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Subj:   [doveofo] NESARA is July 4th Spirit; Pix Show No Plane hit Pentagon
Date:   7/4/02 8:16:19 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: (dove_of_o)

Hello Dear Friends,

Happy July 4th!  NESARA is the SPIRIT of July 4th as we will all see
very very soon.

I'm told that those of us in the BIG prosperity PrOgram will be
receiving multiple envelopes when our deliveries arrive.  Those of
us in the BIG PrOgram are actually receiving funding from other
programs over which the Big Program functioned as a kind of
umbrella.  We will need to sign for all of these deliveries
separately, I'm told.  I'm being advised to write the words "All
Rights Reserved." above my signature when I sign for the delivery
and I'm also advised to sign my name FOLLOWED by "and/or assigns" on
the line where I sign for the delivery.  

I'm told we will have considerable information coming with each
envelope and some ability to do remote activation of accounts.  Due
to special arrangements and circumstances, I'm told we DO NEED to DO
our remote activations of our funding accounts per our official
instructions in our envelopes.  I'm told the U.S. bankers have
caused so many problems and interferences, that the White Knights
have gone to this process to make certain we receive the correct
funding instructions and enable us to proceed with our account

Below is PROOF of WHY we must have NESARA and the government
reformations required by NESARA.  I sent the info below out in April
and I'm told that US network news shows in the last few weeks have
discussed the fact that NO Boeing 757 hit the Pentagon on 9/11.  The
second web link below has over 10 pictures (with sources of pictures
included) which clearly show that there was ZERO Boeing 757 involved
in the 9/11 Pentagon explosions.  That exact location of the
Pentagon was where the White Knights had their newly remodeled
communications center which was to coordinate support activities of
the NESARA Announcement set to be aired at 10 a.m. EDT on Sept. 11,

As I reported some months ago, a small plane hit the Pentagon on
9/11.  It was so loaded with explosives that following the fire, I'm
told, any traces of the small plane were nearly impossible to find
amidst the general debris.  Below is a website SHOWING the SMALL
PLANE hitting the Pentagon on 9/11.  

(1) [ ]

This video shows a small white airplane streaking into the Pentagon
followed by a big explosion. I'm told the plane had a very carefully
calculated payload of explosives on it which exploded on impact. I'm
told that this small white plane was being piloted and controlled
REMOTELY by a highly sophisticated technology in the hands of an
expert working for the corporation which developed the technology.

To see CLOSE UP pictures of the Pentagon right after the explosions,
CLICK on the web link below:

(2) [ ]

This second web link above shows firemen fighting the fire from the
explosions at the Pentagon and a LOT of close up detail!  

Also, below is an article which appeared in the San Francisco
Examiner on June 11, 2002, entitled:  "SF attorney: Bush allowed
9/11". Since I was unable to find a copy of this story on the web
archives of the SF Examiner, I called and left a message for the
reporter who wrote the article asking him to return my call and
confirm that this story was published on 6/11/2002.  I did receive a
call from the reporter today and he did confirm that the article
below was published in the San Francisco Examiner in June. I
congratulated the reporter on having the courage to write the story
which quotes an attorney who BOLDLY states that Bush Jr. is being
sued for complicity in allowing the 9/11 attacks.

Let's continue our prayers, meditations, and energy work focuses
daily at 4 P.M. in our time zone.   Let's invoke Divine Assistance
to SUPPORT all our White Knights and Forces as they announce NESARA
bringing liberty and prosperity options for all. Let's also call
forth WORLD PEACE; NESARA is officially and legally linked to World
Peace.  Prosperity Now! NESARA NOW!

To SUBSCRIBE and JOIN the Dove egroup,
1)  Send a blank email to:
2) REPLY to Yahoo's email requesting your confirmation.

Please FORWARD this email to everyone who wants to receive Dove Reports
because as of today, the dark agenda has made it impossible for me to
UNbounce Dove group members from the Bouncing list by taking away ALL
UNbounce keys. If you or someone you know suddenly stops receiving the Dove
Reports, it is due to dark agenda interference. Anyone who is having trouble
receiving Dove Reports should RESUBSCRIBE using the steps above and hopefully
this will get you back on the Active Mailing list so you will receive the

My sincere thanks to those of you who have sent me articles which I
use in the Dove Reports.  You are very appreciated.

Let's keep our hearts and minds focused on NESARA NOW!

Blessings and Love,
Dove of Oneness

The Dove egroup currently has more than 8,670 members including the 76
members in the Bouncing list who may not receive this message.  I'm told
there were activities which cleared out the dark agenda's interference
causing Dove egroup members to be put on the Bouncing list and that is why
for about four days, I had "normal" bouncing of 4-8 email addresses daily.  

Today there were 76 Dove egroup member in the bouncing list since yesterday!  
In addition, Yahoo!Groups has removed the UNbounce key on ALL bouncing
members and replaced it with a process which enables the dark agenda to
interfere in ways that could keep bouncing members from receiving their Dove
Reports and takes MY ability to UNbounce them totally away!  I am working on
some solutions to this and the ultimate solution will be to MOVE the Dove
egroup after I set up the Dove Office.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

(3) [ ]

September 11 attacks exposed as 'an appalling fraud'
April 9 2002

The ultimate conspiracy theory book is flying off the shelves,
writes Caroline Overington in New York.

The airliner that crashed into the Pentagon on September 11 was in
the air for almost an hour before the building was hit.  The
aircraft, apparently hijacked, was known by everybody watching the
live footage to be heading for the Pentagon or the White House.

Why are there no video images or photographs of the aircraft before
it ploughed into the Pentagon?

Could it be there was no such aircraft? That it was a hoax?

Perhaps what really happened is this: the United States Government,
anxious to overcome inevitable public opposition to its plans to
beef up military spending, hired a . . . plan simultaneous attacks
on the World Trade Centre and the Pentagon. It blew up the buildings

The claims about the Pentagon attack come from a French book topping
sales on the Web site, the French equivalent of

The book, L'Effroyable Imposture (The Appalling Fraud), is also No 1
on the Associated Press weekly Top 10 for France.

Both lists catalogue the book under non-fiction. Essentially, the
book's author, Thierry Meyssan, says the US is lying about September
11; that it staged the events itself so it could go to war in
Central Asia and the Middle East and make a fat profit.

The book has sold out - about 20,000 copies - and bookshop owners in
France are quoted by news agencies as saying it is "flying off the

The book is supported by a Web site, Hunt the Boeing,
(, which
shows pictures of the Pentagon after it was hit.

The site challenges viewers to "find the Boeing" in any of the
pictures. The Web site and book say he hole in the Pentagon's wall
is too small to have been made by a 757, and that there are no
traces of an aircraft in any of the pictures.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Publication date: 06/11/2002

S.F. attorney: Bush allowed 9/11
Of The Examiner Staff

Stanley Hilton now figures his case is stronger because of a
coalition of attorneys, victims' families and bipartisan legislators
who gathered in Washington on Monday to condemn the government's
lack of action in preventing the Sept. 11 attacks.

Hilton is the San Francisco attorney who filed a $7 billion lawsuit
in U.S. District Court on June 3 against President Bush and other
government officials for "allowing" the terrorist attacks to occur.

Among Hilton's allegations: Bush conspired to create the Sept. 11
attacks for his own political gain and has been using Osama bin
Laden as a scapegoat.  Hilton said he has information that bin Laden
died several years ago of kidney failure.

"I hope it will expose the fact that there are numbers of people in
the   government, including Bush and his top assistants, who wanted
this to   happen," Hilton said.

His class-action suit named 10 defendants, including Vice President  
Dick Cheney, National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice, Secretary
of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, and Transportation Secretary Norman
Mineta. Hilton said he represents the families of 14 victims and
that 400 plaintiffs are involved nationwide.

White House spokesman Ken Macias and Department of Justice public  
affairs officer Charles Miller each said their departments were
unaware of the lawsuit.  

Hilton, Sen. Bob Dole's former aide, has been publicly critical of
conservatives in books he has written about Dole and the Clinton sex
scandal. Hilton, who said he has sources within the FBI, CIA, the
National Security Agency and Naval intelligence, demands Bush's
impeachment and believes the truth will come out in trial.

Hilton claims the Bush administration ignored intelligence
information, refused to round up suspected terrorists beforehand,
and during the  hijackings refused to disable pilot controls and
switch to a ground-based remote system.  He claims the government
benefited from installing a puppet Afghan government friendly to
U.S. oil interests.  Hilton also says Bush used bin Laden's
antagonist image to create a  public frenzy, which allowed the Bush
administration to tighten its  political grip.


***Breathe In and Out Love and Light Daily***Ron

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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