"Hello, Central!" What Can A Teen Do To Help Earth In Its Fight Against Darkness?

FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer
DATE: June 19, 2005

Dear JJ:

Thank you for your letter. I honor you for your quest for Truth. Yes, NESARA, First Contact and The Second Coming all sound like a fairy tale. Yet, your God Spirit within knows all Truth and is telling you to believe this information.

You are waking to the real world, J, and you are way ahead of most teens today. NESARA is very real and will happen very soon. It is part of Creator God's Plan for our time, and Divine Intervention is pushing it into being.

Let us assume that NESARA happens, that is, it is publicly announced on mass media on June 19, 2005, then within two weeks or about July 1, 2005 we would have First Contact. Then some time after the 4th of July, probably in another two weeks, The Second Coming would happen. That is the plan. I know that just having NESARA announced would make you a true believer.

Link : http://fourwinds10.com/
       : http://fourwinds10.com/news/14-spiritual/K-hello-central/2005/14K-06-19-05-what-can-a-teen-do-to-help-earth-in-its-fight-against-darkness.html

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