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Kucinich to run for president
쿠씨니치, 대통령에 출마

Saturday, February 15, 2003
Posted: 10:21 PM EST (0321 GMT)

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Rep. Dennis Kucinich plans to file papers to
launch a presidential campaign next week, a source familiar with the
Ohio Democrat's plans said Saturday.

데니스 쿠씨니치 의원이 다음주 대통령 선거운동을 출범하기 위해 서류를
꾸밀 계획에 있다고 오하이오 민주당원의 계획에 정통한 통신원이 토요일에

His entry into the 2004 presidential race bumps the Democratic field
of candidates to eight.

2004년 대통령 선거에 그가 진입함으로써 민주당 후보는 8명으로 늘었습니다.

Kucinich has said voters need to hear alternative points of view on
Iraq, trade and the nation's economic policies, all issues expected
to be at the center of his campaign.

쿠씨니치 의원에 의하면, 투표자들은 이라크, 국가 경제정책 등 이번 선거에서
핵심이 될 것으로 기대되는 모든 이슈들에 대해 대안적인 관점을
들을 필요가 있다고 말했습니다.

Kucinich told The (Cleveland) Plain Dealer in a story for Sunday's
editions that he is "testing the waters" by filing to form a
presidential exploratory committee and will commit to running for the
nomination in June if his candidacy wins wide support in the next
several months.

플레인 딜러 일요일판 기사에 따르면, 쿠씨니치 의원은 대통령 탐구 위원회를
구성함으로써 분위기를 파악하고 있으며, 자신의 입후보가 다음 몇 개원간
광범위한 지지를 얻게되면 6월에 있을 후보자 지명에 출마하는데 헌신할
것이라고 말했습니다.

The fourth-term congressman will announce his plans on Monday, which
is Presidents Day.

이번이 4번째인 쿠씨니치 의원은 월요일에 자신의 계획을 발표할 것입니다.

He is scheduled to be in Iowa Sunday, where he is to meet with
Democratic Party activists in advance of an appearance Monday with
other presidential hopefuls at an AFL-CIO forum.

The Iowa caucuses next January mark the first major contest of the
2004 presidential primary season.

Those already in the race are former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean, North
Carolina Sen. John Edwards, Missouri Rep. Richard Gephardt,
Massachusetts Sen. John Kerry, Connecticut Sen. Joseph Lieberman,
former Illinois Sen. Carol Moseley-Braun and the Rev. Al Sharpton.

Kucinich, 56, is best known nationally as being Cleveland's "boy
mayor" in the 1970s. However, since the terrorist attacks of
September 11, 2001, and the increased attention on the inspection of
Iraqi weapons, Kucinich has become a national voice for civil
liberties and peace.

56세인 쿠씨니치의원은 1970년대에 클리블랜드의 젊은 시장으로 가장 잘
알려져 있습니다. 하지만, 9-11 테러 공격과 이라크 무기사찰에 대한 관심이
고조된 이래로, 쿠씨니치씨는 시민의 자유와 평화를 위한 국가적인 목소리가

"We need to start asking why is war considered to be an instrument of
policy," Kucinich said at a recent news conference in Washington.

"우리는 왜 전쟁이 정책적 도구로 간주되어야 하는지 물어볼 필요가 있습니다."
라고 쿠씨니치는 최근 워싱턴에서 열린 뉴스회견에서 말했습니다.

"Inspections are an adequate substitute for war, diplomacy is a
substitute for war, human relations are a substitute for war, and so
I think that there is no case made for war," he said.

무기사찰은 전쟁을 대체할 수 있는 적절한 수단이며, 외교도 그렇고,
인간 관계도 그렇습니다. 그래서 저는 어떤한 경우도 전쟁을 위한 것은
없다고 생각합니다."라고 말했습니다.

(이후 부터는 쿠씨니치 의원이 대통령에 출마하라는 권유를 상당히 많이
받아오고 있다는 내용입니다...)

A spokesman from Kucinich's office said the congressman
receives "tens of thousands" of phone calls and e-mails each day
urging him to run for president, an outpouring he said started after
Kucinich gave a speech last February called "A prayer for America."

In that Los Angeles, California, address, Kucinich used patriotic
language to denounce Bush administration policies that he says tread
on personal liberties and take the country in a dangerous direction

The text of the speech circled the Internet and led an Oklahoma City
computer consultant to launch a Web site asking people to urge
Kucinich to run. The site gets about
5,000 visitors a day.

Ralph Nader, who also appeals to economic populists, has spoken
publicly about his support for Kucinich, saying the race needs a
progressive candidate. Nader was the Green Party's presidential
candidate in 2000.

As chairman of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, which consists
of 55 of the most liberal members, Kucinich has pushed in Congress
for a worker-friendly economic stimulus package and been a longtime
advocate for establishing a Department of Peace.


Copyright 2003 The Associated Press.

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