웹페이지 하나 운영하는데 무슨 돈이 그렇게 많이 든다고 PAO는 또 다시 돈을 요구하고 있습니다!

Over the past seven years, the PAO has posted, on this website, Sheldan’s weekly updates of the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation of Light. To enable us to continue to provide these weekly updates, we require your continuing help.

Rather than having to respond to periodic requests for donations, please consider making a voluntary, bi-yearly gift that will help sustain both the weekly updates and the PAO. In so doing, you will allow the work of PAO to move forward.

In his Holiday message, Sheldan described PAO’s need for immediate funds. You answered with loving prayers, words of encouragement and some very welcome contributions. However, those donations came from only a small percentage of Sheldan’s readers. In order for the PAO to maintain this website and continue to bring you Sheldan’s invaluable updates, we need many more of you to help out. We urge those of you who previously were unable to lend a helping hand to consider making a small contribution. Your donations could be the price of a good book; the cost of a subscription to your favorite magazine; or whatever you feel is appropriate. Altogether, it will help to spread Sheldan’s word, and to prepare us all for the coming transformation of our world and its inhabitants.

Miles Simons
Webmaster for the PAO

For a copy of PAO's contribution form