지난번 sekhmet과의 대화때처럼 중간에 "our friend sheldan"이라는 표현이 나오네요.

(The following is a transcribed telephone conference held on Sunday, November 3, 2002)

Those speaking are:
Lord Alcyone: Our Father In Heaven
Ava: Lady Master Avantari
LMMS: Lady Master Morning Star
Commander: Four Winds Webmaster


AVA:  Greetings Commander!



AVA:  We ask at this time that the Arch-Angelic Realms lead by METATRON and flanked by ARCHANGEL MICHAEL come forth and fill this space that we are all residing in together, and from there fill the heart of the Mother Earth, and fill every soul and every living thing!

LMMS:  With the true WILL OF GOD!

AVA:  So BE it! And that Prosperity, Blessings and Love be eternally present in the NOW for ALL to receive. And may we have Menahunies, and Elves and Fairies, and everybody else join in the chorus now—NESARA NOW! PEACE NOW!


AVA: Hello Father!

ALL: [greetings are exchanged by all] Hello Dear ONE!

ALCYONE:  How are we doing? [laughter]

COMMANDER:  We are doing just fine—[more laughter by all]

LMMS:  WE ARE TIRED OF WAITING! [more laughter by all]

ALCYONE:  We know!  It has been an eon of DINNER---YES! [Note: over 14 million beings have been removed from the Earth in underground bases and other locations so far by Mother Sekhmet and the FORCES, and yet and still the shadow persists—but not for long now!]

LMMS: Yes!

COMMANDER:  Can you explain a little about yourself for the people that would be listening to this and reading this--in the roll that you play in this grand experiment at this time, and why you are here?

AVA:  We are talking about ‘clean up’!

ALCYONE:  We would describe our selves [MOTHER/FATHER IN UNISON] as the GREAT CENTRAL SUN!

LMMS:  I didn’t hear that word—say it again?

ALCYONE:  We would DESCRIBE ourselves at the GREAT CENTRAL SUN!

LMMS: Yes!

AVA:  A lot of people don’t even know what the Great Central Sun is, Father.


ALCYONE:  What we would say is WE ARE the SUN behind your sun!

AVA:  I thought that was Helios and Vesta!

ALCYONE:  That is also a reflection of US!

AVA;  ah—[in  agreement]

ALCYONE: Yes—we are the energy of GALACTIC CENTER.

AVA:  Is that the same thing as SALVINGTON?

ALCYONE:  Hmmm—we are directly connected with SALVINGTON.

AVA:  Which is at 26 degrees Sagitarius and LORD SALVINGTON is related to, as on Earth, the President of the United States.  He is the President of our Galaxy, correct?

ALCYONE:  Correct!  Only he has much more ‘up-there’—hmmm.

AVA:  What do you mean? Oh you mean—are you, what do you mean?  Are you trying to be funny—Alcyone?

ALCYONE:  We have been taking lessons from our wife [Mother Sekhmet].

AVA:  Are you trying to say something about ‘Village Idiots’?


EVERYONE:  [roaring laughter]

AVA:  Well I just want to say to everybody—hmmm.  When he said, you know, Lord Salvington has a lot more ‘UP STAIRS’—he was pointing to brain capacity.


AVA:  He was pointing his crystal to the ‘rental units’ [Ari’s body] brain!  And so that’s why I said:  “Are you talking about Village Idiots?”  And then he thought he’d even be funnier and say: “It’s not OUR village idiot—I think it’s YOUR village Idiot!” [laughter]

EVERYONE: [giggling]

AVA:  Well what are we going to do about it together?  I think we have a co responsibility [in correcting this ‘evil’ which is out of it’s space time continuum], and your wife [Mother Sekhmet] has been known to, to attempt [to correct this] even in previous civilizations development, i.e. in Egypt before, to just create a ‘blood bath’ [destroy all life].


AVA:  And that you, ALCYONE, as One with RA, her Father, as well as her Twin Flame.  I mean is that not true that you hold the energy of RA and ALCYONE in ONE [Soul Essence].  

ALCYONE:  That is correct—yes.

AVA:  This is how there is ‘no beginning and no end’ to FATHER and MOTHER GOD.

ALCYONE: [We are the] ALPHA/OMEGA!  Yes.

AVA:  This is right.  Ah—you tried to stop Mother Sekhmet [that time in Egypt] from creating a complete eradication of all life on the planet back then—


AVA:  She said: “Let’s just cancel this experiment, and let’s just try to start this thing all over again!”

LMMS:  And, you know, the people don’t understand why that is—or why she would [destroy all life] and what it means.

COMMANDER:  Please explain a little bit of history back--for us right here.

ALCYONE:  What we could explain about this is, at the time when this was occurring on Egyptian soil, people were in a state of chaos very much like you are all now.  And there were factions what wished to follow the Sun God of the Ammon Priesthood.  Some wished to follow the Great Solar Disk of Aton—hmmmm?  And let us say that our beloved Twin Flame got a little tired of the [constant] in-fighting going on amongst the community, so she leveled the playing field, as it were, where [hmmm] there was one playing field it was called ‘The Hunt’, and she was the HUNTER and they were the PREY—hmmmm!  And it was called for [justice] at that time, because the prey had not listened to the teachings of the ONE CREATOR—ALL THAT IS! [Hmmm?]

LMMS:  Which is exactly like it is now—Father.


AVA:  Also another time that [it] came up was the time of Sodom and Gommorah. Sarah turning into a pillar of salt—‘do not look back on [revisit it] this--sodomy going on in this city’—[or] do not have any second thoughts of mis-qualified energy.

ALCYONE:  She [Sarah] was attached—so she became permanently attached to Mother Earth!

AVA:  Well also though, wasn’t there a nuclear holocaust— I mean it was that precise.   The pillar of salt it was actually as it was in the Terminator II [movie], when ah--that one scene where they showed what would happen in a nuclear blast--

ALCYONE: [hmmm--] Yes!

AVA:  --that one scene where they showed what would happen [to you] in a nuclear blast—[one] would just disintegrate on the spot.

ALCYONE:  Yes, they [the Dark Lords] used the ARK OF THE COVENANT [as a weapon] at that time.

AVA:  And this is what they want to do now.

ALCYONE:  They want to use THE ARK, and they cannot because it has been taken away—[from Earth]—Ha! [Hmmm--]

AVA:  Wasn’t it taken away—ah—didn’t [General] Romel get a hold of it in World War II and give it to Ashtar [THE ASHTAR COMMAND]?


AVA:  And how can they [the Dark Lords] retrieve it—or even think they can retrieve it at this point?

ALCYONE:  They would like to try to use what they have to try it—but it will NOT work!

AVA:  Well what do they have?

ALCYONE:  [They have] a primitive form of—[hmmm]—nuclear fission, that can be very quickly contained by our, shall we say, energy force fields that can—[hmmm] create [a] blanket, if you will, to retain [the] explosion/implosion—[hmmm?]

AVA:   Are you going to let that go on?  Are you going to let them try to detonate—let them have their way—and then try to contain it in the middle east?

ALCYONE:  They cannot do it!  The atmosphere and the frequencies on your planet has [have] been changed!  [The] hydrogen sun [Sol] has been turned [changed] to a Helium sun. It is like--if they try it will be like a match, and the match would go out because it got wet!

LMMS:  It would be a DUD!  [will not explode]

ALCYONE: [sound phsst] Yes!

AVA: [clears throat] So the ARK OF THE COVENANT worked in the past like a nuclear device.  It could be used for good or it could be used for evil—


AVA: --and, ah, Hitler tried to get a hold of it to use it for evil, and he was stopped!


AVA: And now the ‘modern day Hitler’ [GWB] is trying to get it again.  I guess you could call this little ‘shrub’ the ‘ROCKY AND SHRUB-WINKLE SHOW’ the next Hitler game!

ALCYONE:  It is a very bad show!  It will be CANCELLED!  THE RATINGS SUCK!!

ALL: [huge laughter]

AVA:  Okay—that enough Father!


ALL: [more belly laughs]

LMMS:  FATHER!  You have a sense of humor—I never knew!

AVA:  But now lets—lets, I can still feel the hearts of the Lightworkers who just—

LMMS: --they do not understand the ‘LIGHT OF CREATION’ how it can be used by THE CREATOR to create and destroy—

AVA: --and dis-create!

LMMS:  --and people have this idea that [hmmm] you know, how can our parents, THE CREATOR MOTHER/FATHER be such a source of such as thing [as destruction]?  And why is that [so]?  You know, does it make us have the FEAR OF GOD?

ALCYONE:  We would explain that what you ask is why does my Twin Flame [Mother Sekhmet] come at this time—

LMMS: right--.

ALCYONE: --come with blood on her face?

AVA:  Yes—that’s right Father!

ALCYONE:  We would describe this in the process in which what she is consuming is all of the dross [of misqualified energy], all of the [hmmm] energy of ‘no turning back’ [to] the past way that we have walked where all [some] of her children at this time, have not listened to the LAWS OF THE ONE.  Therefore they are ‘runts’ [stunted] if you will, that have not grown in the sense where they cannot [ever] become full-grown lion people [BE WHOLE AND ALL THAT THEY WERE MEANT TO BE].

LMMS:  In other words they have been given enough time, and enough chances now for the last 450 billion years, and there has to be a time where there is a line drawn in the sand—

ALCYONE:  We have put our ‘PAW’ down, if you will—

LMMS: yes.

AVA:  It’s like this ah, idea of ‘MERCY KILLING’ in a sense. Ah-h, and it’s been in our court room[s] since that Doctor has been doing that—what was his name?

LMMS:  Doctor Death—
ALCYONE: Oh—Doctor Jack--

AVA: Kervorkian.

ALCYONE:  Yes, but he was not around to continue his process of releasing the soul matrix because it was not considered humane [by your courts] hmmm—to give people carbon monoxide.  We know of a different way that people can go [home]. Hmmm?

AVA:  And is this what Mother [Sekhmet] is doing right now, she is shining the, actually, the Light-

ALCYONE:  yes—

AVA:  -and sounding the Light!

ALCYONE:  Yes, she has a unique way of bringing in the 100 dimensional frequencies which are the VIOLET TRANSMUTING FLAME of ALL THAT IS!


ALCYONE:  Yes, and when this comes in she can, shall we say, OPEN her mouth and the purple light comes out, and it is the frequency of pure LOVE, pure MIND--pure SPIRIT.  When that frequency of 100 dimensions filters down into 12th dimension and then 5th dimension, 3rd dimension—when it hits 3D, if you are not within a balance, we would say, of experiencing orgasmic LOVE in every cell, and experiencing life in a way in which there IS enough time—love—money air to breath [hmmm] you [would] spontaneously combust, because the 3D physical form cannot handle so much love coming in when there is still that splinter of the dark-side-of-the-force that is challenging [resisting] the light coming in.

LMMS:  But isn’t it also Father that it is more merciful now at this time, because of the Earth’s necessity—her evolution is commanding that she ascend now—[to the 5th Dimension]—

ALCYONE:  She has asked that WE intervene now and that we help in the birth of Terra Nova [Earth’s new name in 5D reality] and anything that is in the way of the birth canal WILL get pushed OUT OF THE WAY whether it is animal—vegetable—or mineral! Hmmm?

LMMS:  So the Earth’s transformation is happening

ALCYONE:  The ‘placenta’ HAS already popped!

LMMS:  right.

ALCYONE:  And it is possible that Mr. Vesuvius [a huge volcano in Italy] could pop and then the rest of the pacific rim of fire [would activate]—and [hmmm], this is the next stage of evolutionary development.

AVA:  Are you saying that we are ‘still on’ for having some more intense earth changes now?

ALCYONE:  It is a possibility!  The pacific rim of fire can activate [the] self defense mechanism of [hmmm] GAIA MATRIX, and not the Gaia that is spoken of by those ‘ones’ who use it in a way in which it WAS not intended by their GOD they call GOLD, OIL, and DRUGS!

AVA: ummm-

LMMS:  And is it not also true Father that [ah sigh]-- that the reason that YOU have this power-- POWER OF CREATION, and the POWER OF DESTRUCTION through the LOVE OF THE VIOLET FLAME is because there MUST Be in the UNIVERSE that FORCE that protects LIFE so that if a world, or a creation gets too far away from it’s DIVINE PLAN—that it is more merciful to remove it—to sort of out the cancer—


LMMS:  --than it is to allow it to go on and contaminate other universes and other worlds.

ALCYONE:  It IS!  In a way we have been asked to come and see [hmmm?] as Doctors to heal and remove the virus.  And [the] virus IS being removed and [the] patient is moving UP in frequency! Hmmm?  Therefore, ALL that is NOT of [the] 12th dimension—[having] 12 strands of DNA cannot exist within that much LOVE—unless they SURRENDER TO THAT LOVE!  All it takes is ‘FORGIVING’ that split second of [shadow] of self that said: “I cannot remember WHO I AM!”  And all it takes is just a moment to come back to: “I AM THAT I AM” [your CHRISTED SELF].  And yet these forms when they go in [to] that place of UNKNOWINGNESS—they go to that place of [being] ‘LESS THAN’ [saying] “How could GOD love us if we are LESS THAN?”  And—it is NOT SO!  GOD LOVES ALL [HIS] HER CHILDREN—our CHILDREN unconditionally for whatever they do.  It is [only] when they have taken a step out of the time-space-continuum, which we would call, if you want to give it a name, you call it EVIL! But it is ‘simply an energy’ out of its space-time-continuum that has to be removed and then WE correct the time-line [the Earth is put back into it’s DIVINE PLAN].

LMMS:  And that is exactly what has happened here [on Earth] really--


LMMS: --because the Dark Lords came in here out of their space-time-continuum and they brought [with them] technologies that were far advanced, and they’ve used that to enslave [the people]--

ALCYONE:  --they violated the PRIME DIRECTIVE!

LMMS: uh-huh.

ALCYONE:  Therefore they are guilty of WAR CRIMES [of] attacking a planet that was not yet ready to be considered [for] entrance into the CONFEDERATION OF WORLDS!

LMMS:  uh-huh.  And they tried to prevent that—entrance, and they tried to prevent that ‘consciousness’ [awareness of WHO WE REALLY ARE] in the people from growing which is a violation of our Universal Law [Sovereign Rights]. Yes.

ALCYONE: Yes!  Therefore in [keeping with that] the CONFEDERATION OF WORLDS gets to come in [now].  This includes ‘all the folks’ not just the Sirians, or the Pleiadians, or the Lyrans, or the Vegans, but so many different species!  We don’t have enough fingers and toes to count them! Hmmm?

LMMS: uh-huh.

ALCYONE:  And it is a, [hmmm] Grand Experiment in LOVE to do this ‘without one shot being fired’—but we can see there has already been one shot THAT HAS BEEN FIRED and traveled around the world.  It was called when they stepped in and said: ‘GOD IS LESS THAN’. [Hmmm]

AVA:  Who was that that did that?

ALCYONE:  Who was that? [hmmm] That was our son—‘LaKaKo’ [Yahweh] when he said: “I cannot believe that I am [was created] equal with Mother/Father GOD.  Therefore I must be made [hmmm] something that is not in alignment with ALL THAT IS!”  That split second of doubting ALL THAT IS, is enough to bring that frequency down where there was [a] question of [the balance of the] Violet Transmuting Flame of Light coming in.  This is why MOTHER comes at this time, and she stands before these ones they call the 13 families [The Illuminati] who rule this planet.  And she says:  “Go inside yourself and find that splinter of shadow.  Bring it forth! And let it come back to LOVE!”  They CANNOT do it!  IT’S DINNER TIME!

LMMS:  And so ALL OF US, in a way, must face MOTHER/FATHER-- must face YOU [and be tested in our LOVE].

ALCYONE:   Yes!  We have opened THE BOOK OF LIFE like on Yom Kippur, and it stays open until this Grand Experiment has been completed.  At this time extenuating circumstances say ‘we keep the book open’, but we also INTERVENE in this civilizations development because the planet itself has asked for help—even if the Hu-mans have not!

AVA:  Also Father, people are really making choices to ‘remove themselves’ at this point—

ALCYONE:  They feel as though they are ‘loosing-it’ right-left-and-center!

AVA:  I don’t mean suicide, but—


AVA:  This has been described ‘as a suicide mission’ for everybody this time--

ALCYONE:  Yes---

AVA:  --only in the sense that we were—we [The Lightworkers] were willing to request to have ‘one more chance as a race’ [of Hu-mans] to run for the highest goal, and take that quantum leap [in consciousness] in the face of every odd—AND THEN SOME! [sigh]

ALCYONE:  yes—

AVA:  And the price—the price of FREEDOM you know.  What’s the price of FREEDOM?  “Give me Liberty or give me death!” [a quote by Patrick Henry]

LMMS:  Yes, and I think soul—I think EVERY SOUL on this planet knows--that LIFE is not worth living unless it can be lived FREE!

ALCYONE:  And that is why our—

AVA: It’s not LIFE unless it is THAT.

ALCYONE:  And that is why our Beloved Twin Flame [Mother Sekhmet] comes at the beginning and the end of every Yuga to balance out that masculine/feminine energy where there is a rift in the time-space continuum.  At this time the masculine [unbalanced energies of the male], in a sense, has BEAT DOWN the feminine [energies] to a point where [the] feminine has risen up!  It has become XENA [The Warrior Princess] and in that sense it does not sometimes [listen to reason].

LMMS:  So when the—when the ‘White Bird’ [DOVE] says that it [Planet Earth-Shan] is now been placed [in] under Galactic Law.  It is no longer under the jurisdiction of the World Court, that it is now the jurisdiction of The Solar Tribunal what [will] happen here, and these ones who are standing in the way [trying to stop NESARA] of a whole civilization coming back to 5th dimension—that is WHY they can BE REMOVED!

ALCYONE:  Yes!  They have [now] violated COSMIC LAW where they have used technological and scientific information that has not been shared with the rest of the planet to uplift it.  It has been used to enslave it.  Therefore now WE COME TO FREE THE SLAVES. In any space-time continuum there are NO SLAVES [anywhere] in any of the Seven Super Universes!


ALCYONE:  And this is why they are going kicking and screaming because they know that the slave masters are NEXT [on Mother’s list] right now.

AVA:  Who are the slave masters are you speaking of?

ALCYONE:  The Reptilian Annunaki hybrids that have placed themselves in these families [The Illuminati] that seem to think that they OWN THIS PLANET, but they don’t own anything, except maybe in, [hmmm] consciousness--their thoughts, they do not EVEN OWN THEM—because they [themselves] are generated from a Holographic Imaging Projector. Hmmm.

LMMS:  hmmm.  So Father [please]TELL us what we might expect now in this very short while to SEE on our screen?

ALCYONE:  We would say that what you could expect to SEE, is the transformation of this planet from one that looks like, [hmmm] WIZARDS [the movie], to [hmmm]—ah-- ‘Brindavin’ [birthplace of Krishna in India] where Krishna is making love with his Gobi milkmaids. [Hmmm?] 144,000 x 10,000 x 10,000!  Ha-ha-ha!

ALL: [giggling]

AVA:  Can you explain that a little better? [more giggling]

ALCYONE:  What we can say is that we have come to step in NOW, and release this planet from its bondage of slavery where ‘only the few control the many’, and their days are over.  We think there could be some scenarios between today and the day you punch these funny cards….ah!

AVA: [laughing] YOU mean VOTERS DAY!

ALCYONE: What is voting day?

AVA; -- Election Day!  We are ELECTING SOMETHING, I am not sure what?

ALCYONE:  We are saying you are electing to make yourself [feel] foolish for trying to believe that [ah] putting [your] names in a box are going to help you—

AVA: -- At this late date! Oh!

COMMANDER:  If the elections are all rigged anyway--.

ALCYONE: It is a box [you have put yourself in] and everybody knows what the outcome already is—[coughing].  We would say: “Do away with the Box!  Get up there and tell the TRUTH to the people!”  And if there needs to be, shall we say, a little three-ring-circus—it is already THAT, and then some.

AVA: right. Well [sigh]—I was going to say Father that there were two things that came up today.  This morning on Alan Hutner and Elizabeth Rose “Transitions Radio Magazine” they played a new version of an old song that the “Byrds” [first] introduced—

ALCYONE: Oh—yeah.  

AVA:  It’s called ‘To Every Season—Turn, Turn, Turn’ and it was introduced in this, [ah] that in ‘Ecclesiastics’ these words are THOSE [very] words that this song is singing.  And so it’s not just anybody’s poetry, it is written [in the Bible] exactly as the song is sung.  And there is a position in there, which says: “To every season, turn, turn, turn---there IS A TIME TO KILL!”  And---That brings up the second—


AVA: --thing that came up today—is that the 5th Commandment did not say:  “Thou Shalt Not Kill”.  It said:  “Thou Shalt Not Murder”.


AVA:  So this idea of ‘Mercy Killing’ again, or transmuting your own creation into something else, and what Mother can do with that sound that she can cause to come from her—[ah]—that is the Violet Transmuting Flame.  It is engulfing the soul and the body in unconditional LOVE.  And at a point where the soul is in resistance to that---it is too painful [to allow it to go on].  It is excruciating—

ALCYONE:  We can give you a sample of this sound, but we do not wish to blow the webmaster off the map!

COMMANDER: [oh my]

LMMS:  Well—just give us a ‘wee-sample’.

ALCYONE:  Hmmm…a wee sample—okay. [A huge high-pitched and shrilling, penetrating sound is emitted through Father’s mouth for a few seconds].

AVA:  OH! MY! [Nellie Dog is heard suddenly barking loudly in the background]

EVERYONE: [much laughter and giggling]

AVA:  You scared Nellie right [more barking] OUT THE DOOR!  She tried to get out the front door!

EVERYONE:  [more laughter—dog is still barking]

LMMS:  Oh—I can see that---why that’s a very BIG sound!


EVERYONE:  [Nellie is still barking in background—more laughter]

LMMS:  Someone best go calm her down now—[still more barking]—

AVA:  [coughing] Its okay Nellie-Bell!  Nellie come---that was just Mother!  Yes—it’s okay, come back here now and have your chewy.  Come on bunny. [Ava speaking to the dog]—come on—its okay.

ALCYONE:  She knows that sound---she says: “Boy—that was a heck of a set of wind pipes you got there!”

AVA:  [still coaxing her to come up on her lap] Come on Nellie-Bell—here.

ALCYONE:  We only wish bring the frequencies [of Love of the Violet Transmuting Flame] to ALL that than can experience the frequencies of LOVE.  It is not our wish for these children to go [in this way] but they have passed [their opportunities] because they have not listened to the LOVE that has been coming in, and Earth Mother needs her ascension.  You need your ascension, and they [the Illuminate] don’t wish for their  ascension.  Oh Well! [Hmmm]

AVA:  Well I know one thing Mother/[Father] that, you know, that Beloved Lady Master Liberty [in a recent e-mail] said that this one {GWB] was calling now all the Lightworkers now in the Clarion Call to a focus [of consciousness] and that he needed to be honored for doing that because he is [by his actions] making the New Age possible because—

ALCYONE:  That is true—it is a catalyst!  This one [Mother] now comes and brings—

AVA:  So in terms of, of course, it is [also] very much a violation of the Law of God what they have been doing—they have been killing—no they have been MURDERING—there is a difference.

ALCYONE:  It is a violation [of the Laws of the One] to take [the life] of another life form, no matter what it is [for]—

AVA:  But, in the terms of this civilizations development, you [Mother/Father], Michael, and Metatron, and Maitreya, I understand, hold Diplomatic Immunity [throughout the Seven Super Universes], and so you are holding a different space when you come in and wipe clean, and [ah] set the record straight in Divine Neutrality for our New Golden Age where all debts [karma] are [then] forgiven, and—


AVA:  And level out the playing field, [ah] where there is not a constant battle going on---but now we are Warriors for Peace!

LMMS:  And we are ”FREE AT LAST”!  


AVA:  And now, of course, we must ‘HOLD’ that point, and ‘MAINTAIN’ it [that thought form of TRUTH], and so I would just say one more thing and that is that, __ wasn’t here but we were doing a basic [tarot] reading and we got to the part where we were in the middle [of the reading], the lower middle worlds, __, we had [ah] the ‘King of Pentacles’ in the completion [position], and we had the ‘Page of Wands’ in the center [position], and the ‘Philanthropist [Six of Pentacles] in the future [position]. [ah] And if I were to say anything at all about that it [would be] bringing the message of Peace from the Heart of Christ, and anchoring it [in a place of] knowing already that the ‘King inside of each of us—the MASTER inside of us’, on the physical plane, has anchored itself thoroughly on this planet.  And that we are about to ACTIVATE that anchoring as ‘Philanthropists’ [Paying it Forward] in the very near future as we HOLD that message from the Heart of Christ [within]—the fire of Holy Spirit in the Heart of All Beings—IGNITED—right here—right now!  And in the middle worlds the ‘Death Card’ sits right in the center [position] with the ‘Ten of Wands’—that pushing through [energy] with the burden of all the work we have done in [with] spirit—all the lifetimes we have ever come in [and completed] and the burden has been HEAVY, but we HAVE got all our ‘ducks-in-a-row’ right here, and we ARE READY for a BIRTHING FORTH.  And this transformation of DEATH, and the birthing forth into VICTORY is, yet and still, [only] one more moment away!  As in the future [position] we have the ‘Eight of Swords’, which is that feeling yet that we are ‘still bound’ by the circumstances, and of course, we still do feel that, when we say: “Where is the baksheesh Babaji?  Father, please help us!”

ALL:  [talking over each other] Yes!

LMMS:  “When is this going to be over with?”

AVA:  And it’s ‘mental anguish’ when we know the solution so well, and we just need a few more coins in our pocket [to make it happen]

LMMS:  Not just a few more!  We need a lot more to get [NESARA ANNOUNCED]!

AVA:  [I mean] COINS OF CONSCIOUSNESS [reaching the critical mass of Love which will overcome the darkness] in our universal pocket as well.  And as we approach now, the FINAL VICTORY, in the upper worlds [higher dimensions], in the center [position] IS the Victory carc itself, the ‘Six and Wands’—again Victory through SPIRIT.

LMMS:  I am just saying this, a lot of [some] people don’t know what you are talking about as you read the Tarot here, so without going through the whole reading, it [is] sort of [like] leaving people out of the whole thing, so it might be appropriate—I don’t want you to start at the beginning again but—I am just saying people have been left out of the [beginning of the reading] and won’t know what you are talking about. So—[perhaps some explanation would be fitting].

AVA:   Ah—so what I am talking about is the question-at-hand, which is: “Why is there such a feeling of DEATH in the air?   And why is there such a question even to be asked now that the LIGHT would come in with a sword?”  That [Lord] Sananda said himself:  ‘I do not come with—“ how is that Alcyone?

LMMS:   I come now with a sword!”

AVA:  People are expecting Love and Peace and Flowers and all that—nice, nice.

ALCYONE:  “I do not come to bring Peace—I come with a sword!”

AVA/LMMS:  right. Yeah.

LMMS:  I will say something about that—today I was about, you know, ‘my Father’s business’ and I was very conscious as I went out into the world.  And I see in so many people’s faces SO MUCH FEAR!

ALCYONE:  They are afraid because of the LIES—and the transmissions that have been broadcast across your screen [TV] of communications where they still and yet, pump out the propaganda of not the truth—

LMMS:  And they [the people] are going about, and they are stock-piling food.  And they are afraid--you see their exchanges with each other.

ALCYONE:  There is a feeling of not trusting one another—because of what has been broadcast to create, [what] we would call, division among the cells that is not of a natural order.  That is why WE COME, to bring a balance to that which is out of its time-space continuum [called Evil].

AVA: Yeah and it’s not just—

COMMANDER:  And its this FEAR that the dark side uses to-- as an energy life source for them.

ALCYONE:  They FEED ON IT [use it for food].  That’s why we saying that--if it is at all possible—to BRING IN THE FREQUENCY OF LOVE, AND HARMONY, AND JOY! When you can laugh at things it makes it that much easier to bring JOY in—but it is not [we understand], a very happy or laughing experience.

LMMS:  Yeah—its not laughable [alright] when you turn on the television—



COMMANDER:  But WE [do] have the POWER to turn that around!

ALCYONE:  Yes—WE DO [indeed] have that POWER!  And that is why we have joined FORCES with the people of Earth—to MAKE IT SO! Hmmm.

LMMS:  What we need is a big joyous giggle—the whole planet needs a [big] one right now.


LMMS:  You know—we need a day like was celebrated when we had the 2000 [new millennium] celebration, and everyone had these wonderful parties, and everything---and it [the energy of Love] went [clear] around the world.  That’s WHAT we need right now, instead of all this doom and gloom.  And yet somehow, it—

AVA:  I just want to say that this little Tarot Reading was a way to just ‘read these energies’ that are going on within our bodies, our souls, our minds, our spirits, [and in] our emotions.  And in the Pillar [position] at the base we have that, like I said, THAT card where we can all feel—in our deepest, deepest, deepest unconscious wellings that THERE IS A COMPLETE TRANSFORMATION AT HAND.  That the dance of life IS ABOUT TO BEGIN, and that FREEDOM’S HOLY FLAME IS AT HAND.  It is that final card--the ‘Dance of Life’ is the circle of life coming back to wholeness.  And coupled with it, right below the surface of our subconscious, in other words, [there’s a bubble] about to POP, and everybody can feel it even stronger, at the-- right at the surface where the tension is greatest of the bubble bursting, is the ‘Judgment Card’.  JUDGMENT DAY is at Hand!  And everybody IS FEELING THAT—everybody. And everybody, it feels also, which is the next card, that they [the people] are in a traveling mode between the ‘old world’ to the new [world].  We’re already ON THE BOAT—and the boat has left the shore!  And the ‘wheat has been separated from the shaft’ and the decisions HAVE BEEN [already] made.  And the answer to this big question:  “Why all this blood, guts and sperm?” which Mother Sekhmet seems to represent in a graphic way like the Lady Liberty said [in her recent prophecy e-mail see]:  ‘You don’t want to be on the wrong side of that line drawn in the sand when this thing is coming forward right now—“


AVA:  --because ALL that has been ‘wished for’, [planned to be done to us] by the Dark Side, against those of us who have been holding the candle, the Flame of Freedom and Light, is being reversed [right back] on them—the great reversal! So that ‘As you reap—so shall you sew’ [She said this backwards, should be: ‘As you sew—so shall you reap!’]


ALCYONE:  You see why we have opened the BOOK OF LIFE, and we have to say that, [hmmm] now we ZERO out the KARMA! Yes.

AVA:  And [back to the tarot reading] the outcome [card] is the ‘King of Cups’, the outcome of this traverse—this transition, this travel between the old and the new, is the KING OF CUPS and I said this before that Lord Sanat Kumara comes to mind and his Twin Flame, Lady Master Venus, because, the Water of Truth—the water of the WORLD—the—the-- how do you say—

LMMS:  The cleansing of the earth!

AVA:   Yes he is—[ah]—along with his twin flame, in charge of [all] the ‘convening’s’ [Gatherings of the Brotherhoods of Light] at ‘Shamballa the Greater” where GREAT COUNCILS and decisions are going on.  If I could ask for [a] confirmation as we sit here----


AVA:  Can you speak about this?  What is happening Alcyone?

ALCYONE:  Many of the 100 cities of [hmmm] the Agartha [Network] are already fully prepared for what is to come to pass on this planet.  And there are some, like our friend Sheldon [Nidle] has said, they will go into the inner earth, and some will go on to [the] Mother Ships.

AVA:    These are all real time-space continuums for groups of people who are ready for certain things.

ALCYONE:  Groups of folks who wish to experience according that according to their souls group development.  It is not a blanket statement for all [people as Sheldon has stated in his transmissions].

AVA:  But this is what is going on.  The Conclave is going on at the [ah] Shamballa the Greater in terms of making these operations and assistance for each persons ‘traversings’ now, where there destination and goal is possible, organized, and effective.

ALCYONE:  Yes.  Correct.

AVA:  And I was going to say that in the upper worlds then, [ah] we HAVE VICTORY!  That means it is already done in the upper worlds of creation.  Is this not correct, Alcyone?

ALCYONE: Yes—it has already ‘come to pass’ that your world has been fixed with flying colors!

AVA:  And [ah]—

LMMS:  Now we are going to SEE IT in the PHYSICAL!

AVA:  Well—yes—


AVA:  What is in the physical flanking [back to the cards] this ‘Victory’, that is already etherically coming in, and that is being anchored in the physical.  On one side [the card on one side, is that we must remain out—‘IN the world, but not OF it’.  Its [the card] is the ‘Four of Swords’—meditation, prayer, deeply within, and let the world, on the outer and all its appearances, be outside of [the PEACE THAT PASSETH ALL UNDERSTANDING] and YOU stay within this meditative—‘holding’ [of complete perfection] for the outcome.  And—

ALCYONE:  That is why we say YOU MUST [hold] a focus of BRINGING THIS LOVE IN!

LMMS:  uh-hum.

ALCYONE:  That can BE the TRANSFORMATION [of the World]!

LMMS:  uh-huh!

AVA:  Hold this space ‘Be Still [within] and Know THAT I AM GOD’. ‘I AM NESARA NOW!’ [giggling]


LMMS:  In other-words you are saying that this is a really good time to go into prayer and meditation, to hold a vigil.

ALCYONE:  That [prayerfulness] brings in a frequencies and energies in, that if you, as Uranus does something very sudden, or ‘not expected’.  It is the suddenness, and swiftness of the higher harmonics of the speed of light.  Where that frequency comes in, and you are ’ready’—you will ride that light to the place on Nirvana [become Enlightened]. Hmmm?

LMMS:  I can feel it in my Solar Plexus [area] right now I can feel this, you know, energy wanting to burst forth!  And [ah] it feels like butterflies, and at the same time it feels like—you know—THE BIRTH.  It feels like THE BIRTH!

ALCYONE:  [It is] the birth of the BIGGEST BABY we know. Yes.

AVA:  That’s the truth!  On the other side of the higher worlds [back to the cards again], of the Victory already accomplished in the upper worlds, sits [a card] a Five again, and it’s the ‘Five of Swords’ which is that the battle is over but we are still feeling ‘whip-lash’ if you will, on the physical, and especially the mental [plane], that we have been fighting for truth and the field is strewn with fighters who have—they still have their swords, they are collecting them—

LMMS:  But the ‘battle is over’!

AVA:  But they are still in the ‘aftermath’ [of the battle]—


AVA:  Yes.  Even though we may not see [it yet right now]—like we said, its [the battle has been] etherically [won] in the upper worlds.  Also, in the future [position] the battle has been finished—the winds of change are still mixed with the ‘aftermath’, and then the—[ah]-

LMMS:  Does that mean then Alcyone that we are going to have a ‘swift-sure-movement’ here now—and then there is going to be a longer time of ‘clean-up’—is that what it means—who know, sorting out the last little hold-outs?

ALCYONE:  We would say that is it ‘swift’ now where the people are going to say: “NO MORE WAR!”

AVA:  Well they are already saying that—


AVA:  On the [ah] top of these three cards that are in the lower worlds, then the three cards in the middle world, then [in] the upper worlds there is an ‘over-all influence’ [position] card, and it is TRUTH—the ‘Two of Swords’.  [We are] coming to that point of truth.

ALCYONE:  Yes—let us sit down to the negotiation-mediatation table and work out our differences—even if I have a tail and you have horns, we can still drink together and sing, yes!

LMMS:  But I thought Father that there are ‘NO MORE NEGOTIATIONS’?

AVA: Yes—no more negotiations. I don’t think that is what he is saying?

ALCYONE:  What we are saying is that in order for a truce to happen—there needs to be negotiations/mediation amongst all the Light.  The ‘Dark’ will be removed and cancel itself out!  At this time it is already canceling itself out because it cannot align itself with the Light.

AVA:  But--I don’t think you have—can I comment on the ‘wording’ [you are using]?  Your saying there ‘needs’ to be negotiation, and mediation, [ah] what I am hearing and what I see when I am reading this [card reading] is that ‘all of these on-goings that we have been reading about’ here in the [card] spread [ah] exist already [or have already been going on] like bottom line—at the lower worlds, we have already anchored our ‘philanthropy’, we have already anchored ‘the Blessings’ [prosperity programs] in the heart of Christ—it is a ‘holding’ [of that truth], it is [already] an on going.  In the middle worlds we are already ‘holding’ all the work we have ever accomplished [in any lifetime] and are working through our own ‘DEATH’ to all that is NOT of this new dispensation.  In the upper worlds we are already Victorius!


AVA:  And it appears that we are all a bit bedraggled from the war that has been going on in the ethers [and on Earth] and it is anchoring itself momentarily [about to appear in the physical here on Earth].  We are the Philanthropists—and it IS IN OUT HANDS [now].

ALCYONE:  And—[garbled]

AVA:  And if I were to take this TRUTH card and look right behind it, we have something called the ‘Ten of Pennacles’ [card] which is the final card of the Pennacle swing, which is [stands for] the new beginning with ALL THE BLESSINGS!  It’s right behind this TRUTH card!  So its already Here!  And the TRUTH is already manifesting itself as we see it right here in the—

ALCYONE:  Your friend, the Peace Troubadore, James Twyman said that his next adventure is going to be in the Palestinian and Israeli sector, and what better place to [anchor it], that it could begin to happen--a PEACE amongst the Arabs and the Jews.  It is time!  We would say that the truce of which you speak, it has to come within ‘Self’ where there is a truce within self where there does not need to be a place where there needs to be a thought-form of WAR because, I am a different religion of a different color, or a different race of Life-form.  This is one of the reasons why it has been so difficult for us [The Galactic Confederation of Worlds] to come and sit with you in the physical because you have a problem with ‘how we look’!  How can we ever get past this concept of race-creed-color, [and] Religion.  You [must] get over it now.  GET OVER IT NOW!  Because you are apart of an Inter-Universal-World, and WE ARE HERE, and we are NOT GOING AWAY!  And you had better accept that NOW!

LMMS:  Well as soon as the truth can be told to the people of their REAL origins, I mean, this has all been held back—some of it is not the people’s fault.  It’s because they have been [hoodwinked]--

ALCYONE:  It is not the people’s fault [that the truth has been held back]!  We have been addressing these recalcitrant life-forms that seem to think they are being controlled.

COMMANDER:  And so as we stand now with the current situation as of today, like an [ah] like an overall picture would be—that there is just a shell of these ‘seeming controllers’ left, and everything on the inside of that shell has been ‘cleaned out’ and with just the burst of NESARA, that [ah] shell would be broken!

ALCYONE:  That’s right!

AVA:  Back in[to] the cosmic soup!  

ALCYONE:  Yes!  Very Close--

COMMANDER:  As you take out [remove] people here and people there, and more controllers, you just replace them with ‘Holograms’—


COMMANDER:  But that [the Holograms] is [are] not going to last for ever?

ALCYONE:  That is not going to, shall we say, deter the fact that people are ‘seeing through’ the holograms, and the [hmmm], shall we say, the curtain—and they see the man [the controller] behind the screen or the curtain, and they know it no longer can be real!

LMMS:  Your talking about the Wizard of Oz, the movie.


LMMS:  And how ‘Dorothy’ saw [behind the curtain] and saw the man playing with the knobs—and said:  “Oh! You’re a fake!  You are nothing but a FAKE!  You should be ashamed of yourself!”



LMMS:  And that’s exactly the metaphor we have to have as we look behind the curtain right now and we see who’s playing with the knobs! “Oh, naughty Boy!  You should be ashamed of yourself!”

ALCYONE:  You see all the people who are ‘playing with’ Mother’s [Earth’s} precious lifeforms called the black gold—the veins in her body!

LMMS:  Right!

ALCYONE:  [coughing] The air that you breathe—[ah]—

AVA:  Oh—you’ve got to switch phones. [pause for switching]

LMMS:  Alright—we’re all back, right?

ALCYONE:  Yes. Okay.

AVA:  We’re ready to go!

COMMANDER:  So what needs to happen yet, in this 3rd dimension before NESARA, because it seems to keep getting dragged out longer and longer, and earlier there seems to have been given an indication of a ‘deadline’, and when is that deadline?

AVA: uh-huh! [giggling]

ALCYONE:  Ahhh! [laughter] Oh My! Oh, oh—we would say ‘that deadline’ is very close—in this very moment of happening—

AVA:  Can you say it is within this very month?

ALCYONE:  We CAN say this—yes! That is the case.

AVA:  Before ‘Thanksgiving’ [the Holiday]?


AVA:  [giggling] [ah]

COMMANDER:  What needs to happen, though yet—in general?

ALCYONE:  It is—what needs to happen is:  THE PEOPLE NEED TO TAKE THEIR POWER BACK!  And they need to remove their leaders who are NOT following protocol.  And they CAN do it—but not with a phony rigged election that is not based in reality.  We need to [see you] physically take YOUR POWER BACK by, shall we say, calling in ALL THE LOVE YOU CAN HOLD! [By] not giving that power to the dark side of the force.  How that is [done] is that ‘what if there was no election?’  What if there was no election at all?  No body showed up to vote? Oh, my!

LMMS:  Yeah.

ALCYONE:  What would happen?  We know that would not be the case [however], in you reality-time-space continuum, but we say that MIRACLES CAN HAPPEN!  Yes.  But if there was to be no election, and all of a sudden there would be a different sort of reality—where the TRUTH WAS TOLD—

LMMS:  That would make us very happy!


AVA:  Yeah, I mean, it’s kind of like very degenerate—I mean—undignified to have people go through the ‘rig-a-moral of a fixed election’, at this late date, and its [ah]—


AVA:  It’s demeaning to the human being—spirit—to have this—

COMMANDER:  It’s a continuation of the LIE!

ALCYONE:  Yes—it is!

AVA: Yes!

ALCYONE:  Yes—it IS a continuation of the LIE, this is why we are saying to everyone listening across the planet:  TAKE YOUR POWER BACK!  AND DO NOT GIVE IT TO that ‘FALSE EVIDENCE APPEARING REAL [F.E.A.R.]

COMMANDER:  Are you saying: “Don’t VOTE!”?

ALCYONE:  We are saying that there is a different ‘WAY’—how to do this!

AVA:  It’s just that ‘VOTING’ on Tuesday, without [ah] ‘FACING THE TRUTH’—and telling people—

LMMS:  “There IS no choice!” [Republican or Demoicratic]

AVA:  Literally—that the parties are controlled by the SAME controllers on both ends!


AVA:  And even voting [ah] for the Green Party person, or something, absolutely without addressing the problem of our obligation of removing these people [from office]—for treason—

ALCYONE:   You are dealing with the ‘symptoms’ and not ‘the cancer’!  You must remove the cancer!

AVA:  Exactly!  And—even a Green Party person would not be able to do anything in this arrangement—

LMMS:  It would be impotent!  I mean there is just ‘no way’—you would be throwing it away.

ALCYONE:  This is why we are saying that if you do vote, [then] VOTE for SOMETHING that counts!  Where there are powerful people--

AVA:  That doesn’t work!  Without changing the government—removing the whole thing—


LMMS/AVA:  That’s right!

ALCYONE:  What else is there?

LMMS:  That’s right!

ALCYONE:  [big sigh] Hmmm?  And it took a few BRAVE MEN long, long ago, and stand up for their country, and their rights, and their freedom, and we feel that is what is being asked of us [you] now! Whether a few brave men will stand up like Paul Revere and The Minute Men, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin, George Washington—

LMMS:  And throw those ballot boxes in the Boston Harbor just like they did in the Boston Tea Party—

ALCYONE:  Yes—let’s have a Tea Party! Hmmm?  I don’t think there is going to be any ‘tea’—there is going to be a different form of abundance—

LMMS:  right.

ALCYONE:  Where the people take their FREEDOM back, and we HEAL THIS PLANET! Hmmm?  It is, at this point in time we would say the most important thing that can be done is to FOCUS ON THE LOVE FREQUENCY coming in and how it transmutes and over-rides every thought of negative programming.

LMMS:  So we are going to take the next 48 hours and we are going to do nothing but pray.

ALCYONE:  Pray and hold the LOVE FREQUENCY—all the LOVE THIS PLANET CAN HOLD, AND THEN SOME!  And as that occurs—that frequency of Love can SHIFT THE TIDE.  And

The People of the I AM Movement, in WW II, asked St. Germain what could be done to stop the darkness of the energies of the planet—that energy called Hitler, and what Beloved Ascended Master St. Germain said was:  “You use the DECREES!  You call in the sound vibration of the Mighty I AM Presence!”  This frequency sound vibration of all the LOVE that can be held within the Violet Transmuting Flame—it over-rides ALL BOMBS, ALL WARFARE, and that is why Mother [Sekhmet] comes now with that Violet Transmuting Flame, and there IS nothing else to say except to: “Let LOVE flow—and if you don’t—[we will] SEE YOU ON THE OTHER SIDE!  Ahhhh!

AVA:  So this Violet Transmuting Flame represents UNCONDITIONAL LOVE.  It represents place of DIVINE NEUTRALITY’ in the heart.  This—


AVA:  This is why it is harder for a [rich] man to get to heaven than it is for a camel to get through the eye of a needle—[ah]—this is why—

LMMS:  --a RICH MAN—yes.

AVA:  Yes.  Or a ‘RICH MAN who has POWER’ as well [ah]—and this is also why right now the question comes up—[ah]—THOU SHALT NOT KILL.  THOU SHALT NOT MURDER.  What is the fine line?  And the fine line is, and that is what, Father Alcyone, The King of Swords [recently] was getting ‘pouncing lessons’ a few weeks ago from your wife MOTHER SEKHMET!


AVA:  Yes, and he had to pass tests [an initiation] that she would give him.  In other words, if you

‘Have a job to do’—where you have to remove a cancer—then you have to be able to be ABSOLUTELY NEUTRAL.  You cannot have ‘one ounce’ or REVENGE in your blood.  You cannot hold a negative thought anywhere in any cell of your being.  In order to really and truly have that fine line between MURDER and KILLING, when the time is to neutralize the playing field.

ALCYONE:  Yes.  We would say that we PRAY and ask that DIVINE DIRECT INTERVENTION OCCURS NOW!  All the people have to do is ASK, AND WE WILL BE THERE!  That is ALL that has to [still] happen.

LMMS:  We command it then MOTHER/FATHER!

ALCYONE:  Enough of the planet HAS asked--and we know the planet is asking and the people are asking therefore IT SHALL BE DONE NOW!

LMMS:  On behalf of this planet, Lady Master Morning Star, and Lady Master Avantari, and [ah] Commander, Commander, and [Mr.] and Mrs. Bellringer, we CALL and COMMAND, and ask and plead now, and Lord Ariamus himself, FOR--


LMMS:  --We ask for the FREEDOM of this planet to be put in place--IN STONE NOW!


LMMS:  And so it is.

ALCYONE:  AND SO IT IS! HMMM.  [In this sound one an hear the GREAT MAGNIFICENSE of our FATHER CREATOR]
LMMS:  My heart goes out to—

AVA:  Just send us all of this [ah] energy—FATHER/MOTHER, to know that [even though] this moment in time might seem like an eternity in 3rd dimension, that we [might] not forget that it IS—only a ‘MOMENT IN TIME’, [away] [huge sigh] --and if you could send some messengers out to these cosmic wealthy visionaries, [to] nudge one of their souls to us a little bit with some physical ‘baksheesh’ at this time in this moment I would be most grateful--and on behalf of ALL of us here.

ALCYONE:  We would say:  “Come Forth—and bring the frequency IN to ‘Pay-it-Forward’.  Yes, if everyone ‘gives’ in this process, and does not look back, everyone takes CARE of everyone else.   And it is a never ending circle of gifting, and through the process of [this] the whole would is [then] gifting each other back—a new life force [is born] and it does not have to be the old holograms called gold, oil, and drugs for profit, while the Hu-man element is used as cattle!  No longer will we allow this to occur!  That is why my Twin Flame comes in like [Madame] Pele, and Kali, and it WILL NOT STOP until [hmmm], maybe like in the life before, RA had to change the Nile River into Beer so she [Mother Sekhmet] would fall asleep after she drank her fill of blood. Hmmm?

And we would say that this does not have to be this way [this time], but the Mother Earth has said [has asked now]: “We need help!”  [So] we come now, and answer her call, and SO MOTE IT BE.  BLESSED BE.  We ask for PEACE, at this time.  ALL WE ARE SAYING IS GIVE PEACE A CHANCE! That is what that man said with his wife—that’s all it takes.  And to GIVE PEACE a chance does not mean that we come to remove in a way that is called fearing [fearful], it is in a way where we bring Peace—because ‘THE NEEDS OF THE MANY OUT WEIGH THE NEEDS OT THE FEW!”  And the ‘Few HAVE NOT listened to the NEEDS OF THE MANY’. How many ways do you say it? Enough—

LMMS:  uh-huh.

AVA:  So, it’s a neutralizing process—not a killing process.  Why did Mother make it look so bloody [leave a mess] here for a while?  I mean it is not going to stop like you said.  The graphic aspect—[was real]—

ALCYONE:  The reason she made it like that was for the people to realize the seriousness of what it means to try to ‘ENSLAVE A PLANET!’ that does not wish to be enslaved!

AVA:  Well its not just that—its like a whimsical idea that you want to do something like that, but it is effecting ALL life in every cosmic Universe that has ever been created!


AVA:  And at a certain point it is like an infestation that needs to be removed.  When you’ve got an infestation in your body you get it out!

ALCYONE:  Correct. Hmmm.  Therefore--

AVA:  And indeed it is also true that at higher levels of consciousness [ah] this ‘infestation’ doesn’t even exist.  It’s by our own thought-forms collectively that it ever came to pass in the first place.

ALCYONE:  Correct.  It is through your own creative processes that you have come to this level in which—how low can you go?

LMMS:  Right.  So that’s why it is important for the collective consciousness of all humanity to make a choice—to say: “NO—WE DON’T WANT TO LIVE LIKE THIS ANYMORE!  We’d rather not BE HERE—than live like this!”

AVA:  That doesn’t mean you commit suicide!

LMMS:  No—it doesn’t mean you commit suicide—it just means that, you know, ‘I am not willing to give my life force to the creation of this [dysfunction] any longer.’

ALCYONE:  Correct.

LMMS:  ‘I am—I am only willing to give my life force to that which brings PEACE!’

COMMANDER:  People have to come to the realization of the POWER that they hold—and take THEIR POWER BACK!


AVA:  Yeah.  And—they have to make a statement [a pledge in consciousness].

ALCYONE: Right—they need to stand UP for what and WHO they [really] are!  And one of the first ways that you can do that is by standing up to the ‘POWERS THAT BE’ where you find out how to remove yourself from the ‘systems’.  There are ways in which it can be done.

AVA:  Where you stand up and you take the positive action that’s been given you—and idea to do—

ALCYONE:  And you announce NESARA NOW!

AVA:  And you stop all of this--saying--they have already—they no longer are ‘our servants in government’, by their own actions they have violated their ‘Oath [Of Office]’—

ALCYONE:  We would say to the White Knights out there—the WHITE KNIGHTS that are doing this—get it done!  Get it done NOW!  Or—we will do it, and we will do it in a way in which every satellite receiver, EVERY transmission-communication device will be used for announcing.  We can do THAT now!

AVA/LMMS:  That’s GOOD!  Let’s DO IT NOW!  I’ll Take-it! [laughter]

ALCYONE:  Let’s do it!


AVA:  Let’s have a landing!

ALCYONE:  [Giving a command in Solex Mal Language again] ‘TEM-NAKA-TI-TEM-POH-JU-JEK-KAH!’ [a sound high pitched sound is then given]

AVA:  That was good Father!

ALCYONE:  Yes—and this has been directed to the ones who stand on the bridge of our ships to fully activate the technologies to ‘DO IT NOW!”

LMMS:  hmmm!  Do it NOW!

ALCYONE:  Yes! Hmmm!

AVA: [giggling in agreement]

LMMS:  Okay!

ALCYONE:  Oh My!  Do we say goodnight now?

AVA:  [laughing] Yes!  I think maybe that’s not a bad note to end on.


AVA:  I don’t know if anyone has any thing else to share—

COMMANDER:  No—we just need to ‘DO IT NOW!”  Get more of these brain-dead people awake!

ALCYONE:  I agree!  Let it be DONE NOW!  We would say that you may SEE SURPRISES YET!

And political switching that has never been seen before!

LMMS:  Let’s have something else on ‘election day’—let’s have NESARA!

ALCYONE:  So mote it be!  Blessed be!  

                        KADOISH. KADOISH. KADOISH.

                        ADONAI TSEBAYOTH

                        KADOISH. KADOISH. KADOISH