Ari:   450 billion years ago, Mother/Father God came together in a Cosmic, orgasmic union of love and light and peace and joy, and how this came about is there was a sense of [them] wanting to share the Cosmic-Union with all of Creation.  And this Cosmic, orgasmic experience some people refer to as the Big Bang [Theory], but it is a little different as Mother/Father God came together. [In this union] they created trillions and trillions of sparks.  These sparks flowed alongside Mother/Father God for eons and eons of time.  This was before the recorded history of time, you might say, as there wasn’t anyone recording time.  It was all that there IS.  And they [the balls of light] flowed along side Mother/Father God--all these sparks [of consciousness] they grew in form.  Each one of these sparks was a Twin-Flame [Essence] that was joined with the other half of this twin flame, and they were complete and whole.  In a sense you could call them balls of light or plasma energy.  This is what Mother/Father God created.   And we [all the balls of light] helped to create the universes—the seven super universes along this line.

Commander:  These sparks were souls?

Ari:  Yes, the sparks were souls that were complete and whole [unto] each other that, you know---twin flames in one ball of light.  They flowed along side each other [and Mother/Father] for eons and eons of time as they grew in magnitude and wisdom, and as this was happening the universes were being formed--the stars, the suns, the planets, all of what we call the Seven Super Universes.  As this flowed along there were some souls, or balls of light, who grew in more magnitude than others. They experienced more wisdom and somehow this was transferred from one ball of light to each other from Mother/Father God through thought-transmission, [or thought transfer] which is like messages of light that travel at the speed of light.  Many of these souls grew so much in magnitude that they sort of became the leaders, you might say, and out of that there were these three or four that we could call Mother/Father God’s Daughters and Sons.  The first- born son and daughter was YHVH [and LILITH]. That is his [her] name in present time.  His old name was Jehovah, and his wife’s name [Twin Flame] was Lilith, and they had a son named Lucifer, and oh my, Luciafera, the Light-bringer. This cosmic story began in the anti-matter universe.

Commander:  O.K.  Can you explain what an anti-matter universe is?

Ari: An anti-matter universe is the opposite of matter universe, where it’s like looking at a photograph and then there’s the negative to the photograph.   The anti-matter universe is like the negative in the sense where everything is the same as it is in the matter universe, except it’s in 12th dimension.  It’s made out of light—[it is] non- physical..

Commander:  But it exists at the same time.

Ari:   All six Super Universes, except the seventh, are non-physical.  The seventh universe is [made out of] matter or the Universe of  Nebadon  [as it is called] is a matter Universe.

Commander:  Why only one physical universe?

Ari:  As we—because, interestingly enough, with the story…I’ll go back to the story---As we grew in magnitude as balls of light, we traveled along side Jehovah, Lilith and Lucifer, and the Ascended Masters and many of the Ship Commanders, and all that were out there.  Each one of these balls of light were complete and whole [male/female twin flame essences], and as we traveled along we experienced gaining more wisdom.  As we grew in wisdom and magnitude we began to take form where we were balls of light that actually looked like spheres.

Ava:  Now I’m [known] as Commandres Ava and he is Commander Ari [on the Ships] so together as twin flames, [we] are Beloved Ava and Ari.

Ari:  Yah.

Ava:  Avantari.  The point is here as that WE never needed to grow and expand in our terms of awareness of Godhead.  We were equal [unto] Father/Mother God when we were created.  We didn’t have to grow or anything. [We were created in their exact image].  We just chose to [grow].

Ari:  Yes.

Ava:  Father/Mother decided that they chose to share their ultimate perfection and create exactly WHO they were and reproduce more of themselves [which is us and the ALL THAT IS].

Commander:  So they did this out of the other six super universes---decided to make a seventh one that would be physical?

Ava:  Well, no.  All things that were created in terms of the Seven Super universes were created at the same big bang.

Ari:  Right.

Ava:  We were created [at the same time as] all that…the densification of matter came from us falling from grace, to be literal.  In other words, as the story progresses there were--in the beginning, there were different Beings that chose to be [play] different parts of the co-creative force.  They all came out together but the Creator’s sons [and daughters] were the Co-creators with Father/Mother God.  The Lanonandek sons and the Paradisecal sons and daughters chose different parts of the mission. [note: see the Urantia Book ]

Ari:  Yah.

Ava:   And as the story progresses, you’ll understand.  The actual Law of the Universe is not to cross [breed] different species and literally the Lanonandek sons [and daughters] and the Paradisecal sons were [from] different species.  They [these groups] had different units of purpose [different DNA], and so as the story began, the first-born son and daughter of God/Goddess were Yahweh [and Lilith].  You pronounce it ‘Yah-Vah’, and the daughter was Lilith.  Lilith and Yahweh were [originally] one [connected] ball of light.  As time progressed they [were] also Co-Creator Gods, with Father/Mother. [These] God[s] wanted to create out of themselves another Co-Creator God, and [so] that one [that] was their first born was [known as] Luciafera [and his twin flame female essence named Karula].

Ari:  Right.

Ava:  This divine Trinity of Light, as time went along and the story went on, they changed in their form because there was [this] one thought, and it came from Yahweh.  He said, “What if I’m not equal to my Father? What if I am not enough?  What if He [Mother/Father] created me less than Him [them]?” And it is a debate [to this day] about whether Yahweh ever [really] feared if this were true or not--but that he might have even decided to see what would happen if the others [all the other Balls of Light] were presented with this [same] thought, and [to] see, as St. Germain would say, “I won’t say God bless you, ever, I will just say on your journey here--- May You Pass Every Test!”  So, literally, this could have been a test from the very beginning and this whole thing could have been different, but it is WHAT IT IS.  It always was WHAT IS WAS, and the thought was put out there.

Ari:  When this thought occurred, when Yahweh had the thought that he was ‘Not-Enough with his father—{Lord] Alcyone’, that [choice] created the thought-form that brought ‘Matter’ into the picture here where we were brought into a crystallization [of] form—[became physical Beings].

Ava: Of the thought-form--

Ari:  Of that thought-form where we began to take on more density—physical form--we went from 12th dimension [all the way] down to 5th dimension. This is called THE FALL, or the Fortunate-Fall.

Ava: --And then ultimately [we fell] to [the] third [dimension].  And even at the beginning of creation, it was never in-their-wildest-dreams, their imagination  that we would choose to drop to this level!

Ari:    That’s right.

Ava:  They just went, “Holy cow!”

Ava:  It’s [3rd dimension is] as low as you can go. [Below this dimension life becomes crystallized mineral or compounded forms also called non-sentient beingness].

Commander:  How many dimensions are there?

Ava:  There are twelve dimensions to our reality as Lightbeings and then there are hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of dimensions [above us]. A physical sun is at least a 100th dimension[al] [level] and you can go higher as there are [infinite possibilities]--

Ari:    Like Alcyone.

Ava:  The great Central Sun [Lord Alcyone] which completely permeates the entire universe and supports the light of all the other suns.  There is no number.

Ari:  I would not know how to describe the dimension Alcyone is in because he is…

Ava:  “ALL THAT IS!”

Ari:  Right.  And he holds that position with Mother Sekhmet [his Twin Flame] [as] Mother/Father God.

Ava:   Even when we say 450 billion years ago, it’s just numbers.

Ari:  It’s like….

Ava:    How can you conceive 450 billion years ago?

Ari:   That why I said it began before the time of recorded time---

Ava:  It’s only a miniscule recent false history, really.  The teachings have come through but [the real truths] they have been hidden.  Even in the most recent of recorded history, and when I said recent, I mean all recorded history is recent to this story.

Ari:  Right.

Ava:  So Jehovah [Yahweh] had ‘that’ thought, and as soon as he had ‘that’ thought and he said that word--as soon as Yahweh had THAT thought he already [had] began to densify and that’s where we [all] shifted [at the same moment].  He made a choice now to play what we now call the Dark Side of the Force.  He said, “I’m going to gather a whole team of people that agree with me and I’m going to have a little war here against Father/Mother God.  And [the] starships and all of these things that are real in time were formed as he descended further and further into [density and] war and he presented the idea to others, and others either responded to fear or love.  And the Ascended Masters that we know about---

Ari:  And the space commanders--

Ava:  --That didn’t fall from grace [they] stayed at [the] 12th dimension.  They never went into further densification. So these Masters held that place [in hope] that we all, eventually, as we chose our experiences—and freewill choice came in here.  And as this dance began, it was called the ‘Great Experiment—the Great, Grand Experiment [in Polarity].  We all had choices.  We decided, as higher consciousness when, as 12th dimension Beings of Light, as the creation story began, that together we were addressed, “Do you want to do the grand dance?  Do you want to do this experiment?  Do you think you can literally descend into matter and even come as far as 3rd dimension and come [back] into light and remember WHO YOU ARE?”  We all said, “Piece of cake!  It’s a piece of cake!”  In other words, the agreement was that once we hit below 5th level, that once we started Earth cycles into third dimensions, we would forget everything that we ever knew about ourselves before that [the veil would be drawn across our memory].  We would be willing to do this experiment to come into light in the third dimension, and see as we had forgotten from birth, if we would REMEMBER [THE TRUTH OF WHO WE REALLY ARE] as we would grow up.

Commander:  But there are billions of planets out there.  This is not the only one.

Ava:  No, no, no, the human form does not exist just on this planet.  It exists in many star systems and there are untold numbers of human forms, third dimensional beings on other stars and planets.  

Ari:   Right.

Ava:  There are also other beings that are all kinds of shapes and sizes.  There are

Walrus People, Ladybug People, Lion People, Reptilian People, and Bird People.  I mean it is infinite!  There are Praying Mantis People on [the planet] Arcturas.  They are not all in third dimension.  They are in 5th dimension and higher, mostly.

Ari:  In the story where we are we began [with the creation of the Adam Kadmon, the physical humanoid form which was originally created] in the Aurora Sun System which is in the anti-matter universe, and in that anti-matter universe there were 23 different sun systems.  There were 23 different suns that had 12-14 planets around them.

Ava:  Each of them—[that is 23 solar systems with 12-14 planets each]--

Ari:   --yes each of them.  Nibiru was the 23rd sun [system] and Aurora was the 1st sun.  As this story progressed, Yahweh in his infinite wisdom and infinite insanity, in the sense of trying to decide that he was equal or better than his father Alcyone, began to destroy these 23 sun systems of Aurora! [He came in on his Starship and fired Photon torpedoes just like in the movie Star Wars]

Ava:  By this time he had gathered many.  He gathered his son, and the Luciafera was then [known as] Lucifer.  He threw his wife [Karula] out. [See the book EL-AN-RA by Solara]  So Lilith [his Mother] then became [known as] the ‘Whore of Babylon’.

Ari:  Right--

Ava:    She [Lilith] had her own armies and she was a fierce Warrior Goddess as well [as someone] with a mission, and so we have the [first] war between the sexes.  As a matter of fact, the first ‘nepotism’ [incest] began because Lillith beckoned her [own] first [born] son, Lucifer, and said, “Let’s have a relationship,” and literally Lucifer and Lillith became coupled with [each other]--her [son became her] own husband.  They [this coupling] created all kinds of demons.  That’s where we got [the] Baelzebub[s] and [the] Satan[s] and these are all [the] sons [and daughters] of the combination [the coupling] of Lucifer and Lilith together.

Ari:  Bear in mind….

Commander:  Satan is an Entity [a real being] and not [just] a collective consciousness of evil.

Ava:  He was an actual entity, and so was Baelzebub, and they were birthed [by this union].  They were sons of Lucifer and Lilith’s relationship.

Commander:  How do you spell that?

Ava:  Bielzebub?

Commander:  Yeah.

Ava:  B-i-e-l-z-a-b-u-b [should be spelled BAEL-ZE-BUB]

Commander:  O.K.

Ava:  And [not only] Satan you know--and there are many other demons.   This goes down to demigods [the lessor Gods], [as written in] the Upanishads and the Geeta, and the….

Commander:  You said they created these or are these [beings] the actual entities or people they collected, or agreed or chose to go on their side?

Ava:  I mean it started with the first choice [the thought-form of ‘Not Enough’] of how the J-man, and instead of how, instead of Yahweh, we’ve [now] got ‘JEHOVAH’ [a GOD title].  The first choice was to throw out his wife [Lilith].  He said, “I do not need the feminine to fight this war!” and he made himself the superior race—I mean the Superior Gender at that time.  You understand the Superior Gender?  If you were to put it that way:  Mother [Sekhmet] can create out of herself.  She does not need Father God to create Life, [SHE, the SHEKINA SPIRIT can bring LIFE out of herself without THE FATHER] but they made a choice to have a UNION for the sake of breathing LOVE into [all] life.

Ari:  That’s right.

Ava:  To share LOVE INTO LIFE.

Ari:  What I was going to say is when Jehovah or Yahweh had that first thought of “less than” or “I-am-not-equal-with-my Father-Alcyone”--what that created out of all [the] Seven Super Universes was that it brought [The Univserse of Nebadon], physical matter into reality. We dropped in density [called the GREAT FALL]. What happened was it began the game called POLARITY where there was something called positive and negative.  Before Jehovah or Yahweh had that thought we did not have polarity!

Ava:  No, we only had the Laws of [the] One.

Ari:  And once he had that thought we [all instantly] fell into density and matter.  Then polarity began, and he, in his infinite wisdom and insanity, created the matter universe where the UNIVERSE OF NEBADON came in.  In the sense of all of this, it was just a holodeck program in the sense that this was just a game.

Ava:   --[which was] called the Grand Experiment.

Ari:  Right.  [The question] is can you flow through the polarity game and come out the other side and retain your Divinity and Diversity and still be a 12th dimensional Being with Love and follow only the Laws of One, and not get caught in the laws of Free-Will-Choice [called KARMA]?

Ava:  Actually, we’ve been fighting this final battle of Armageddon, if you will.  ARMAGEDDON has been going on [all] during my life, you know, and if you want to talk about the financial thing-- it has been going on for 25 years— [for at least] the last 25 years!  It’s not about MONEY—it is really about coming back to the Laws of the One. [The re- establishment of the DIVINE PLAN on Earth-Shan once again which officially ends what has been called Luciferian Rebellion].

Ari:    Right.

Ava:  So that [the re-establishment of Universal Law] ends free-will choice!  And everyone goes, “Huh? We end freewill choice?”  It doesn’t mean that we end anything in a negative sense, it’s that up until now we’ve had the freewill choice to choose light [goodness LOVE and respect for all Life] or dark [suffering and fear].  As we come to the end of this suffering--because many have chosen out-of-fear to go with the dark side of the Force, it creates suffering.  Infinite Samsara, is the way they put it in the Hindu teachings.  And the Hindu teachings were even a part of this where they say that you must DIE and come again, and be-born again into…this [has been] misquoted what they [the teachings really] said [was]—‘unless you are born again of water and the Holy Spirit’-- What they were saying that unless you are born again back into the LAWS OF THE ONE and understand that that is where Joy and Light and Peace and Happiness exist…that you know God never created anybody LESS than Him [Her] self.  That was misqualified by more densified thinking.  Do you understand? Thus, we created choices of that which is AGAINST LIFE or [so called] DARKNESS, and as a result, created such things as DEATH.  Death was not [really] in the [original DNA] program—[LIFE IS ETERNAL]. When our lifeforms were created even in the third dimension they were created to live as full, healthy adults--18 to 30 [years], if you want to give it a figure, without any sickness and no death for [at least] 3,000 years [or more in physical form].

Ari:  When Mother Sekhmet lived on Planet Earth in a physical body in Egypt, she lived for 3,000 years in a physical body!

Ava:  But she wasn’t exactly like us.  She was in a lion body.  They call them [this form a] Paschat—P-a-s-c-h–a-t.  She has a lion head, she has a tail, she has paws, but she stood upright, and she had ‘Tits’! We have a picture we’re going to send you—holy cow!  (laughter) [Note: see the website for greater understanding].

Ari:  Yeah! O, my God, we have two pictures I’m going to send you.  We had them scanned into—I went to a print shop.  They are going to be ready on Monday and then I will e-mail them to you so you can put them on the website so people can actually see what--as Dove puts it, “The “Most Fierce-some Commander of the Forces” looks like!

Ava:  That one picture you have is--her eyes are really blood red--but Mother talks about wearing her red dress.  What they are trying to get the point across is that when it’s time, SHE comes at the beginning and the end of a Yuga, which is a 26,826/year cycle, and that’s where we are right now.  We are at the end of what is known as the Kali Yuga, and that is why she is so present right now.  This is the beginning of the Saatvic Yuga which is four times longer that other Yugas, which means we are going into 100,000 years of PEACE which they call in the SaatvicYuga, ONE day in the life of Brahma which is—[one turning of the Galactic Wheel—the Milky Way Galaxy—the Universe of Nebadon].

Ari:  I got to go use the other phone.

Ava:  This one phone is not working so good.  It has to be re-charged.  What are we going to do with this?  We are recording and we are going all over the board, and…what are you going to do with this?

Commander:  What I was hoping to do is that you would have some sort of outline and just chronologically go through it.  Whatever you wanted to….we are going off onto tangents here, but that is O.K.  

Ari:  Is that alright?

Commander:  Yes, that is O.K.

Ava:  So actually, when it gets on fourwinds10 it’s just going to be your writing, is that what you are saying?

Commander:  Do you want that on there or do you want the actual recording on there?

Ava:  We are kind of going all over the board, here is what I am saying.

Ari:   I would think that it would be really cool for the people to hear the story.

Ava:  I don’t mind fireside chats, and if that’s what you want.  We have a friend here, too, and she’s D’yanna, and she’s very wise and she’s worked with this kind of information for a number of years with us, and [with] Mother Sekhmet helping people to understand this story.  I’m saying we could have fireside chats and I think that is a great idea, but we can go on with what we are doing right now and you just tell me what you want.  Here’s D’yanna—wants to say hi.

LMMS:  Hi, [Commander]

Commander:   Hi

LMMS:  Here we all are the cosmic ­­trio!  (laughter)

Commander:  What?

LMMS:  The Cosmic TRIO!

Ava:  Just remembering our lives, ourselves…even reincarnation was not what was intended, you understand, but we ended up choosing this kind of suffering, and we caused this beautiful form to go into an appearance of death and decay.  You know that DEATH is the great lie--that is THE GREAT LIE, and I know people in physical form right here today that are over 600 years old.  I know them personally.  And they know how to go into a state of stasis where they can call in the cosmic energy right through meditation…you know we have right on the inside of our spinal cord we have a universal bio-transfuser for Universal Energy.  It’s actually a cord [Chord of Light].

Ari: Right.

Ava:  It’s very real and the upper palate of your tongue-- [if] you stick the tip of your tongue in the center, upper middle palate of your mouth you’re like a socket [YOU LIGHT UP]. You are [then] plugged into the universal flow!  And you learn how to go into a stasis state where you can go into a place where you are not even breathing and re-charge yourself by bringing in the Universe of Light.

LMMS:  And by the way, Commander, the other way to re-charge oneself IS to merge with your Twin-Flame [your twin essence].  They [you would] have an ecstatic experience and that’s what the Creator did when you merged the male and female together because they [the Creator] knew that when the two [matching soul essences] would plug in again and find each other, they [the twin flames] would have the opportunity to re-charge themselves clear back to the 12th dimension!

Ava:  Exactly.

LMMS:  So there is a sacredness that is far beyond what we have been taught on this planet.  We have been taught to use it [Sex] it a way much less than [what] it actually is [meant for].  So I am just telling you that the Creator has some [beautiful] secrets to share with humanity that have not yet really been taught [hidden from the average person].

Ava:  Well, it’s been taught [before] more in the eastern [ancient writings], like [the] TANTRA METHOD [The Tao]--

Ari:   The Kama Sutra is another story of that…

Ava:  Each and every one of them [the ancient writings] teach you about bringing back Universal Light Force through the power of merging, and it’s called “Soma”--S-o-m-a.  In the Eastern Hindu tradition you bring the actual physical substance, for instance, in the male it is called the sperm.  You actually bring the fluid of your sexual union up your spinal chord and out the top of your crown.

Ari:  So literally you come from the top of your head and front instead of the taillight [the Root Chakra]

Ava: It is an amazing process, and---

LMMS:  Those are amazing teachings that have been lost, really, to humanity.  They were taught many [thousands of years ago].  You had to go to the Mystery Schools to learn those things.  In our next coming evolution as we step into the Light and BE ALL THAT WE CAN BE, and these things can [will] begin to be taught to children in a school.  They can be taught that they [the children] have Chakras, that they have 144 centers of light in the body and [that] they can be activated.  The wisdom that goes with them, the teaching that goes with those 144 centers of light—it is really awesome---

Ari:  They have been trying to hold this [Truth] back from the people and [to] keep them enslaved and dumbed-down like ‘sheeple’ [Sheep-People] so that they [The Dark Lords] can control them!

Ava:   Not only do they do that, for instance, an example, they [have] cut out 45 books of the Bible, [they are missing] which teach us this stuff in the Western traditional Biblical teachings.  They cut that all out.

Ari:   Gregg Braden speaks of this.

Ava:  Yes.  You know who he is, right?

Commander:   Yes.

(There was a change in phones so the Commander could record the conversation better. Also, Lord Ari thought it would be good to have the actual recording on the web…the conversation continues on this thought.)

Ari: I think it would be really cool for people to hear the story as well as being able to read it.  Because in a sense as they hear it they can actually experience it because there is a certain frequency that when you hear stories and you hear sounds it comes across differently than when you read it.

Ava:   The other thing is that why we are calling these “Ari’s Galactic Tales” is because he [Ari] has full memory--Galactic memory of REAL experiences that go back into the history.  He was in the Orion War.  He was on the Ship of 144,000, which was Jehovah’s [Yahweh’s] ship.  The reason that Jehovah destroyed the Aurora Sun System is because he needed a runway to get into the Universe of Nebedon.  He was in anti-matter and he wanted to get into matter, and control matter. [He literally blasted a hole in the space/time/continuum, which actually caused the birth of the Matter Universe].

Ari:   That’s right.

Ava:   And originally when he was [still] Yahweh, he was [also] given the Title of Planetary Prince of this planet, and the whole experiment [The Nebadon Universe] before he ‘Fell’ [he then became] known as JEHOVAH, [the Lessor God] and decided this idea of being “less than,” you know--  

Ari:   He shared that role of Planetary Prince with Luciafera [his Son].  At this point in time [Lord] Sananda, who we know [him] on this planet as Jesus--the Christ,  [known as] Sananda Kumara [since THE FALL now] holds the position of Planetary Prince with Lord Michael.

Ava:   Because both of them, that he mentioned Yahweh and Luciafera [both] fell.  They became [known] then as Jehovah & Lucifer.  Lucifer was cast-out along with Jehovah by Father/Mother God, [and Lord Michael] and they were relegated to a different sector of the Universe.  And Jehovah went about going [then] to the Orion Constellation and [continued] playing [his] war games there.  Lucifer went [then] to Maldeck, a planet which IS no longer, because that experiment with the Fallen Angels [those that followed Lucifer] then went to Maldeck with Lucifer [and] created a situation there where they came into a time just like we are [now].  They were in a parallel universe and they were a little ahead of us, and they had nuclear weapons.

Ari: Maldeck is now the planet that is [blown-up in pieces of rock] the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter.  It got destroyed in a nuclear WAR…

Commander:  (question not heard)

Ava:   Sorry?

Commander:  Hello?

Ari:  Hello?

Commander:   It got destroyed in a nuclear war?

Ari:    Yeah.  Maldeck-- there was a bit of--actually what happened on Maldeck was—there were two cities called Valdure and Vara--and I would say they were about 10,000 years in advance of our present cultures and technologies.  They had the technology of nuclear energy, but they also had something else.  They were using hydrogen and something to do with calcium.  I have a book by Richard Miller called Star Wars, and I will find this out and get back to you:  But there was something in the combination of what they used to create [their weapons with]. They had nuclear missiles sitting in nuclear missile silos like they [we] have here, and I remember the alchemical symbols: there was ‘Hlc’ or something like that.  But they used hydrogen and some kind of calcium with the nuclear energy—the plutonium or the uranium.  What they created was like nuclear weapons, and at the time when Maldeck went super nova this was about at the [time of the] end of the Orion War .The two cities of Valdure and Vara had their nuclear missiles sitting in their silos, and there were earthquakes and tremors on the planet, Maldeck ….

Ava:   Just like now.

Ari:   Just like now.  And what happened was that there was seismic activity that occurred in one of the cities, and one of the nuclear missiles in one of the silos started swaying back and forth inside the silo.  It was thrown off its center in the silo and, the other city’s computers got triggered.  That other city misunderstood the seismic activity for a nuclear strike so they launched their missiles and the opposite city saw their missiles were coming so they launched their missiles, and the result was a super nova.  The planet went super nova three days afterward.  It broke the infrastructure of the planet.  Also, what resulted is that when Maldeck exploded--it happened to be the exact same time [on Earth] when the Dark Lords on Atlantis were experimenting with the great crystal [of Atlantis]. They were taking the great crystal and [they] were pointing it into the earth.  They actually took a laser beam and focused the crystal energy of that laser beam into the earth, and they thought they could subdue the people of China.  They sent a beam into the center of the Earth.  In the center of our Earth there is a sun called THE TERRA which is the magma and….

Ava:   It’s the sun of the hollow Earth—the inner Earth.

Ari:  Right.  It is the reflection of the Great Central Sun and it is like a cobalt blue ball of light.  There are many stories about the inner Earth people.  When that beam came in it somehow exploded [caused a huge reaction with] the sun called The Terra, [and it] shot a beam [of light] back out of the center of the Earth into our atmosphere.  It caused Atlantis to go cataclysmic, and 24 hours later Atlantis sank! [It broke the infrastructure of the Earth’s grid system].  Meanwhile, out in space Maldeck had been destroyed.  As Maldeck got destroyed it affected the gravitational fields of Mars [and many other planets].  When all of the nuclear energy and the cosmic wave of the destruction from Maldeck went throughout our solar system, all the water on Mars was shot out into space [and] came to Earth.  This is interpreted [in our writings] as the flood of Noah.  Noah was an Atlantean sea captain that knew the imminent changes that were about to happen, and the Ark was not a [regular] ship—it was an amphibious Starship!  And there is this story that God said to Noah, “How long can you tread water?” but what really happened was that Noah got all the Cosmic people together that he could talk into getting on his amphibious Starship, and get in before it all sank.  So they went into the starship called The Ark, and then they went to the Inner Earth [the Agartha Network]. They spent time there until the Earth settled down after the nuclear explosion of The Terra, the sun at the center of the Earth.  There was a lot of radiation that got shot out into the atmosphere.  

After that destruction there were many of [the] Atlanteans that were refugees.  They came to Egypt and they began the civilization of Egypt.

Ava:   They went to other places, too.  That’s why if you go down to Mexico in the Mayan ruins you can see Stars of David as if they were coming from the Middle East.  You can see faces that look like they are from India.  All of these were ancient Atlanteans and they repopulated the Earth in other places, and they did that by spaceship.

Ari:   Shuttle craft. Also, at this time when this was going on in the Atlantic Ocean, in the Pacific Ocean there was an island called Lemuria.  Ten thousand to twenty thousand years earlier [than Atlantis], Lemuria [The Land of Mu] had its own cataclysmic events---

Ava:   --earlier than Atlantis.

Commander: So Lemuria and Atlantis did not co-exist?

Ava:   Well, they did, but Lemuria was the first seed of [the] landing party missions [from other worlds] if you will, on Earth, and so they spread from there into the Atlantean culture where we come from this lifestream.  Just out of Santa Fe, there’s a little place called La Cienega, which is only 20 minutes away, and this is where the fossils start to show up.  They go all the way to the western end of Mexico in the fossils.  They can find it [these fossil] all the way up the whole side of the continent….

Ari:   They go all the way to down to Teotihuacan in Mexico.

Ava:   So that was like a channel there where on one side of the channel it was Lemuria, and on the other side of the channel it was Atlantis.  Atlantis went on all the way into the Atlantic Ocean.

Commander:   So is it true that Easter Island and some of the Philippine Islands and the Hawaiian Islands are what is left of Lemuria?

Ava:  All Lemuria.

Ari:  Yeah.

Ava:  The land of Mu, all the way down to New Zealand….

Ari:  Australia…

Ava:   Australia and Hawaii…and actually the Galapagos Islands, all the little coastal islands along South America.

Commander:  Those are all the mountain peaks of Lemuria?

Ari:     Yes.

Ava:  Yes, and there are going to be many, many more ‘surfacings’ [rising lands] of ancient Lemuria coming back.  They are already watching from the south tip of Hawaii, and there is an island that has been forming, because every time the Kilowea volcano goes off, under the sea there’s another one that’s spouting and it’s bringing the lava into enough formation to surface now.  In England---they have been watching Atlantis coming back [the water is rising again].  The water from Mars covered almost all of Lemuria.  It’s kind of not like they [all the middle continents] sank, it’s like they were [all] covered.  We have more water [on this planet] than most planets in the universe to start with, and when Maldeck went super nova we just got a dose-and-a-half and it covered many things.

Commander:  So it is a lie about that there is [being] weightlessness in space—that’s all fake, right?

Ava:  I’m sorry, what’s that?

Commander:  Weightlessness in space is not true?  Because if the water came from, according to what we are told, if the water came from space it would instantly evaporate or something.

Ari:  Well, I would say that there is some reality to that, but it’s not in the sense that in reality---what is reality, but when they went to the moon and they were showing the astronauts bouncing around on the moon, the moon actually does have a gravitational field..  It’s about 1/5 the gravity of the Earth.  Actually, the moon is an artificial satellite.  It is a hollow ball.  When Neil Armstrong landed on the moon on July 20, 1969, when the spacecraft landed, it reverberated for an entire hour, and you could hear the reverberation, the astronauts said.  It was part of the information that NASA never told the people.

Ava:  But let’s go back to the physics of water, when water was thrown out to space.

LMMS:  (talking garbled)

Ava:  When the water [was] emitted from Mars it knocked our original moon out….

Ari:  We had two moons.

Ava:  Phobos and what?

Ari:  Phobos and Demos.

Commander:  Those are now [the] moons of Mars.

Ari:  Now moons of Mars, yes.

LMMS:  They got stuck in [Mars] orbit.

Ari:  They got stuck in orbit of Mars and we ended up--

Ava:  --And we ended up with [all] the water from Mars.

Commander:   How did our moon [Luna] get here?

Ava:  The command put the artificial moon in [to the orbit of earth].

Ari:  Yeah.  The Ashtar Command came and brought an artificial moon in, and that’s why we have Luna, the moon.  If we didn’t have a moon we wouldn’t have tides on our planet.  [Luna is not a living body, as in a soul body as it is artificial i.e. the ‘Paper Moon’].

Ava:  It [the tides] would be placid water.  The water would just go right up [onto the land].  It wouldn’t go back out.  The water would just keep filling in the land and we wouldn’t have any surface [at all].

Ari:  Right.

Ava: --Earth surface, I mean terra firma surface.

Ari:   So we need to have two moons in this planetary system of Earth…

Ava:  To have a balance, but we will be brought [very soon] one [of these moons].  I understand there will be one brought [back].  [The whole Sol Solar System will be made whole once again].

Ari:  Right.

LMMS:  The Earth was [originally] two-thirds water, but it’s now three-fourths water.

Ari:  The Earth was originally two-thirds water, but now it’s three-fourths water.

Ava: --from that incident, alone.

Ari:  Yeah.  Oh, my! (laughter)  We are going all over the universe, here!

Ava:  O.K.  It’s cool.

Commander:  Back up several million years here…(laughter)

Ari:   Yes?

Commander:  And try to continue from where Nibiru came from.  You said that it was the 23rd planet in the system----in the anti-universe.  Right?

Ava:   -- In the anti-matter universe.

Commander:  The anti-matter universe.

Ari:  Yes.

Commander:  Well, continue on from there how our solar system became [into being].

Ava:  O.K.

Commander:  And the like, [how it was] populated, and whatever.

Ari:  O.K.

Ava:   I just wanted to say that in order for Jehovah to enter the matter universe of Nebedon, he needed to create…

Ari:  A runway.

Ava:   A runway from anti-matter to matter, so in order to do that he figured if he removed the whole Aurora Sun System he would get the runway [he wanted], and he did.

Ari:  Yes.

Ava:  And so Nibiru was the last, like Ari said, the last of those 23 sun systems to be destroyed.  That was Mother Sekhmet’s [own home] planet.  On that planet there were Bird people, Reptilian people and Paschat people which are [the] cat people or Lion people.  There’s a book by Murry Hope called The Lion People which is a good reference for Paschat life [or] Lion people.

Commander:  Murry who?

Ava:  Murry Hope.  M-u-r-r-y Hope. H-o-p-e.  Is it out of print?

Ari:  It might be out of print, but we are not sure.  But there’s another book by Robert Masters, called The Goddess, Sekhmet on the web and also in print.  He is a very awesome Being.  He goes into the esoteric wisdom of Mother Sekhmet and---

Ava:  Let’s go back to the story.

Ari:  Yeah.  In this--

Ava:  So he got his runway and the first of the constellations of the Universe of Nebadon that he went to was [the constellation] Lyra.  

Ari:  Yeah.

Ava:  Lyra.   L – y – r – a.  

Ari:  But back in the anti-matter universe, what happened was, as he went along destroying the 23 sun systems of Aurora, he finally came to Nibiru and we [all] had to evacuate.  I remember this like it was yesterday.  We all had to get onboard these ships and go from the anti-matter universe into the matter universe [or join Jehovah or we would die].

Ava:  It became a big problem because we were sitting with Jehovah as the Admiral instead of Sananda Kumara on the ship of 144,000.  Some of us got trapped because we were afraid, and some of us lost our life forms.  It was a very, very, very ugly mess!

It created [horrendous] soul imprints so that many, many lifetimes it has taken to reverse the trauma, and each soul has a different piece of that trauma.  That is why [the] healing [of] one soul’s trauma will help every single soul to come back to LOVE because that energy goes out and everybody can choose to feel that energy and heal from it [as well].

Commander:  So Sananda—Esu Immanuel ‘Jesus’ and Sananda Kumara are the same entity.

Ari:  Same being, YES!

Ava:  Actually, there are two particular in the Halls of Amenti—the records there show when you talk about Yeshua, there were two-Yeshuas.  The first was Yeshua –Y e-s-h-u-a.

Yeshua Melchizedek Twelve, or Yeshua Ben Joseph Melchizedek Twelve, which means that was [the full template of] Sananda Kumara.

Ari:  Yes.

Ava:   The head of the Universe of Nebedon.

Ari:  He is the Admiral in charge and he sits on The New Jerusalem with Lord Ashtar and he never fell from grace.

Ava:  No—[that’s correct]. And then the other one was Yeshua Nine which means that this Being, in the times of Jesus was the one that was really [going around and] giving a lot of the talks and bringing people around him, and at a certain point he was so talkative that he was endangering Melchizedek Yeshua Twelve, and literally Yeshua Twelve went [had to go] traveling.  They talk about him in India, and they talk about him coming to all points in the United States—the [Great] PAHANA returned [he is called]. He went to the southwest here and they called him the Great White Prophet, and then he went to South America.  I mean he traveled [all over the world] and brought his teachings while Yeshua Nine was whisked away because they would have killed him at that point.  He was the one that married Mary Magdalena [and had five children] and they went to France, and they represent the whole royal lineage of France from that point on [to create the]--

Ari:  The Merovingian  Kings—the Knights Templar.

Ava:  And Lady Di [Diana] was a ‘Stewart’ [which] is of the House of the Merovingian Kings.  She is of the House of Yeshua.  And that is another part of why they didn’t like [her]-- they wanted her to marry Prince Charles and bring forth the bloodline [to put the DNA back] of those children.  As soon as she was finished having those two babies they threw her out with the bath water.  They wanted her out of their faces!

Ari:  That’s right.

Ava:  They didn’t want the truth to come forward about what she was representing—in terms of bringing the whole house of Sananda Kumara’s [bloodline] reality back to the people!  So back [now to] millions of years ago--

Commander:   So a couple more questions before you continue on this.  Where does Commander Hatonn fit in all of this?

Ari:   Commander Hatonn….

Commander:  Yes.

Ari:  Oh, Commander Hatonn is one of the Galactic Commanders of the Ashtar Command.  Where he comes from is—there in the Constellation, Lyra, there is a star called Vega.  In that Constellation, Lyra [is] traveling around the star Vega, [and] is [in] a sector of space called the Vela Sector.  There is a planet [there] called Trantor. And Trantor is the home base for the Ashtar Command.  Commander Hatonn is originally from the planet, Trantor and he is also one of the folks that came here with Khu-Fu, who is also known as—THOTH.

Ava:  He built the other Cheops pyramids.

Ari:  Yeah, Pyramid of Cheops. [The Giza Pyramid]

Ava:  What was the name of the Pharaoh, there?  KhuFu?

Ari:  Yeah, Khu-Fu.  But also at that time there was another Commander named Kla-La.  Kla-La comes from the planet Aldeberon, [the Eye of Taurus] and in the story here after the destruction of Atlantis we needed some pyramids to stabilize the axio-excursion of our planet. [Commander Kla-la is the actual Designer and Engineer of the Giza Pyramid which were actually formed on the Planet Aldeberon and then placed on Earth through ship technology.  Khu-fu [THOTH] was the pharaoh at the time so his name went onto the pyramids].

Ava:  As we [the earth] were wobbling in space by then [as a result of the sinking of Atlantis].  We had really created a mess!

Commander:  So the pyramids performed what function?

Ari:  They are stabilization generators--

Ava:  Under the pyramids,-- even in South America, all over China, all over Egypt--I mean there are pyramids on every continent--

Ari:  They have…

Ava:  Sub-Etheric generators [underneath them]--

Ari:  Right.  Underneath the pyramid there is a sub-etheric generator that runs at a 5th dimensional frequency.  Have you ever heard of this phenomenon called the Taos Hum?  

Commander:  No.

Ari:  O.K. [The Taos Hum is actually the sound of the sub-etheric generator that is now running under Taos Mountain which is actually an Ashtar Command base which was activated recently and put into action.  People began hearing ‘the hum’ a few years ago when that activation took place.  It [the hum] holds a 5th dimensional frequency and to folks who were not accustomed to feeling this energy it was somewhat disturbing to them because their own frequency was not high enough and it caused them to speed up faster than their biology could manage.  To some folks it was a very healing experience and to others who could not align with this frequency, it was too painful, and they had to move to other locations].

Ava:  What they did--Commander Hatonn, and Commander Kla-La were working together on this mission to help stabilize the axio-excursion of the planet at a point in time, so they have a relationship with Ashtar Command.  The Ashtar Command actually has a base between the King and Queen’s chamber [under] the Great Pyramid of Giza.  The ship and the commanders that are [stationed there are] responsible to keep that axio-excursion [of the earth] in place.  They [Lord Hatonn and the Ashtar Command] go around the planet on a very regular basis and they hold their ships over these pyramids that hold these generators and they send a beam underneath the pyramids into the sub-etheric generator to keep maintaining our axio-excursion.  We can’t go past 23.4 degrees off our actual excursion because if we do without some other [help from a huge] tractor beam or some other ship holding [it in place] to move ourselves [back to] safety, we would go into oblivion, because that’s the last point of alignment with our systems Sirius A and Sirius B.  Actually, many astronomers as well as astrologers understand that we are a triple star system…We are not just a solar system by ourselves but [with] that [of] Sirius A and Sirius B and the sun, SOL.  There are three suns in one solar system.

Ari: [We are a] Trinary Star System. [Three sun system]

Ava:  Yeah.  If we go past [that] 23.4 degrees we [the Earth and all her creatures] would go into oblivion.  We would go super nova, and so what has happened now is [that] Alcyone, the Great Central Sun, which is located 400 light years away from Earth in the Pleiades has sent out a whole belt of light--

Ari: --Called the Photon Belt.

Ava: It’s called the Photon Belt, and it has taken, I don’t know how many light years, to arrive in our space here.   The Pleiades is close to the center of our galaxy and Earth is on the very outer periphery of [that] galaxy.

Ari:  The western spiral arm of the Milky Way Galaxy.

Ava:  And so it has arrived, and as a matter of fact, on December 22, 2000 on the Winter Solstice, it [the Photon Belt] completely surrounded the [our] planet.  In other words we [the whole solar system are] kind of got locked into the tractor beam and we have changed directions.  We are in the process now of moving away from the outer periphery of the western spiral arm of the Milky Way Galaxy.  We’re like on a tractor beam of the Photon Belt and heading towards the Pleiades, of which, by the time we will reach [the year] 2012, [we] are expected to be in a completely different sector and adjacent to the Pleiades.  And we will have at least three suns as we traverse into that [sector of space] as we are making the transition.  By the time we get there, there will be nine suns in our atmosphere!

Ari:  That’s right.

Commander:  Wow! (laughter)  And I know all about this.  This is putting the pieces of the puzzle together for me because I have known about the Photon Belt for a long time, and I have known about Commander Hatonn for a long time and all of his writings through the Phoenix Journalsand The Contact Newspaper in the 90’s.

Ari:  Oh, yeah!

Commander;  --and all those are on our sister site,

Ari:  Right.

Commander:  That’s another site I run…that we run here, so this is kind of putting in perspective here.

Ava:  And the Photon Belt is our Ascension/Salvation if you will, because every dust particle of life is [will be] a hundred times in magnitude the light that we are receiving now than our sun   Sol. Sol was [became] mutated long, long ago, even pre-the Orion War-- 65 million years ago when the Reptilians played havoc--

Ari:  And the Alpha-Draconians came in.  Back to the story of Nibiru--

Commander:  Yeah, back to the story of Nibiru where they created the runway and had to evacuate Nibiru now, and continue on from there.

Ari:  Yeah.  They evacuated Nibiru in so many different ships and if you remember, many people died on Nibiru.  They did not want to leave.

LMMS: [garbled—unintelligible]

Ari:  They could not believe how could Mother/Father God allow their planet to be destroyed!

Ava:  “How could this happen?  Is there a God at all?”

Ari:  Right.  And they [have] carried that anger and that judgment toward God/Goddess to this [very] day.  And that is why all those things have been recorded to this day on Earth in our cellular/molecular structure [known as the FEAR OF GOD].

Ava:  As we came into form here, we volunteered [for this mission]--

Commander:  Nibiru came from the anti-matter universe, now how does that relate to our solar system here that we have with Venus, Mars, Uranus, Saturn, [and] Neptune.  Can you explain that correlation there?

Ava:  O.K.

Ari:  Before we go there I should say that when Nibiru was evacuated there were Lion people, Bird people [the Bird Tribes—the native peoples] and Reptilian people [and the Chrystal people].  When the reptilian people evacuated Nibiru they escaped and came into our matter universe and the first place they landed was the Alpha Draconian Star System, and they began to colonize that system and they began to rewrite their history from that point on, and say they originated from the Draconian Star System [which is not true].

Ava:  They didn’t want to take responsibility for what they did back there. [They wanted to erase the memory of how they had aligned with Jehovah].

Ari:  Right--[regarding] Nibiru.  They said that they will not remember why we came here--

Ava:  “Well, we won’t [we refuse to] admit it.”

Ari:  The Bird People, interestingly enough, came in and centered themselves into many different star systems in the Milky Way Galaxy, but many of the Bird People [the Bird Tribes] came to Lemuria and Easter Island is one of the places where the Bird People----the native Americans here that [are] in this country still—[are the Bird Tribes].

Ava:  Because of their  [love of] feathers, they are part of the Bird Tribes.

Ari:  Yes.  And there are still Bird People that are [the] Galactic Commanders.  They have bird heads and human bodies.  I have seen them, and it’s kind of interesting.  Hathor---the Hathors of Egyptian [legend] are Bird People, and also, some of them are seen as Cow People.  They have cow ears with different human features!

Ava:  There’s a good book that Solara wrote, called EL-AN-RA that was a very good true-to-form history [of that time].

Ari:  Yeah.

Ava:  I want to say that you know the starship Jehovah was on was called The Ship of the 144,000, and he took that ship into [first to] Lyra.

Ari:  Right.

Ava:  And Ari is saying that some of these other ships and some of these different life forms that were on Nibiru didn’t go to Lyra, but they went to different parts of this galaxy and they started their lives over again.  But nonetheless, Jehovah’s main goal was to control all of these life forms in this universe of Nebedon, so he didn’t stop at Lyra.

Ari:  No.

Ava:  There was a lot of dissention in Lyra, and Lisa Royale and her entities [that she channels], [especially] the Germain entity, does tell a lot of very good and true stories about what happened in Lyra, but if we wanted to make a long story short, there were Lyrians who were extremely upset and did not want to do this [to follow Jehovah].  They left and went to the Pleiades.  They just left on their ships and they went to the Pleiades.  There are some Lyrians who followed and wanted to help save this destructive path and bring some sensibility back so that they actually volunteered to create and they worked to create, co-create the human life form.  All [of] this story up until now…we weren’t even talking about 3rd dimension yet.  Lemuria wasn’t in third dimension…

Ari:  No.

Ava:  --when we [the humans] first came here [to Earth].  We were fifth dimensional [beings].  So the human 3rd dimensional body was actually a co-creation between Father/Mother God and the Lyrians.

Ari:  There was an island BEFORE Lemuria called Pangaea.  And actually we, when we were still in 5th dimension and landing parties were coming to Earth, they came to Pan [first]-- the land of Pangaea.  And interestingly enough, the letters P-a-n = Positive and Negative--.and that [was our first taste of]--

Ava:  Polarity

Ari:  And there was a little drama that occurred on Pan where….

Ava:  But before we get to Earth….

Ari:  Yes….

Ava:  So Jehovah found a good affinity with--Ari mentioned earlier that in Lyra there was a specific star called Vega, and you know that Earth follows that star in astronomy. [It is one of our Pole Stars along with Polaris].  I learned that in 8th grade.  The Vegans were red-haired fierce warriors, and they felt that this was a good thing [to be aligned with Jehovah]--yes, [they were] dark skinned, bronzed skin---and they felt that this was a good thing to do to join the folks of Jehovah! [He had already gained legend as a fierce warrior].  Originally there were seven races on—seven colors on Earth, but that’s another story---

So they went from Lyra to Vega, and they built their forces, and then they went from Vega to Sirius, and a lot of Sirians became interested in warring [with Jehovah], and that’s where we got the story about dark Syrians.  There was a movie, which wasn’t true in the beginning—[of the movie]--

Ari:  “Fire in the Sky.”

Ava:  “Fire in the Sky.”  But when he went up there that wasn’t what really happened.  He had a good experience.  

Ari:  Travis Walton.  Remember that story?

Ava:  He was forced by the government to tell a lie, and they gave him money for it and said they would kill him if he didn’t take the money and tell a lie.

Ari:  Yeah.

Ava:  But they depict these dark Sirians in that particular movie, but then their forces [were] built, and [they] went actually back up into the Orion Constellation and joined with the Alpha-Draconians and there was a HUGE ugly war that never got resolved. For the sake of your minds to [understand the enormity of this situation], just conceive [of] having an on-going five-thousand-year war that never ended and never got resolved! Those who were of that fierce negative emotion to continue having [this] war, they decided to seed themselves in [reincarnate into] the high middle period of Atlantis into the high royal families of the Atlantean royalty.  And that was the peak [of the Atlantean history]--the high middle period of Atlantis-- there were three periods, [the middle] was the peak of [the] Atlantean life, which we [now] refer to as the Golden Age.  That’s when Atlantis began to split apart, the children [of Light] seeded themselves [into many different cultures to guarantee their survival] and this is where the plot to use the Great Crystal to control other parts of the world [was] conceived [of by the Dark Draconians].  [Since their goal] itself [was] to use the technology of Light of that Golden Age for purposes of [Dark]--the same [type of] control and manipulation just like [they are] doing now.

LMMS:  garbled.

Ava:  Did you hear that? LMMS knows a lot of little details [because she was there] but she said they used the Great Crystal of Atlantis as a death tool, and to see if it [first] worked and they exploded the Island of Crete. [This caused so much destruction all along the coast of the Mediterranean that the City of Alexandria, the capital of Egypt sank into the sea as well as many other islands].  They wanted to control all parts of the world, so before they tried to control China they started in other places first.

Ari:  It’s like the death star in Star Wars.

Ava:  And another tidbit is when they--they didn’t expect that that laser that they used [would do what it did] -- the Atlantean Crystal—they sent that laser from the Crystal in Atlantis which is now off [shore] of [Florida] where the Bermuda Triangle is.  They didn’t expect it to reverberate back on themselves.  They thought it would end up on China on the other side.  But it didn’t—the Sun, [The] Terra sent it right back on themselves and it split the Crystal into three major fissures.  That’s why when planes go over that Bermuda Triangular area, wherever those fissures are—you call them fissures?

Ari:  Fractures.

Ava:  Fractures.

Ari:  The Crystal fractured into three pieces.

Ava:  And they [who get caught in a certain area during certain conditions like a full moon] go to different dimensions and they disappear.

Ari:  And the Crystal—the three great pieces of the Crystal are lying on the Atlantic Ocean floor right now, and what is needed—the Crystal needs to be fused together again so that it could be—[used only for Love and healing again]—[but that will be] only after all of this drama is completed.

Commander:  How large are these pieces?

Ari:  Some of these pieces are like---some as big as the Empire State Building.  This Crystal was huge—

Ava:  Actually, all of the sandy beaches of Sarasota are--

Ari:  Florida.

Ava: …the Fort Meyers area, Naples, all in there [the beach] is like 100% [quartz] crystal.  It [the beaches are all] apart of the Atlantean Crystal that’s been pulverized and still is in there.  It’s a huge vortex in there.

Ari:  To get a comparison I would say the Great Crystal is as large as the World Trade Center.  I would say it is that big.

Commander:  One of the towers?

Ari:  One of the towers.  It was at least that big, yes.  That Crystal was the entire power source for all of Atlantis, and they never needed any other energy sources.

Ava:  Infinite free energy.

Ari:  It was used to HEAL and it was used to create infinite numbers of magical creations.  I worked in the Temple of the Whales and Dolphins [in that life time].

Ava: &nb