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>4 Divine States of  “Free Will”// 일단은 그렇다 치고..
>Now, we would like to look at how spirit has helped to co-create this physical universe. 
 에이 모라...다음

The primary energy/  that spirit employs for this intent is called sovereign will or "desire".  //

This important aspect of spirit exists /in many different forms /on many different levels / of consciousness.//  

In full consciousness,/  it is called "free will" or "self manifesting desire". //  

This concept only exists at the level of full consciousness. // 

 In your present limited consciousness, / it does not exist in this same form.  //

Rather, / it is a limited pattern / based upon major choices made / before your present incarnation into this Earth plane. //
>        Every aspect of spirit / that is allowed to take on a physical body / must conform to specific universal laws. //

 These universal laws / state that the full reign of free will / can only be permitted / at the highest levels of consciousness.  //

When any soul is to be incarnated in a limited consciousness reality, /
it must first pass / a set of judgments / from the local Spiritual Hierarchy / in charge  of that planet. //

 If the judgment to incarnate this soul / is positively rendered, / each Spiritual Hierarchy will then appoint a special set of Angelic judges / to monitor the progress of each soul. //

 Those beings accepted into a cycle / of incarnation must have agreed / to a specific set of / conditions or "understandings".  //

These "understandings" are eventually given to a being’s set of Angelic Guides / before birth. //

 These pre-conditional judgments / will be shown to the individual only /at an appropriate and divine time.  //

Consequently, / there exist many different levels of free will. //

 Let us now begin to look at them.
>        Free Will exists in four divine states. //
>The first level is called / the holy divine Supreme Creator’s Free Will. //
>This free will creates /all things through the establishment of the divine plan. //

 This plan / defines all Universal laws /and sets the number / and duration / of all dimensions.  //

The Supreme Creator also appoints all Spiritual Hierarchies, / their Councils, / and the relationship of one to another. //

 Lastly, / the plan sets the number of divine Creations / and a general plan of how they will unfold. // 
>The second level is Angelic, / Time Lords and Elohim Free Will.//
>This free will takes the divine plan and fully implements it. //

 Creation will generally develop / according to the divine plan.//
>The third level is full consciousness Free Will.//
>This aspect of free will / is intended to aid the holy, / divine ones /in carrying out the physical Creation. //

 It operates / by being able to manifest / those changes to the general divine plan / that are required /for the growth and evolution / of physical reality.//  
>Finally, there is limited consciousness Free Will. //
>It is limited to merely determining certain aspects / of one’s life span / that have been agreed upon / as important life lessons. //

 Let us look more closely / at how they relate to one another.//
>        Let us start by comparing / the last two states / of free will to each other. //

 Full conscious free will relates/ to the co-creation of the physical Universe. //

 Consequently, / it deals/ with a number of lifetimes simultaneously, / their life purposes, / universal law lessons learned, etc. //

 It contains / what might be called the "big picture". //

 That is, / it concerns itself / with a process /of massive manifestations /of physical reality, / as well as a full participation / in their creation. //

 On the other hand, / limited consciousness free will / concerns itself / with only the decisions / needed to complete / one lifetime. //

 These "lessons" / have been set up / by the Angelics, /as well as /by your full consciousness counterpart, / before incarnation even occurred. //

 This limiting of one’s interactions with reality / makes each such life / very stressful and emotionally difficult. //

 Since you lack the degree / of focusing and manifesting abilities/ found on all other levels, / it is a most incredible life experience.  //

You should be fully congratulated / for agreeing to undertake such a lifetime.//

>        Full consciousness / is the realm of the "physical" Angels. //

 You are a partner/  in the growth and the nature /of physical reality. //

 Limited consciousness / is one that permits / you to take a series of possible paths.  //

How you navigate these paths and intertwine / them determines/ the outcome of a particular lifetime. //

 For the most part, / there are no experienced spiritual counselors to aid you. //

 All decisions / must be made in various conditions of blindness.  //

To us,/  this fact is quite surreal 초현실의. //

 We always know / on all possible levels  / what decision is the right one to make. //

 You must operate / on a "hit or miss" / type of logic, / or else some kind / of intuitive knowledge to guide you. //

 Some of you have become masters / of this reality and / we are quite proud of you. //

 However, it does not give you/  the right to decide/ the nature of your planet’s rate / of consciousness evolution, / or even whether the Galactic Federation/ should attempt / first contact. //

 These matters are affairs / only left to the local Spiritual Hierarchy.//

>        So, as you can see, / consciousness is an important part of Creation. //

 Its purpose, / one might say, / is to fill in the blanks of physical Creation.  //

The Creator, / in making the divine plan, / gave physical Creation / a number of possible options / for each one of Creation’s development.  //

Each aspect of these options / became the domain of a specific level / of consciousness. //

 Each level of consciousness / took its divine responsibilities seriously.  //

Each level is interlinked / to both time and light.  //

Each level is given a correspondingly appropriate amount / of interaction / with time and light. //

 Each set of dimensional divine laws / is established / for such interactions / with the elements of Creation. //

 However, / each lower level has a vastly diminished / ability to undertake/  these interactions. //

 Furthermore, / each level of consciousness / needs the cooperation / of all other levels to succeed.  //

This fact gives / all fully conscious / beings a great stake / in your limited conscious reality. //

 It also provides / the means for instituting a divine intervention.//

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