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Sekhmet: Yeah! As the Photon Belt comes in it raises everybody’s frequencies to 12th dimension.   This is Alcyone’s gift to the people of Earth.   It is a way to circumvent all of the dark agenda controllers that have kept us in slavery, and as we move up in frequency to 12th dimension with 12 strands of DNA we radiate more Love.   And as we radiate more and more Love, it becomes more and more difficult for them to control us and keep us in a place of (mmmmmm) shall we say, negativity and a bad attitude and (mmmmmm) shall we say, power without Love.

Ava: Survival…
Sekhmet: Yes!  Survival means where I get a job and you pay me five bucks an hour.
LMMS: And I have to give my life force away for that five bucks an hour which doesn’t do anything.
Sekhmet: And then I have to give you my SNN number so you can extract more money out of me…
Ava: No, No, No, No.  We are way past that.  (laughter)  We’re done, we’re done.   We’re done with that one.

Sekhmet: We would say that what is occurring is the Photon Belt is a gift to the people of Earth where expotentially it is raising the people’s vibes whether they like it or not.  (laugher)

Commander: So it’s just around the Earth or is it around the Solar System or a larger…..
Sekhmet: It is around the Earth and is moving within this solar system.
Ava: It covers the whole galaxy, though, it’s huge.
Sekhmet: Yes…
Ava: But this particular planet is going first.   This particular planet in the entire galaxy is leading the way for all the other planets.
Commander: So we are essentially going to be returning to Alycone?
Sekhmet: Yeah!
Commander: And this will be done over the next 12 of our years?  Or…

Sekhmet: We would say by the year 2012 you would be in direct alignment with Alcyone and that you would be in that orbital process…Yes!
Ava: So we will be out completely by 2000 --- we’ll be out of the Sector we’re in, Sector 9, and we’ll be in Sector 3 which is adjacent to the Pleiadian Sector of  Sector 6.
Sekhmet:  Yes!
Commander: So we’re in transit right now which means all of the night stars that we see at night are not stars but they are spaceships simulating the constellations and the like, correct?
Sekhmet: You got it, dude!  (laughter)
Commander: I’ve known that for years, but….

LMMS: Do you know that the sun has been moving around for the last  few years…  I know one thing that has been happening that I’ve noticed is that  when you see Orion, we are going to start seeing Orion Constellation very shortly, and it is huge now in the sky where it used to be really tiny.

Ava: Yes, it used to look like where it was not…
LMMS: It used to be far away but now it covers about two thirds of the sky.   And nobody’s even talking about that.   But it is really different.   I remember it as a child and looking at that and knowing that it was something special, but now….
Commander: Well, that’s true with all the constellations.
Ava: Yeah.  That’s because we are not so far out on the outer peripherial anymore.   We’ve actually started moving toward the center of our galaxy coming closer to all of the systems.

Sekhmet: Your planet Earth is a ship of light moving through the galaxy to that sector.
Ava: Yeah.  We’re a starship…
Sekhmet: Yes!
Ava: As well.
LMMS: A living biosphere…

Sekhmet: It is very often to witness and unfold and at the same time we know the trials and tribulations and dysfunctionality as an art form has been such a (mmmmmm) tedious task for everybody to get where sometimes the only way we can act is disfuntionality as an art form.   That is why we have to laugh at each other, and look at this in a comical way ‘cause if we learn how to laugh and love it then it comes much easier instead of cursing and hating it, because through the wisdom of laughter and love it becomes much easier to forgive each other, and when we look at this guy who is sitting right now there in the oral office…. he is very comical because he does not know his ass from a hole in the ground.  He is very unaware of how to interact with people, but yet if he was to be brought to a very basic level where he had to go and dig ditches or had to work.   Yes, he probably knows how to do that because he was raised in Texas, but at the same time we also know there is an inherent frequency where there needs to be Love.   And so many of these lizards have had the DNA frequency genetically removed.   It has been genetically manipulated out of them so they do not understand how to love.  They only use (mmmmmm) shall we say, their pagan god images that they could parade about on this planet in a way in which they use it as control.
Mohammed Allah came to this planet.  He was a fellow brother of Sananda of the   Kumaras that came from Venus, and he preached only Love.   He did not speak of holy Gi-haad wars.   He spoke of  frequency of Love.   And even the Koran has been twisted where the truth is not being told even to this day.   There is so much that will be brought forth once NESARA is announced, where all the ancient texts can be brought to the light of day where the people can see the true Book of Life and they can go over and say, “Oh, my god, how have we been so ignorant where we accuse my brother of this and that, and that I instantly forgive them.
In our Universal Federation of Worlds we do not have crime.   We do not have death.  We do not have pollution.   If someone has [come] out of the time/space continuum which is a concept of evil, if you will, to give it a name, we put them in a reintegration/rejuvenation chamber where the neuro pathways of their brain matrix are brought back into the alignment of the Laws of The One.   It is very simple, but yet on this planet, simplicity has become an insurmountable task of, oh my God, dysfunctionality (mmmmmm)
I guess we’d better go here.  We can rant and rave for four more hours.  

Commander: O.K.  One last question:  Your home planet, Nibiru is here, correct?
Sekhmet: Niburu [pronounced: knee-burr-ooo] is in orbit around this planet, yes!
Commander: And can you explain a little bit of reasoning why that is?

Sekhmet: The reason Nibiru has come into planet Earth and orbit this time is because we have come to collect the remnants of our peoples, which are the Lion People, the Bird People and the Reptilian People, that have asked for direct Divine intervention as well as the ones that are your (mmmmmm) we would call them, the Reptilian controllers.   They have been ordered to stand down and cease and desist by King Dracos and Princess Ardalla of their own Draconian empire.   They have come back to Love, all of Dracos, the only ones, the renegade faction that is here, are the only ones that have not listened to the words of wisdom from their own people — King Dracos. So, now we will escort them back to their home world where they will stand trial for their crimes against the Galaxy.   That is why Nibiru is here.   It is a balancer.   We come at the beginning and the end of each age to balance the masculine and the feminine energy in a time-space continuum where the energies have been out of balance.   As you know on this time here the masculine has been out of balance for the feminine.   Now it will be brought back into a frequency of the feminine.  That is why we represent the feminine warrior goddess.   (mmmmmm)  (laughter)  It’s not been to freak you out, sir.

Commander: No.  I understand completely.
Sekhmet: Yeah!  (mmmmmm)  We’ll have to work with the rental unit’s voice here.
Ava: He’s getting a little bit raspy.   It hurts his throat after while.   I think we should start again and get a fresh start on our next talk.
Commander: O.K.
Sekhmet: But we will say a little Hebrewic/Atlantian prayer here now as we go.
LMMS:  We love all of you…
Sekhmet, Ava, LMMS:   Greetings in the Light of the Most Radiant One, kadosh, kadosh, kadosh. Adonai, Sabayo, kadosh, kadosh, kadosh.  Adonai Sabayo, kadosh, kadosh, kadosh.  Adonai, Sabayo, .  Inneeaho, inneeaho, ineeaho.  Yoka, Aloka, Yaweah.  Adonai, asubra.
Ava:  Good-bye now Mother.
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