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자유게시판 제가 지난 주에 올린 질문이 이번주 답변으로 채택됐네요.
사실은 "You Are Becoming A Galactic Human"에서 따온 질문인데...
대천사 미카엘은 어떻게 대답하는지 궁금했거든요.
영어가 짧아서 번역을 못한걸 이해해주세요...ㅜ.ㅜ

Date: Tue, 01 Apr 2003

Subject: Ask Spirit form data

Person's first name: J

Ask who? Archangel Michael

Comments: I'd like to know something about what we've called the Lucifer rebellion and understand what effect it may have had on the galaxy, and of course, on our own solar system and the Earth.


M.     When the so-called Lucifer Rebellion took place, it was an all out war against the Light. What they didn’t realize was that the Light can not be extinguished, only covered up temporarily by the duality of the particular species that is infiltrating the energies of the Light.

          The rebellion was carried out, and is still being carried out, by the forces of darkness known as the Reptilians. These beings represent the duality in purpose to take over the whole universe. However, this has been abated, and is being subverted by the forces of the Light. Due to the ongoing establishment of the dual identity of the humans on earth, there is an ending that is in process to the reign that the Reptilians have been enjoying in their role as tyrants. Once they have been convinced that they are no longer living in the energy of subversion of the universe to their overtaking, they will succumb to the energies of Light, and revert to their origins within that Light.

          When the Luciferians populated the earth, it was with the sole purpose of taking over the populace and then taking that power out to include the rest of the universe. That is the nature of the “beast” as they say. The only way in their estimation for procuring their tyrannical reign is to subvert the Light and take the rule by force. This leads to their further fight to keep their power through the means with which they have been reigning all these eons, through fear. They know that in order to keep their reign going they must constantly introduce fear into the minds of the populace, for fear is not a self fulfilling energy, as Light is.

Light perpetuates itself in rest, by doing nothing, by being itself fully; whereas, fear must constantly perpetuate itself by continually feeding itself with more from the outside.

What is happening now on your earth is the reintroduction of the Christ energy. This is instrumental in the re-emergence of the knowingness of the Light within. The Reptilians know that they are losing ground, and it is a desperate battle they wage to keep their existence in the throes of death of their reign of terror. This is why you are seeing an upsurgance of fear tactics being rained down upon the societies of earth. In order for the Light to be fully present in the consciousness of mankind, there must be the full revealing of the dark forces’ agenda. Once the people have seen what the role is that they have been playing, they can take their own power back and step fully into the Light, therefore not adding fuel to the Reptilians fire.

Once this has taken place the Reptilians will be invited to fully realize the Light; and peace and harmony will reign throughout the universe once again.

조회 수 :
등록일 :
15:12:51 (*.51.65.204)
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