제니퍼-1/31 (일부분) :
I got to talk to the King of Swords today as well as Mr. X.  Both on separate calls. I only got to talk to the King for about a minute.   He said, "My friend, Mr. A, I can just tell you in simple terms these guys are goners.”I asked him, “Just what does that mean?  Does that mean right now?”  And he said things are so secret, I can’t even go there!

What we can tell you came from the United States Court of Appeals.  We have confirmed news that at least the U.S. Supreme Court feels that they are goners too  because they delivered a court order that says the IRS can no longer apply force against a taxpayer without a court order!  THIS IS THE TOP OF THE LINE! What this means is that our U.S. Supreme Court has finally taken a stand against the IRS Thieves!  HIP! HIP! HURRAY!  IT’S ABOUT TIME!  Did you know they have been collecting an average of  $16 Trillion dollars a year from U.S. taxpayers?  

Mr. X told me that what has gone on in Iraq is equal to what happened in Rome where Caesar rules and if you don’t follow Caesar’s rules, you don’t get your food rations.
The only ones that really voted were the Shi’ites. The Sunnis didn’t even have open polls. In order for the Shi’ites to vote, they had to vote for the people they were told to vote for or they would take their food rations away.  Already, 60% of the Iraqi people are dying of starvation for lack of water, lack of electricity, and lack of food, let alone the radiation that is turning them into mutants!

Needless to say, the elections in Iraq were as fraudulent as the ones over here.  The same thing happened in Afghanistan.

Mr. X also said, we have Caesar here and at the same time we have the Admiral, Lord Sananda Kumara showing up right now!  He said all who shall pick up the sword shall die by the sword.  Yet, He came carrying a sword, the Sword of Truth, which is Lord Michael’s Sword of Truth, Excalibur! However, it is a double-edged Sword.

Yet and still, the Stargates are fully activated and they are interdeminsional portals that are bringing in the good Ancient Ones, the Ones that know how to run the Stargates, the Annunaki.  
And very quickly now, our brothers and sisters from Niburu will be in our midst to gain control of the situation.

While all of this is going on in Iraq, behind the scenes, Chaney’s Haliburton, is secretly doing business out of the Cayman Islands with Iran.  What kind of business could this be, when last week Dick Cheney announced that Israel was going to attack Iran?   Knowing Cheney’s character to be no less conniving than Darth Vader himself, I would say we are at Red Alert!  (conniving: act together in secret for a fraudulent or an illegal end.  Used of person, “the most calculating of men in the community").