Monday, May 3, 2004 9:32 p.m. PDT
To: Dove Group Members
From: Dove of O <>
Subject: [doveofo] NESARA Totally Ends Bush Regime Plan to Electronically Track Homeless

Hello Dear Friends and White Knights,

There are many reasons we absolutely must have NESARA announced. The Bush regime is definitely making it clear they are expanding their dangerous actions against Americans in several ways. Our best course is to build support for NESARA in order to remove the Bush regime and their supporters from power.

I thank the person who sent me the article below about the Bush regime plan to implant homeless people in five states with electronic tracking devices known as Radio Frequency Identification tags (RFID chips) the size of matchsticks. This is part of the Illuminati military-industrial complex leaders’ scheme to increase the control the Bush regime has over Americans. Implanting tracking devices in the homeless is the first step to desensitizing Americans to this extremely dangerous government intrusion on personal freedom. This is the first step toward requiring all Americans to accept the implantation of a “chip” for tracking and identification purposes; NESARA’s announcement will totally end all efforts to do this because this is totally against our Constitutional rights, particularly the 10th Amendment as discussed below.

There are zero good uses for this kind of technology in “today’s” world. In today’s world, the top government officials in most countries are working with the Illuminati military-industrial complex leaders who are attempting to bring about global domination by the elite few wielding complete control of the world’s people. The government officials of “today’s” world cannot be allowed to have this kind of control over anyone, homeless or not. This is exactly like Hitler’s requiring the Jews to wear yellow armbands and tattooing them with identification numbers in the death camps, except that today’s electronic technology is far more dangerous; this RFID “forced” implantation gives the government the ability to track these people regardless of where they go.

Regardless of the excuse given, this forced implanting of RFID tracking and identification devices in homeless people is in direct violation of the Constitution and every ethical principle of freedom. This RFID tracking would enable the government to find and pick up these people in the middle of the night and make them disappear.

NESARA’s announcement will absolutely end all efforts in the US to do this kind of electronic chip implantation and tracking of Americans. In addition, merchants, who are currently having RFID chips integrated into their merchandise so they can obtain information about where consumers of these items reside, will be forced by NESARA to stop putting RFID chips in their merchandise. RFID tracking of people who purchase merchandise is totally against the Constitution and will not be allowed.

As I reported on May 1, 1004, there were six key White Knight US military units of hundreds of military personnel deployed on NESARA announcement security duty who were erroneously recalled back to their home bases and sent on furlough last Thursday. This means that dozens of important NESARA resources have been left unprotected since last Thursday when these hundreds of military personnel were recalled from NESARA announcement security duty. This erroneous recalling of these hundreds of military personnel on NESARA security duty was a planned sabotage of the NESARA announcement by an insider. Until the dozens of important NESARA resources now unprotected can be again provided protection by these US military personnel with specialized training to do NESARA security duties, the NESARA announcement must wait. The sabotage included sending these hundreds of military personnel on furlough on Thursday so it would be difficult to order these personnel back to NESARA announcement security duty. There has been little success in reaching these military personnel on furlough as of now. We will have to see how this situation develops this week.

There are already people preparing actions to open up a new NESARA announcement time period very quickly if NESARA’s announcement misses the May 5th deadline. We will see NESARA’s announcement soon, one way or the other! NESARA Now!

Blessings and Love,

Dove of Oneness

Worldwide Director of NESARA Take Action Teams

Dove uses a pseudonym for security and privacy reasons. The term "White Knights" is borrowed from the Wall Street Journal and the world of big business hostile takeovers when a vulnerable company is "rescued from a hostile takeover by a White Knight” corporation or wealthy person. Certainly, these people fighting to bring Americans and the world the benefits of NESARA and to rescue our people from government and banking fraud deserve to be called “White Knights”. World Court is the International Court of Justice in the city called The Hague, in the Netherlands. This is NOT the International Criminal Court from which Bush Jr. removed the U.S. These are two totally different courts with different purposes. For more information on NESARA, go to WWW.NESARA.US .


Program to implant RFID tags in homeless

April 3, 2004

WASHINGTON (UPI) -- The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services said Thursday that it was about to begin testing a new technology designed to help more closely monitor and assist the nation's homeless population.

Under the pilot program, which grew out of a series of policy academies held in the last two years, homeless people in participating cities will be implanted with mandatory Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) tags that social workers and police can use track their movements.

The RFID technology was developed by HHS' Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) in partnership with five states, including California and New York. "This is a rare opportunity to use advanced technology to meet society's dual objectives of better serving our homeless population while making our cities safer," HRSA Administrator Betty James Duke said...

The miniscule RFID tags are no larger than a matchstick and will be implanted subdermally, meaning under the skin. Data from RFID tracking stations mounted on telephone poles will be transmitted to police and social service workers, who will use custom Windows NT software to track movements of the homeless in real time.

In what has become a chronic social problem, people living in shelters and on the streets do not seek adequate medical care and frequently contribute to the rising crime rate in major cities. Supporters of subdermal RFID tracking say the technology will discourage implanted homeless men and women from committing crimes, while making it easier for government workers to provide social services such as delivering food and medicine.

Duke called the RFID tagging pilot program "a high-tech, minimally-intrusive way for the government to lift our citizens away from the twin perils of poverty and crime." Participating cities include New York City, San Francisco, Washington, and Bethlehem, Penn.

Participating states will receive grants of $14 million to $58 million from the federal Projects for Assistance in Transition from Homelessness (PATH) program, which was created under the McKinney Act to fund support services for the homeless. A second phase of the project, scheduled to be completed in early 2005, will wirelessly transmit live information on the locations of homeless people to handheld computers running the Windows CE operating system.

A spokesman for the National Coalition for the Homeless, which estimates that there are between 2.3 million and 3.5 million people experiencing homelessness nationwide, said the pilot program could be easily abused.

"We have expressed our tentative support for the idea to HRSA, but only if it includes privacy safeguards," the spokesman said. "So far it's unclear whether those safeguards will actually be in place by roll-out."

Chris Hoofnagle, deputy director of the Electronic Privacy Information Center, said the mandatory RFID program would be vulnerable to a legal challenge. "It is a glaring violation of the Tenth Amendment, which says that powers not awarded to the government are reserved to the people, and homeless people have just as many Tenth Amendment rights as everyone else," said Hoofnagle, who is speaking about homeless privacy at this month's Computers Freedom and Privacy conference in Berkeley, Calif.

While HRSA's program appears to be the first to forcibly implant humans with RFID tags, the technology is becoming more widely adopted as retailers use it to track goods. Wal-Mart Stores said last year that it will require its top 100 suppliers to place RFID tags on shipping crates and pallets by January 2005.


For more information on NESARA, go to

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