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18th August 2002
In today's editorial there are significant alterations to  Ascension Update that make much clearer the changes that we can expect in the near future.
To begin with, the baton of leadership is passing and positions are changing and so it is time for us all to move on to the next stage.  When I wrote the last editorial I presumed that the majority of the First Wave would be going to the Inner Earth together with the Second and Third Waves.  I now know that this is not correct.
There will be only around 40,000 of the First Wave moving below the Earth's surface and they will be leaving on the 21st October at 3 a.m. local time.  That date and time is now secure for this operation.  The rest of the First Wave will remain on the surface until first contact is made with Inter-galactic Federation Forces whose presence, if all goes accord to plan, can be expected in early 2003.  Once reunited with their colleagues, some of the First Wave will then return to home bases or to other realms.  Some have even decided to stay on to witness at first hand, the many wonderful changes that lie far ahead.  So even though the First Wave have completed their mission, not all of them will disappear on the 21st October.  However, from that date, the planet Earth will no longer provide a home for third dimensional consciousness.
So what then lies in store for the Second and Third Waves?
The Earth is splitting off and leaving in a new holographic space called Terra, her current surface population, including the Second and Third Waves.  A hologram appears solid, firm and very real when one is in it, but is really just an image made of light particles.  The particles can shift and change the image and to somebody standing far away, this miraculous shifting of energies can be seen easily.  But when one is inside the hologram one has no concept of this shift occurring, however, this is exactly what will happen.
Thus, the Earth will cease to be home to the human species on 21st October and Terra will take its place.  Those who are sensitive to the energy of the Earth, will no doubt feel the shift, although externally there will be no surface change because Terra's lands and oceans will replicate exactly those of the Earth.  Because Terra will be a completely different entity than Earth, the surface cleansing that we have been expecting will not occur there.  The Earth however, is where the surface realignment must take place, which is why those who will continue their journey with her, will be moving to the interior.  Thus, the Earth which is moving to embrace a 5th dimensional consciousness, will cease to be the third planet in our holographic star system, and its place taken by Terra.
Whilst Earth becomes a 5th dimensional consciousness, Terra will become a 4th dimensional one.  This is where the human Ascension will continue to take place.  All the physical bodily changes written about in years past will continue, as the human biology uplifts itself to a new conscious level.  The DNA will continue to expand, progressing towards a totally different human blueprint, which is crystalline in nature.  This will take many years before it is fully completed, but there is much to look forward to, for eventually death from disease will end completely.
With this updated information, all those past discrepancies as to whether humanity was moving to the 4th or the 5th dimension can now be laid to rest.  Earth is going to the 5th dimension along with the Inner Earth population and approximately 40,000 of the First Wave.  Terra, is going to the 4th dimension with remaining starseeds (predominantly Second Wave) and a small percentage of human beings (Third Wave).  All those soon to be displaced persons currently on Earth, who have chosen not to uplift at this time, will perish and eventually reincarnate on to a new 3rd dimensional planet which is situated in a completely different galaxy.  Once this exodus has been completed, the human species will then be spread across two dimensions - the 3rd and 4th.
The job of the Second and Third Waves will be to make Terra into the world of which we have all dreamt.  A world where peace and compassion rule.  But before this new world can come into being, the old world energies have first to drop away.  Currently, there are two strongly opposing forces which control our environment.  One is the light and the other is the dark.  On our Ascension journey so far, we have been bringing gradually these two energies to meet in the middle within ourselves.  Remember that in order to change the external we must first change the internal?  Thus we have been working to bring the external world into balance by reworking these energies within.  (You may find it helpful to reread editorials  Accepting Our Shadows and  A State of Perfect Balance both found on this website.)
Many of you know that you have been changing, but often feel that nothing appears to be shifting in the outside world.  But very soon you can expect to see events which will demonstrate more clearly, a parting of realities.  Terra is not to be governed by the forces of duality, which means that those who hold the extremes of light or dark must perish.  This is the way that Terra will be brought into the new energy, only leaving those of you who have the willingness to shift into a new balanced way of being.  Therefore, during the upcoming events you will be quite unaffected and safe if you do not take sides.  This split between the old and the new will take place over a number of years, after which the path will then be clear.
As mentioned in previous editorials, there is a new group of Second Wavers who are beginning to bring in new technologies, systems and inventions.  These people will be the designers and builders of the new world on Terra.  But you to whom the leadership baton is currently being passed, will be the holders of their safe passage.  You are to hold your energy steady so that this new world can be created.  You will gather together in small groups because you know that you will be able to do the best job if you work in a team environment.  This is because Second Wave energy is not yet strong enough for individuals to carry their full load.  Each group will also be part of much larger inter-connecting circles which will radiate out across the whole of Terra.  
And whilst you hold the energies for safety and love to prevail, you will continue to let go of the old third dimensional consciousness.  You will release the chains of attachment that have kept you so locked down and powerless.  You will find that old relationships will finish and new ones come in their place.  You will move to new locations and meet new people who align with you.  And you will begin to create safe enclaves away from the cities where you will be left to your own devices until the violent craziness dies out with the demise of the non-ascending population.
In your heart you will know which destiny is yours to follow.  Do you feel that your mission has started, or has yet to start?  Or do you feel that you have completed?  Whichever path lies ahead is the one you have chosen, always remember that.  The Scouts have now taken the Pioneers to the fork in the road.  The new land lies ahead and it is virgin territory, which means that it waits to be made habitable.  And where is this new land?  It will be arriving in October.  Terra will be the place where the Pioneers begin their work, changing the land into something of beauty, where love and compassion rule.
Thus, dear Second Wavers, it is now time for you to stop pretending that you need further instruction because this is no longer true.  You know who you are, and you also know in your heart the tasks that lie ahead for you to accomplish.  The baton has been passed, and in the days and years ahead there will be much change.  The Third Wave will begin to awaken and will turn to you for guidance through the maze미궁 of up coming events.  Your future challenge is to remain detached from what will be going on around you.  Your mission is not to take sides and follow either the light or the dark, but to embrace these two polarities within yourselves, bringing them into balance.  In this way you will comfortably ride out the storms that are coming to clear out the energy of separation.
If there is one thought that I can leave you with today, it is to follow always your own guidance.  Listen to the voice that resides within and learn to trust it.  Future direction will come to you in this way, rather than from the outside in the guise of somebody you think is more knowledgeable.  Always remember that when you tune into your feelings and let them lead you away from the confusion of the brain's logic, that full clarity is all that remains.

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21:54:23 (*.107.131.153)
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