Germain  08.10.04

As you edge closer to the end-times, you will find significant evidence of it by what is about to take place on Earth. It has of course been manifesting in many subtle ways for a long time, and until now the progress has been deliberately slow. We have had to allow for your consciousness to grow gradually without seemingly being put under any undue pressure. Within the Plan that was laid down eons of time ago, it was known that your awakening would take a long time. Remember that you have had to throw off centuries of indoctrination by religious orders, and for many the beliefs are still very strong rooted. Human beings feel comfortable with what they are familiar with, and hitherto you have been led to believe that you cannot think for yourself. Indeed, you have been punished or put to death for daring to question what you have been taught. It has to be said that your Old Testament is not the word of God; it is the word of Man. Yet many devout followers of the Bible will follow it to the letter. This approach also applies to the Koran and such strong beliefs whilst commendable, have molded Man’s laws and attitudes in a way that does not reflect the godliness that the original teachings were meant to impart. So many of you are now beginning to question what is strictly laid down in your religious organisations, and this is a healthy approach that can only lead to a new realisation, and the Truth. I have told you many times to go within, speak with your Higher Self, talk to your Guides and your Angelic protectors, and you will be impressed with the answers. Once you are ready to learn and that intention is received by your Guides, you will also find that you are led to people and sources such as books, that will give you the information that will propel you forward. We rejoice when you wish to move on and are curious about your real self, your true beginnings and place in life.

It is no good sitting on the fence any longer, as time is short and you should be looking at what is happening in the world and questioning where you fit in. You cannot help know that changes are afoot, as you see evidence of it all around you. You feel the changes because of the new energies that are trying to attract your attention,  that are activating your energy centers and attempting to bring you harmony and balance. If you fight these changes it will aggravate any disharmony within you and often show itself in physical problems. Taken to the extreme, it could result in mental problems through the dis-ease that it caused. If you ignore the call to ready yourself for the Ascension, that choice will be honoured in accordance with the freewill that you have been granted. But you may see others moving away from you as they choose that path, as they also exercise their freewill. Perhaps you feel that you are being left behind and worry about your fate. Be assured that you are cared for just as much, and your future is as certain as anyone else’s, and you will never be without help and guidance. Everything in God’s Kingdoms is just and honest, and you are all loved beyond measure. But, if you feel stirred to seek a different path, do so and look for people of a like mind and you will find such persons miraculously coming into your circle.

Dear Ones, I am telling you that it is time to become your own person, and do not feel that you are letting anyone down by seeking for yourself. I know that this causes a commotion within some families or Churches, but you owe it to yourself to decide your own future. In reality no one else can do it for you, it is your decision and when you are embracing the changes that are soon to take plac, you have to decide where you stand. On the mountain top is not the place to be, if you wish to become nearer to God, I say again “ go within “ and you will find the Mother /Father there. The end times are so important, and you could say they are the chance of a lifetime, many life-times in fact. You have come so far, and as you lift yourselves out of the mist of times past so your understanding becomes so much clearer. You are coming into the Light, it is all around you tugging at your heart strings, appealing to your Higher Self to make a home with you, to help you become once again that great Being of Light you have always been.

I know that organised religion has held the flame of Truth through the Dark Ages, but it is a different time now and you are being released from the old to take up the new. Knowledge and understanding are yours to claim, so that you can make that transition that will enable you to take a quantum leap forward. You cannot take the old with you, it is a time of enlightenment and necessary to put you on the path to full Cosmic consciousness.

You live in wonderful times, and in the not too distant future the Masters will return to Earth. But not as religious leaders, although they will address the issues concerned with religion so that the Truth shall become known. It is a time when you shall see that All is One, and you will understand that there need be no differences between your beliefs, after all there is only the One Truth.

I am St. Germain and tell you of the great Love that goes with you, and will yet lift you up. You have my Love, and The Creator sends you a never ending Love that tells you that you are The Creators children, and it will always remain so through all eternity.

Thank you St. Germain

Mike Quinsey