St.Germain  10-21-04

The outcome of the Presidential election will bring about the storm before the calm, and looking back you will realise that this was a turning point in the world’s history. Outwardly it can be seen that both Bush and Kerry are much the same in their presentation, and that certainly appears to apply to their stance on Iraq . More people than ever are demanding an end to the pointless and futile wars that have engulfed the whole world for eons of time. Now, the opportunity is presenting itself for a momentous change, and the impetus is coming from the people themselves.  You are so near to these changes, that are backed all the way by the Spiritual Hierarchy, and the higher forces that comprise the First Contact Teams. Everything is in place for a quick transition, and it will rapidly put right the problems that currently plague most of your countries. If we do not come soon the fabric of your societies will collapse, and we do not want to see that happen.

In the meantime, I ask you as always, to remain centered and keep your focus on the result. There will be events that will take place that will require you to carefully consider their implications. There will also be decisions that if correctly made, will further the cause of the Light and enable the shackles of the dark to be loosened and finally removed, once and for all.

The outworking of the events that have now been set in motion must follow their course, but be assured that we direct them in spite of what you may think. We ensure the correct outcome takes place, so that the result is certain and a victory for Light. I have told you so little, yet I have told you so much and you should be able to rest easily knowing that you are surrounded by the Light. Never be deceived by the outward appearances of events and know that success is yours. You could say that “it is written in the stars” and the end-times are destined to take you through to the time of Ascension, and the Golden Age. This is our vision and yours, and the Creator has decreed that it shall be so. Who would doubt or argue with this Divine Edict.

St.Germain  10.23.04

There is a great expectancy in the air, as for some time now you have been prepared for events that would immediately re-shape the future of the world.  You see things coming to a head and you know something has to give way very shortly. There are so many different energies that are converging with each other, some are of a like kind, but others are in direct opposition and this is where the sparks will fly. There is a battle for supremacy that will be decided, but as it has already been fought in the higher dimensions, the outcome will be a victory for Light as we have forecast for so long. Never doubt the result, and know the dark are in retreat and no matter what they plan and try to manifest now, it will be a failure. They are so desperate, that they will seize any chance to cling to their power, but it will not be so and they will not succeed.

Your Government made a deal with the Greys to allow them bases upon Earth, and freedom to carry out abductions and cattle mutilations in exchange for technological advancement. Their personal power was enhanced by this agreement, whereas during this period the Earth could have been given a great boost by the sharing of it.

Instead where great progress should have been made, there has been very little and you have in fact been held back. But for that, you would by now have overcome many of the major problems that beset your Earth. The Greys have also had designs upon taking you over, but remember that all through this period we have closely monitored events. There were always limitations placed upon the degree of interference that was allowable, and well over the last 50 years that will be seen to be so. You are never entirely left to your own devices to combat the dark, and their activities have been held in check when necessary. There is a large degree of Karma tied in with these events, and one day very soon, you will be told of your ties with certain groups of ET's.  There are strict laws that even the dark are sometimes caused to honor, and they knew that if they did not, they would be removed. I tell you this so that you understand that there is no need to fear the Greys.  Within your Solar System you have many benevolent friends such as the Venusians, who have also had a hand in your evolution, and there are others who also work mainly from the higher dimensions.

The wonderful time of re-union is very near, and when you meet your Space friends you will instantly know those who are of your origin. Indeed, many meetings will be between groups who have worked together previously, and supported each other through their experiences.

St.Germain 10.25.04

Whatever you see happening before your eyes, bear in mind this fact, sit back and contemplate the power of the Light, have faith and be positive and add your energies to it. You cannot yet see the detail, but you have been promised that there are events that are planned and ready to take place. Events that will re-shape your destiny for once and for all, and you will see these happen in your time.

The Forces of Light have been preparing for this time for longer than you would imagine. They have The Galactic Federation behind them and a power that could alter your situation in the twinkling of an eye. The fact that they have not yet done so, is because Humanity has first to see the reflection of itself in the actions of the dark, as you have over eons of time set this period into motion. It is a culmination of negative energies that you have collectively produced, and they must be allowed to manifest. But, we say only so far, as there is no punishment or retribution involved. All experience is carried with you, and you have to see and often feel the result of your negative actions and thoughts.

Thank you St.Germain