'빛의 시대 평화의 시대'의 게시판에 있길래 퍼왔습니다.

Greetings and blessings, we are the Emissaries of the Light. We wish
to speak on many subjects upon our visit with you. Firstly, we desire
to speak on the subject of your Sun. For some time now, you have been
witnessing solar magnetic flares bursting from the surface of your Sun.
These solar flares are playing a major part in your ongoing

So dear ones, let us explain to you more clearly what this all means
and the effects that this will have upon you. With each burst of
energy that enters your world, these energy bursts will be assisting
in changing everything about you, also the planet that you live upon.
Each time these energy bursts enter your world, they completely alter
your vibrational frequency. Each time the Sun sends forth a burst of
solar magnetic energy, it shifts your vibrational frequency to another
level, which in turn alters your level of consciousness. The shift in
your level of consciousness is all part of what is now happening. Each
time your vibrational frequency increases, it alters your DNA.

Many of you will have noticed even within the last few months how very
different the energies have now become. You are now becoming more
aware that something major is on the horizon. Dear ones, what is
happening is simply another part of your Ascension process. Your shift
that you all have been waiting for is soon about to happen. What
is also occurring because of your Sun's activities is the fact that you
are now vibrating at a much higher level, and faster than you could
possibly imagine. An important point for you to remember is the fact
that everything that is happening, is happening at a pace and at a
degree that your physical human form can deal with.

Some of the downside, seemingly, to this process is your emotional
state which at times seems rather impaired. Mood swings are very much
a side effect of these vibrational changes that you are experiencing.
On the other side, you are becoming more intuitive and many of your
latent, or would we say dormant, abilities are now coming more
to the forefront of who you truly are.

Many of you will now be discovering that it is a very simple thing to
be able to communicate with Spirit. You are becoming more aware of
your Higher Self, in turn becoming more ONE with your Higher Self. Be
not concerned about what is going on around your world at this time.
The disturbances that are being created in some countries around your
world will not continue for much longer.

Many of you have waited for a long time to hear certain announcements
that you have been promised to hear very soon. We now wish to speak on
the subject that you come to know as NESARA. Everything that NESARA
stands for is real, the principles behind NESARA are very real. This
type of system will become part of your new reality. It will
be part of what will change your world forever. Changes within your
financial and banking systems, more so your governments, must change
the way they operate.

At this time we do not wish to enter into the debate whether NESARA has
been entered into law or not. This is something that you all must
discern for yourselves. One thing that we would like to point out is
the fact that any new system alone does not change the ways of one's
consciousness. It is only a part of it. It matters not what kind of
system is in place if the level of consciousness is not there within
the ones that enforce it.

Peace can only come to your world if you command it into place . Use
your God-given talents to bring about the true peace that you so
desire. We have stated many times, we are not here as your saviours,
we are here to assist you in the actions that you take to change your
world and yourselves. Once you fully realise this, you will bring about
the new Golden Age that you have long awaited.

Many things are about to dawn upon your world. Many of them will seem
like miracles. Know and believe within yourselves that you are in a
time where peace and abundance is not a request but something that has
been commanded into place. Dear ones, once this becomes truly part of
your consciousness, it is then you will inherit the Earth and all it
blessings. Dear ones, you are the true and future guardians of one of
the most precious beings throughout all of Creation. We know what you
are capable of and that you will protect her well.

Your glorious moment is about to arrive. Know that you are about to
witness first hand, the wonders that the Creator has laid before you.
We leave you now and we grant you peace.