The Public Announcement of NESARA is the United States is to be made today, Saturday, April 16, 2005.

Public Notice to the World:

I just recieved word (9:30 a.m. MST) from Esu Immanuel Sananda that the NESARA announcement was planned for 6 p.m. EST Friday, April 15 but was stoppd due to a kidnapping/hostage taking action of key announcement people at CNN by the Darkside. The hostages were "beamed" to safety, the purpetrators were removed from Earth Shan, and the NESARA announement will proceed today, Saturday, April 16, 2005. The Star People are in charge, and they are not backing down. There is no new date. This is it!

Patrick H. Bellringer

저 사이트 운영자.. 올인한 듯 하네요..
현실이 힘들더라도.. 스스로 이겨내시길 기원합니다.