voice must be heard.  Lend your support to any world leader who speaks of peace yet be wary of one who comes in sheep’s clothing professing peace but who has a hidden agenda.  This is an individual who has no Internet web connection and has not yet stepped forth, but will during this coming year and many will have hopes but he wears a false front and he comes forth from the Mideast.
If Mr. Bush continues to push for war and actually has his way, the East coast of the United States would be in great danger.  Fast and swift would be retaliation, and retaliation comes from another who wears sheep’s clothing.
Atlantis sank in part because the people of light thought they could pray it all away.  They took no action.  When they realized their mistake, it was too late.  One of your forefathers at Jamestown, when one of the people complained, “We are doing all the work; this group over here is lazy, yet they eat,” the leader very quickly spoke up and said, you tell them “I say if they do not work, they do not eat.”  This is not the time for you to be sitting on your duffs.  This is the time to put your shoulders to the grind.  The hard work it took to establish your beloved homeland, it will take the same energy to preserve her and stabilize her.  

From a Reader :  Within the past couple of months I have had an "epiphany" moment of clarity in understanding NOW.  It has brought forth a beautiful and meaningful shift in my energies and my understanding of how things are working in these new energies.  Beginning on December 24th, I was caught unawares by a huge influx of Love energy.  These magnificent waves of LOVE washed over me, through me and from me in continuous and ever increasing intensity—beautiful beyond description.  As a result, the cells, the atoms, every part of my physical body has been vibrating incredibly.  This has continued.  This physical aspect of the experience is a little disconcerting, although ecstatically blissful.  I have never felt so vibrantly alive.  I am really not complaining as this is the most divine feeling I have ever experienced.  But I am wondering what this is and what it might potentially mean for me and others.  The air is thick with divine potential.  This did not appear as any result of meditation or conscious seeking of experience.  I view my every breath, thought and action as a meditation.
Greetings.  This is Lord Michael. (Wayne's note: the room immediately became very still, solemn and quiet during this transmission.)  Your life is a meditation.  What you have done is given the definition for the word, meditate.  And because you have achieved this level, your life force energy has become aflame from your very feet up and out through the crown chakra into your higher chakra grid system.  What you are feeling is the electrical prana of life.  We would suggest that you go to the Reading Room (acually Lady Kadjina 2002 archives of November 16, 2002) and find there the heart chakra meditation.  You may do this alone or in a group but for you we would suggest that you get really creative.  You have the ability to reach within your heart and take from there the chalice called the Holy Grail and offer it to the world at a moment’s notice, so finely tuned you have become.  This energy when offered in Love to someone in the hospital can assist dramatically in their speedy recovery.  This same energy can be quickly injected into a glass of water like an infusion of love and then offered to someone with pneumonia and they can recover quickly.
You are not alone in this experience.  For many beings who express love and who live anywhere near any of the many portals upon the planet, where the energy frequencies have now reached 13.8 Mhz, will find themselves having all manners of experiences.  These frequencies are capable of doing a physical auto-cleanse of the intestinal track and digestive system.  When this happens, it is not necessarily the flu.  Those of you who know yourselves to be lightworkers, use some of your homeopathics such as Rescue Remedy, chamomile, and any of your peppermints to ease your way through this cellular cleansing.  If you are not prone to illnesses, don’t automatically think in terms of being ill; think rather in terms of DNA cleansing and upgrading.  If this happens to you, pay attention to you water intake, your potassium, magnesium, and calcium.  Do not automatically take these things, but do the muscle test and ask your body if this is what your body needs.  
And so before I go, I congratulate this writer as well as all the rest of you who are clearing and cleansing and are becoming in your light bodies like unto the Holy Grail itself.  The painting that Wayne has of me has a sword of light in one hand and the Holy Grail in the other.  This is the grail of the divine substance of your creation.  It contains all that you have ever been or are or will be.  Honor all that you are and put forth all that you are.  For in so doing will the world become a planet of peace and the light-being for which she was created.  Just remember that you humans are made of her substances.  You become light together in oneness.  Amen.  So it is.  I am Michael.