아래의 Earth Change TV 진행자인 미치 배트로스의 글에 따르면,
최근 NASA는 과도한 일어나고 있는 태양활동(M급과 X급)으로 인해
지구궤도를 돌고있는 인공위성 및 지구 자기장(심지어는 기상이변) 자체에도
심각한 위험이 초래될 수 있음을 걱정하고 있다고 합니다...
그러나 '국가안보'라는 이유로 NASA는 이러한 사실을 공식적으로
'긍정도 부인도 하지 않는' 상태라고 합니다.

날짜: Fri, 13 Jun 2003 13:45:16 -0500
발신: "Mitch Battros" <earthchanges@earthlink.net>
수신: "Breaking News" <earthchanges@earthlink.net>
제목: Earth Changes TV/Breaking News - NASA Worried Over Sun's Activity
NASA Worried Over Sun's Activity...06/13/03
by Mitch Battros (ECTV)

I have received several notices telling of NASA's grave concern with the unusual increase in solar activity. Since I have not received an official response to my inquisition from NASA official's, let me just say there is quite a bit of "chatter" suggesting Earth could be at some risk. I would suggest it is our satellites which are at most risk.

The rumors suggest NASA has been handed a 'gage order' issued by DoD (department of defense). The reason for this order is directed at our spy satellites. It is suggested that 'in the name of national security' we cannot confirm or deny recent and current solar activity is at dangerous levels.

Over the past week a reported 65 C-Class flares, 16 M-Class flares, and 2 X-Class flares have occurred. Just the week prior, another 2 X-Class flares and 4 M-Class flares erupted. In addition to the solar flares, perhaps as many as 45 CME's (coronal mass ejections) emerged.

Another area of concern is our 'power grids'. If Earth experiences a direct hit from any one of these M-Class or X-Class flares, it could in fact cripple our infrastructure. There is good reason to be concerned over this issue. Some of you may remember what happened in 1989 when an X-Class flare ripped through our Magnetic Field knocking out power grids all across parts of the world.

One area which suffered a devastating hit was Quebec, Canada. Power grids where knocked out for almost two months. This had occurred during winter months and people literally had to set up emergency communities to survive. Those who had homes with "fireplaces" quickly filled to as many as 20 to 30 people per household. An area of over 7 million people was reduced to using fires as a method of warmth and to cook meals. When hearing testimonies of those who experienced this historical blackout of 1989, you can easily understand the desperation and struggle one had to endure. But there was also something magical which occurred. People described knowing their neighbor for the first time. Experiencing true togetherness, community, unity, and a sense of 'singleness of purpose'. Could this be a glance of what may lie ahead?

Today's sunspot count is at 168. I am a bit nervous of region 380. It is very large and is set dead center which could produce a direct hit to Earth. The odds of an X-Class or M-Class flare erupting from this region is 90%. I would suggest it is almost certain. The question is not if an eruption will occur, but in what direction. (see equation)

Watch for "freak storms" to continue. More than likely in the way of tornadoes or tonado-like winds. Sudden rain and hail storms are likely. Also watch for 'record breaking' temperatures.

Sunspots => Solar Flares => Magnetic Field Shift => Shifting Ocean and Jet Stream Currents => Extreme Weather and
Human Disruption (mitch battros)