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An Afternoon With Mother Sekhmet  -  fourwinds에서
(on Sunday, September 15, 2002)
Those speaking are:
Sekhmet: Mother Sekhmet
Ava: Lady Master Ava
LMMS: Lady Master Morning Star
Commander: Four Winds Webmaster


Sekhmet, Ava, LMMS:  Greetings.  Mother in the Light of the most radiant one in the office of the Christ and only in the office of the Christ, we invoke the loving energies of St. Germain and the Violet flame.
Ava: We ask at this time for the ascended Hosts to come.   Fill all of our rooms with as many beings as we can imagine there are and especially to call forth now the records that St. Germain has held for all time, for this moment of time, when freedom bells can ring, when the Holy Flame, the Violet Flame can create a divine grace across the mantle of this planet and in the hearts of all, that peace, and love and simplicity be the task that we tread upon and that we may learn how this is, right now.  Mother help us, we need your help!

Sekhmet: Yeah! (laughter)
LMMS: Mother, what message do you have for the children of the Earth right now on this day as we are stepping into the moment where the announcement will come, the announcement of NESARA and what message do you have for us that we need to know now?

Sekhmet: On this day it is interesting that we are on the eve of Yam Kippour, which is, shall we say, where (mmmmmm), it is time that the Book of Life will be opened unto the Ascended Masters and many Space Commanders.   And we would just say that the Book of Life is open and that we would ask for all of our children to come back to Love and balance and the healing, and even though we had a little scenario today where we had to have a little dinner on the side of the road. (mmmmmm).   It seems as though the world is stepping into a place of more balance and harmony even though on the wires you hear the winds of war from every direction.   It is simply the (mmmmmm) those ones, that you could say, are tooting their horns because they know the gig is up and it is time for them to go back to King Dracos where they will stand trial for their crimes against the Universe.  (mmmmmm)
We know that this is going out across many areas, times and spaces and places.   We would just say that the message to the Children of Light this time is to remember to pay it forward, to come to that place of balance and healing inside of each one of ourselves where we hold the neutral place that neutrality brings in the frequencies of the Mighty I Am Presence and the Violet Flame, where you do not choose sides but you stand, as Lord Sananda or as Lord Michael or Medatron, where you simply radiate Love, when we remove folks like the M.I.B’s [Men In Black] like we did today.  The Violet Flame is simply the concentrated energy of Love—that is all it is.   And when you have enough Love in the cells, it is, (mmmmmm) shall we say, a very orgasmic experience.  (mmmmmm)

LMMS: That today of all days we should remember Love and we should remember balance.

Sekhmet: Yes.   In all of our dealings because right now there is many Cabals, as our friend Sheldon calls them, these Cabals simply are tooting their horns because they want to be heard.   They have not received enough Love.   Deep in the well of soul matrix they need love.   That is why they are crying out like an angry child.   And we are here to bring them back to that frequency of Love even if we have to remove them and turn them back into Cosmic Soup and then reconstitute them with Medatron’s help.  (mmmmmmm)
And concerning your little Shrub character today, we would just say that he is an angry greedy little child that needs to (mmmmmm), shall we say, learn a few lessons about how to give in a way that is unconditional Love, and we know that many of the dark agenda have been programmed up the wazoo to know how to do only darkness and not Love.   Many of these intergalactic inter-universal races are technologically and scientifically advanced, but they understand Love only as a frequency, a sound vibration.  They are yet and still learning even over 450 billion years that it has taken them to this day to still and yet learn about Love.   Now they are getting that understanding of what frequency of Love is, even if it has to be that tough Love where we step in and say,  “This is the line in the sand and if you cross it (mmmmmm) you’re on my plate—baking potatoes and salad!”  (ahhhhh!) (Laughter)

Commander: Yeah.
Ava: [Webmaster] you can talk to Mother, she’s really a cool lady.  (laughter)
Commander: Yeah!  I’m kind of shy…Go ahead.
Ava:  It’s ok.
Sekhmet: It’s ok.  We are not just some angry lion lady.
Ava: She’s not going to eat you, is that right?
Commander: What I meant----a few days ago you reported that the ones in power over here and the ones in power over in Iraq were removed under the guidance of Sananda.   Can you explain or expand on that a little bit more and also have other controllers like Bush Sr., Putin, and the Queen of England, have they been removed also?

Sekhmet: We would say that what is happening with these Forces of Light and the White Knights on this planet is that we are stepping into your third dimension where we walk physically on the planet here, and they see us and they know us and they are scared shitless of us in the sense where they know their time in reality is up and they simply have to step aside, but they are going kicking and screaming.   We have to say yet and still—what is going on here is a gigantic holo-deck program.   The Queen is still here on the planet.  Putin is still here.  (mmmmmm)

Ava: They’re not…..  Putin is a clone already, too—
Sekhmet: Yes----
Ava: The Queen—is she a clone?

Sekhmet: The Queen is still the dark agenda reptilian that she is….that David Icke speaks of.   And we would say that very quickly now these ones are going to be removed from this planet.

Ava: Clones or not.
Sekhmet: Clones or not, the holodeck program will be shut down and then we will revamp the holodeck imaging projector!  (mmmmmm)
Ava: As of this morning you got to talk to the Nameless Ones.

Sekhmet: Nameless Ones—we will just tell you, the nameless ones are friends of ours that, if you remember a certain date that occurred on this planet, August 31, 1997—

Ava: Paris, France
Sekhmet: You remember what happened on that day do you not, Commander?
Commander: Yes.
Ava: You know who the nameless ones are.
Commander: I have an idea.
Sekhmet:  Yes, we are speaking of them.
Ava: In other words they are still in this dimension and there were some of those things that begin with the letter C that the White Knights made that went bye-bye on that day.
Sekhmet: Yes, and our friend, the King of Egypt is directly related to who they are.
Ava: Yes.  He’s Mr. LMMS:’s daddy.
Sekhmet: Yeah!
Commander: O.K.
Ava: O.K.

Sekhmet:  And we speak to him all the time as well.   He is the White Knight that walks with the King of Swords and all of us at this time.

Ava: He also has another role, does he not, Mother?  He has another name----

Sekhmet: Yeah.  He is called Annubis,  and he is the jackal-headed god that stands on this river Styx on the banks and he helps the souls pass across the river Styx where Osiris stands on the other side with the scale and we weigh the scale and the soul, shall we say, to see if it shall enter the Kingdom of Everlasting Love and Light.  Metaphorically speaking, Annubus is a Pashat warrior like us.  (mmmmm)

Ava: That’s his title right now.
Sekhmet: Yeah.  He has had to play the role of Annubus and there are many things that he has done in this lifetime he is not proud of, with many of the folks across this planet, but it has been to bring a balance, to, shall we say, these power structures so that we could come to this day of atonement where we bring back the God of One Solar Disk, ATON in here now.  (mmmmmm)

Ava: Within.
Sekhmet: Yeah.
Ava: This morning they [the nameless ones] told [Lord Ari], that they had begun the final movement, that Sananda was physically on the ground, and that this final movement was to permanently remove these characters — everyone that you mentioned and then some.   And I understand that it will be a simul-cast, is that not right?

Sekhmet: Yes!
LMMS: What do you mean by a simul-cast?

Sekhmet: Simultaneously as the White Knights send the Forces, step in, we will de-cloak in your atmosphere and we will show up with our green beams of Light and we will remove the dark ones from this planet.   We will also land and there are many Pashat warriors that will show up in the physical.   These are 12 to 15 feet tall Lion People.  There are also (mmmmmm) many other folks that are of the Galactic Forces…there are Arcturians and Antarian people.   These are the ones that look like praying-mantis people.   Then we know that many of the folks on the planet are not yet ready to meet all of us because we look a little funny, but this is one of the biggest issues that has come about on this planet where Galactic contact, the first contact made to come right here into full disclosure like Steven Greer has said, “Full disclosure has begun.”   And if I am sitting next to you in a bar and I want to buy you a beer, and because I have a lion head and a tail are you going to ask the bartender to throw me out because I have a tail and a lion head?   No, we are going to join and drink our beer together and pay homage and toast to great Alcyone, All That Is.

Ava: From a Pleiadian champagne, Mother. (laughter)
LMMS: That’s because we are all children, your children, Mother.
Ava: Forget the beer.
Sekhmet: We like Killian Irish Red (laughter)  It’s that Irish in us. (ahhhh!)
Ava: I see.

Sekhmet: But we would just say that one of the big issues here is prejudice, and if the blacks and the browns and the blues and the greens and the whites cannot get along with each other, how can we as Inter-galactic beings come and land and you have a funny attitude about us?   This is why there has been so much secrecy brought about for the last, how many eons of time, where the people of the planet have not been told the truth—they have been lied to, they have been stolen from and they have been coerced and twisted their DNA codes down to 2 instead of 12 strands, and it is high time that they get to interact with their Galactic brothers and sisters, and if they want to have Pleiadian champagne or Killian’s, they can have both.  (mmmmmm)

Commander: Hollywood has done their job real well.
Ava: What was that?  I didn’t hear you.
Commander: Hollywood has done their job real well.
Ava: Who?
Commander: The Hollywood movie studios…
Ava: Hollywood!  Ohhhhh!

Sekhmet: Yes.  Hollywood has created a bit of a drama with the different magical characters and how they have filmed us.   Many of the stories are true, but they have twisted the dramas to make it look that we are not so nice and that we are not here for your highest good and that is not the case.

Ava: What is that movie about Ra?
Sekhmet: Oh, “Stargate”
Ava: (Mmmmmm), Yeah, it isn’t true that Ra was a bad guy.
Sekhmet: Ra was our father, metaphorically speaking.
LMMS:  Yes, that was all ass-backwards, pardon my French.
Sekhmet: Yes.
LMMS: And they did the same thing with “Independence Day”. That was all…..

Sekhmet: Little angry grey people trying to kill the people of the earth.  That is not exactly what time it is.  Yet and still the Greys did come here and they did make agreements because long, long ago in the galaxy not so far, far away their planet was destroyed because of that being known as the J-man, my son, Yavah, when he played his Jehovah role in the Cosmic Passion Play, he removed them.   They had a nuclear accident on their planet.   They had to go inside the planet and they were without light, without water, without air.  They had to survive by (mmmmmm) photosynthesis.  The rocks within their planet themselves radiated a phosphorescence energy that they could literally receive nutrients and they mutated to the result of only being only two or three feet tall, where they used to be human.   But in the future, your future, which is an interesting moment in time, as we are telling this Cosmic story, we are Galactic travelers in time.   We come from your future which is our past.  We have come back in time to bring a message of peace and joy and enlightenment to all of you that you get to make it, and you do get to go into the future.   Earth does not go through a nuclear holocaust and get destroyed, but we cannot tell you how to go from A to B.   That would violate the Prime Directive, and we cannot do that.

Ava: But now you can intervene because they’re playing nuclear war-games.
Sekhmet: Yes.
Ava: That’s the code.
Sekhmet: Yeah, we can intervene on that note because the nuclear scenario has come in where they have violated the Laws of God and man.  (mmmmmm)
LMMS: That’s why you can show up now.
Ava: With your tail, please, Mother.
Sekhmet: Yeah!  (laughter)
Ava: Hurry!  Hurry!
LMMS: We like your tail and we want to see you 12 feet tall.   That would be great.
Sekhmet:  Yeahhhhhhh!
Ava: Whip that tail around those bad boys.
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