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[스크랩] 리비아의 진면목|해외 소식
십사자성 | 조회 265 |추천 2 | 2011.10.22. 23:05
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리비아에 왜 나토와 미군이 전쟁을 벌이는가에 의문이 있을 수있습니다. 리비아가 여타 다른 나라를 침공한 적이 없었고, 국제법을 위반하며 인류에 만행을 저지른 일도 없었지요. 외려 리비아가 아랍권 국가의 모범이 되었고 아프리카 빈국에게 도움을 주며 경제발전의 희망이 되는 국가였습니다. 그러니 리비아 전쟁이 더 어이없고 슬픈 것입니다.

그럼 가다피 원수는 왜, 미군과 나토 용병들의 살해 타겟이 되어 힘든 도피행각을 하다가 결국 희생되었는가요? 그는 인류역사상 보기드문 인권의 신념의 지도자였고 석유의 부를 국민의 재산이요 국가발전을 위해 온전하게 썼으며 리비아와 아프리카 국가들이 미국 유럽 금융제국주의의 압제에서 벗어나도록 독립의 길을 열어주던 지도자였습니다. 그런 가다피가 그들에게는 눈에 가시요 제거 대상까지 되었던 것입니다. 참 무참한 제국주의의 모습입니다.

? A Gaddafi-Centered African Union With A Common Currency Here & Here 가다피는 아프리카민들이 공통의 통화를 사용해서 아프리카 연합을 형성하는 운동의 중심에 있었다.

? A Gaddafi-Run Central Bank Of Libya Here 가다피는 리비아 중앙은행을 운영케했다.

? A Gaddafi-Holding Of 150 Tons Of Gold Here 가다피는 리비아에 150톤의 금을 보유하도록 했다.

? A Gaddafi-Run Libyan Oil Industry Here 가다피는 독자적인 리비아 석유산업을 운영케 했다.

? A Gaddafi-Run ‘Blue-Gold’ Water Reserves Here가다피는 푸른 금이라 불리는 물 저장소를 운영했다.

By Brother Nathanael Kapner
Oct 21, 2011 - 7:10:27 PM

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By Brother Nathanael Kapner, Copyright 2011

THE BRUTAL MURDER of Muammar Gaddafi by Zionist-owned Libyan insurgents is an example of what happens to political leaders who defy international Jewish bankers.

Gaddafi refused to do the bidding of the Rothschild-centered global banking cartel in 5 areas:

? A Gaddafi-Centered African Union With A Common Currency Here & Here
? A Gaddafi-Run Central Bank Of Libya Here
? A Gaddafi-Holding Of 150 Tons Of Gold Here
? A Gaddafi-Run Libyan Oil Industry Here
? A Gaddafi-Run ‘Blue-Gold’ Water Reserves Here

IN JULY OF 2011, the son and heir apparent of Muammar Gaddafi, Saif al-Islam,stated that it wasn’t just Libya’s ‘black gold’ (oil) that the Zionist West wants, but Libya’s ‘blue gold’ (water) ? the some 500 miles of the Nubian Sandstone Aquifer System that lies beneath Libya’s surface.

The Nubian Aquifer is the only fresh water source that remains in North Africa and thus is the focus of what has become known as “Water Wars.”

Two French water firms, the largest in the world, Veolia and Suez SA,” says al-Islam, want to own the Nubian Aquifer, since they will make countless billions in profit from food grown from the water.

Both Veolia and Suez SA, like all multinational corporations, are doubtless funded by Jewish finance capital. And Louis Dreyfus International, a Jewish French firm, would apparently be the food broker.

Al-Islam points out that every IMF and World Bank loan, both controlled by Zionist Jewry, is issued on the condition that the victim-nation sells its water supplies to private investors. View Entire Story Here, Here, Here & Here.

It appears that Saif al-Islam’s testimony against Zionist Jewry has been silenced forever as he has been reportedly encircled by the Zionist-owned Libyan insurgents on October 20, 2011, the same day his father was captured and mercilessly murdered.

Gaddafi’s main threat to International Jewry’s Banking Cartel was his plan for a common African currency?the gold-backed Libyan dinar?which would have replacedall fiat-issued US dollar, British pound, and French franc as the main currency in Africa. the

Jewish banking interests were clearly at stake as the US dollar is maintained by the Jewish-runFederal Reserve Bank; the British pound by the Jewish-run Central Bank of England; and the French franc by the Jewish-run Banque de France.

Is it any surprise then that the three major invaders of Libya ? America, England, and France ? whose Zionist-bought leaders: Obama, Cameron, & Sarkozy, are praising the brutal and slow murder of Libyan chief, Muammar Gaddafi?

No, it is no surprise at all. View Entire Story Here, Here & Here.


CALLING FOR BOOTS on the ground, Jewish president of the Council on Foreign Relations, Richard Haass, after admitting that the Libyan invasion was to oust Gaddafi via “regime change” ? sought a US-led NATO occupation of Tripoli.

In a quick follow-up to Haass’ blood thirsty call, Jewish neocon Philip Zelikow, former US State Department Counsellor and 9/11 Commission Head, wrote that “Gaddafi’s fall” would spark a “Democratic Spring” (read Jewish puppet governments) throughout the Arab world.

Leading the Zionist fray, it was the same Jewish sleaze balls who brought us the Iraq War through their lies about Saddam’s ‘weapons of mass destruction,’ namely, the “Project for a New American Century,” now reincarnated as, “The Foreign Policy Initiative,” who urged in their June 2011, “Open Letter To House Republicans,” the toppling of Muammar Gaddafi.

THE SIGNATORIES to the Letter read like an invitation to a Bar Mitzvah…this time a very bloody one indeed:

Elliott Abrams, John Podhoretz, Robert and Fred Kagan, Lawrence Kaplan, Robert Lieber, Michael Makovsky, Eric Edelman, Kenneth Weinstein, Paul Wolfowitz, Randy Scheunemann. View Entire Story Here & Here.

And of course, the leader of the Zionist rat pack, Jewish neocon William Kristol, apparently dictates US military policy as evinced in this Fox News interview: “No we cannot leave Gaddafi in power and we won’t leave Gaddafi in power.”

Kristol and his fellow blood-thirsty Jews have now seen their dream come true.

In violation of both International Law and the Geneva Convention’s prohibitionof the mutilation of prisoners of war, Muammar Gaddafi is now among the Zionist-murdered dead.

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