St. Germain  12.07.04

There are many, many things happening in your world right now, and all
are the promptings of the Light. It is not just in the West that there
is an awakening, as the new energies impinge on people everywhere. There
is a pervading sense of claiming back one’s freedom and identity. In
some countries the Dictators in charge suppress such ideas with heavy
force, as opposition is seen as a threat to their position. These people
are often only supported by the results of bribery and corruption that
is endemic in some countries. But as unlikely as the odds are against
the ordinary people succeeding, they are creating those first cracks
that will eventually lead to a break up. Their task is hard because
there are not laws that they can call upon to support them, but as I
often tell you, people power is real and can move mountains.

In the West, the same scenario is happening but it is not so open, as
both the dark and Light are used in more subtle ways. For so long the
dark have been clever enough to hide their real agenda. Although some
people have read between the lines, it has been difficult to prove that
deceit has been taking place to the degree that it has. But, as more
people have started to investigate the government activities, much
evidence has come to light and gradually the picture takes form. The
fact, that so many people have been coerced in their work to keep silent
about what they know, has maintained a certain degree of secrecy. But at
times you will find individuals whose conscience is sorely tested, who
feel a duty to the general public to tell them what is going on in their
name. They do so under the threat of incarceration or even death. But
they feel so strongly about their knowledge and that it should become
public, they find a determination to still go ahead and reveal it.
Consider that once it starts to happen, other people find the courage to
do the same and this is how the veil of secrecy is broken down.

There has been so much held back in the name of national security, which
is a convenient method of keeping you in the dark. There is a need to
protect certain types of projects that are genuinely related to defence,
but much information is kept from you unnecessarily. No government has
its own money as it all comes from you, and NASA for example was meant
to gain information that could be used for the good of the people, and
the advancement of your understanding of Space and your own Solar
System. Many projects have been centered on your Moon, yet of the
thousands of photographs that have been taken,. many have been doctored
or retained. This is so that you do not learn too much, or start
thinking for yourselves about the ET bases, artifacts and disused
buildings that have been photographed. So that you do not see evidence
of ET’s working in or around craters. They hope you missed the
experiment that proved that the Moon is a hollow satellite.

More recently you have had a number of probes to Mars, and in the
Cydonia region much evidence has been found that proves intelligent life
existed on the surface. But if NASA had their way, you would not have
had sight of the photographs that show the proof. You just do not
realise how much detail is air-brushed out of the photographs, and this
has been proven where two different sets have been released. It is
common knowledge that every Apollo moon shot has been accompanied by
space craft of an unknown origin. Yet again you are not meant to know of
it, and even in the face of firm evidence you will be greeted by silence
or denials. Who has decided that you should not know about your own
Solar System or for that matter your own Earth. It is all about keeping
the power over you, as you are not meant to ask questions, so that the
Elite can keep knowledge to themselves and any gains from it. There are
cover?ups over the Inner Earth people, the agreement with the Greys, and
the development of anti-gravity craft, exotic weapons of mass
destruction and so on. The Cold War was contrived to enable the war
machine to carry on working. So now that it is over, who is the enemy
that now threatens the biggest super power in the world? Who is meant to
benefit from genetic engineering on humans, and why is it all kept so
secret. I could go on but the list is endless, and I have not even
mentioned the cover up of UFO’s, and ET contact.

Dear Ones, you are going to claim back your freedom, and this will
demand that people working on your behalf are open and share their
findings with you. Once peace is declared there will be no need for
secrecy in projects that should be carried out for the benefit of
mankind. And the truth of what has been taking place will come out. You
will be both amazed and horrified at what has been done in your name.

Remove the blinkers from your eyes, and at least consider the idea that
your representatives have not served your interests. It is now time for
things to change, and for people who hide secrets to come out into the
open. Once it starts others will also find the courage to do so, and it
will be too late for the dark to prevent the truth coming out. You are
entitled to know what has been, and is being done in your name.

I am St.Germain and wish you to use your new found power to bring the
hidden into the open. It will be the start of a period of self
examination and growth in understanding of your real world. The Truth
WILL Set You Free.

Thank you St.Germain

Mike Quinsey