http://www.fourwinds10.comNESARA: A Call To Prayer
June 8, 2003

By Patrick H. Bellringer

The whirl of energies that surround the approach of NESARA has caused upset to the energy fields of many people. The energies of hope and faith are in conflict with those of doubt and despair. The possibility of another two week delay in the official public announcement of NESARA due to the lack of gold in the banks of England, has again multiplied the negative energies across our world. The darkside has done it again. The darkside is winning. These delays could go on forever!

Not so, oh you of little faith! Have you forgotten your power within? Have you failed to stay centered and at peace within, amid the whirling energies around you? Have you failed to stay focused upon the Light, the goal, the reality of NESARA? Have you allowed yourself to be pulled back into third dimensional thinking? Have you forgotten the principle of mind over matter?

Our thoughts can transform this planet by overcoming matter. Our thoughts are the most powerful force on Earth, and what we think about, comes about. The gold that is missing can be instantly manifested by the Forces of Light upon our request. We so petition for this now, and it is done!

Messages of delays are only a distraction, a decoy to cause us to focus upon the delay and to create it. NESARA can be announced at any time of the day and on any day of the week, and will probably happen when we least expect it. Therefore, we focus our energies on NESARA now, and do not let the darkside cause us to create their delay of two weeks away, again. As Lightworkers we need to stay focused on NESARA as a reality, now!

St. Germain has been in meetings with the World Court on June 7 and 8, and he is not waiting for anyone. On June 7 KOS, the head of the White Knights, said that “everything is ready”. So, are we ready? Have we learned our lessons in discernment, in knowing, in creating by our positive energy---by our thoughts?

Let us focus our thoughts on the reality of NESARA, not doubting, but “knowing” that freedom, peace, and abundance is now our reality. Nothing can stop the power of positive creative thought, and especially when the mass consciousness of an enlightened people is focused on a single creation, namely that of NESARA! Let us transform the mirage of NESARA into reality---now!

So be it! It is done! We shall have our blessings now! And all Creator God’s enlightened people said, “AMEN! It is done!”