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Freedom, Liberation & Peace
Alternative News and Information includes categories of
911 | Radio | Newspapers | Magazines | Books & Journals | Newsletters
Spiritual & Inspirational
Health & Alternative Medicine
UFO's & ET's
Free Energy & Alternative Energy Technology
Freedom, Liberation & Peace Web Sites
Site Name: United For Peace
Site Description: Website designed to promote Peace rallies in Washington,
D.C. San Fransisco and 130 other cities across U.S. on Oct. 26, 2002 to stop
the war on Iraq before it begins. Other groups listed working against an Iraq
Category: Freedom, Liberation & Peace
Site Name: International A.N.S.W.E.R. (Act Now to Stop War & End Racism)
Site Description: Information of peace marches, rallies, how one can organize
for the Oct. 26, 2002 Peace Rally in San Fransisco and Washington,D.C.. Much
other pertinent national and international news not necessarily broadcast on
mainstream media.
Category: Freedom, Liberation & Peace
Site Name: National Network To END THE WAR Against Iraq
Site Description: This Coalition has called for and is leading the organizing
of a mass demonstation and march in Washington, and San Fransisco. Solidarity
rallies to be held in 130 cities on the same day including Denver and
Category: Freedom, Liberation & Peace

Site Name: Peace Action
Site Description: Practical Positive Alternative for Peace. Promoting Peace
Rally in San Fransisco and Washington,D.C. on Oct. 26. Information and
participation, and other news to stop the war on Iraq, no bombing Iraq.
Category: Freedom, Liberation & Peace
Site Name: FSTV--Free Speech T.V.
Site Description: Mission: Working with activits and artists, Free Speech TV
uses television to cultivate an informed and active citizenry in order to
advance progressive social change. Launched in 1995.
Category: Alternative News & Information + Freedom, Liberation & Peace
Site Name: World Puja
Site Description: Connecting the Earth through live internet webcats for
PEACE. To use the power and global reach of the internet for purpose of
planetary healing. Puja--the power of prayer and meditating together by the
world's people.
Category: Freedom, Liberation & Peace
Site Name: Ron Paul's weekly update message phone # for callers -
Phone: Office 203 Cannon HOB, Washington, D.C., 202-225-2831. Callers on his
site 1-888-322-1414
Site Description: Weekly message. Hosting his website as a service for his
constituents in the 14th District of Texas, and for Americans everywhere who
cherish the ideals of liberty, fiscal integrity and consitutional government.
Category: Freedom, Liberation & Peace + Alternative News
Site Name: Slavery's Judgement and the Mark of the Beast
Site Description: The Creator's warning to the rulers of the earth and those
who support them. Uses Biblical references, political leader's quotes,
research material.
Category: Spiritual and Inspirational + Freedom, Liberation & Peace
Site Name: Earth Dance Global Webcast
Site Description: A collective of event promoters for world peace around the
planet. Every year, on the same date and time, the collective hold a party to
celebrate peace and raise funds and awareness for various charities.
Category: Freedom, Liberation & Peace
Site Name:  Welcome to
Site Description:  Discover the Latest in Technolgoy and Health Products,
along with ground breaking freedom education foryou and your family.  
Products available and Information and services offered.  Among articles for
education is the Missing 13th Amendment.
Category:  Alternative Technology Products and Freedom Education
Alternative News & Information Web Sites
911 | Radio | Newspapers | Magazines | Books & Journals | Newsletters
Site Name: What Really Happened: The History the Government Hopes You DON'T
Site Description: Updates of current news, i.e. Bush Administration, Congress
Freedom Drive. Also a "Side Menu" of Breaking News Page of permanent
articles--Israeli spy and phone tapping, Fake Terror - The Road to War and
Dictatorship; 9-11, etc.
Category: Alternative News and Information
Site Name: The Middle East Times, weekly newsletter via internet
Site Description: News from Egypt and the region. Weekly source for news and
independent analysis of politics, sport, business, religion and culture in
the Middle East.
Category: Alternative News and Information. Weekly Newsletter
Site Name: Jeff Rense Internet Broadcast/Website
Site Description: Intertnational and Coast to coast Live online netcast;
books; current headline news; archives on UFO's, health, politics, etc.--
Columnists featured. Much more.
Category: Alternative News and Information: Well known online netcast.
Site Name: From The Wilderness Publication
Site Description: Top news coverage of U.S. Gov't fraud --CIA, Bush
Administration, Cover-ups, 911, Politics; Community Involvement; Books,
Subscription to From the Wilderness, Videos, etc. (Much site interference by
U.S. Fed. Gov't)
Category: Alternative News and Information.
Site Name: Skolnick's Report
Site Description: Skolnick is Founder/Chairman, public-interest group
Citizen's Committee To Clean Up The Courts. Also Editor, Hotline News, a
recorded phone message; and Moderator, TV program "Broadsides". Skolnick has
many articles he has written archived on this site, including "The Overthrow
of the American Republic". Artlices also by Skolnick on Wal-mart, Biggest
Secrets, The Bilderbergs, etc.
Category: Alternative News and Information
Site Name: Iraq News Agency
Site Description: Daily updated Iraqi, MIddle East and World News; Headline
News Articles; Laws and Regulations; Iraq in Lines; Baghdad Message;
Archives, Reports.
Category: Alternative News and Information.
Site Name: American Free Press
Site Description: The website of the uncensored national weekly newspaper,
published on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. The alternative to the
controlled media. Online edition, editorial calls.
Caterogy: Alternative News and Information: Newspaper
Site Name: Transitions Media and Transitions Radio Magazine (TRM)
Site Description: Voices of Alan Hutner and Elizabeth Rose. Transitions Media
is a newly formed umbrella organization for Transitions Radio Magazine,
Synapse News and Whole Brain Media. A multli-media production & distribution
group providing radio, audio and video programming for distribution to radio
stations, the internet and TV. Ancillarly products to awaken "new paradigm"
Category: Alternative News and Information: Talk Radio
Site Name: Delilah
Site Description: Live Radio interviews and music by nationally known artists
i.e. Bette Midler, etc., Products, Journals, Inspirational Messages. "My web
site, like my show, is designed to help you unwind and reflect on the day."
Category: Radio Inspirational
Site Name: Cyber Space Orbit
Site Description: Discoveries and news under current investigation i.e. Bali
Bombing with photos, the Mars-Earth Connection and thousands of pages of
other questions.
Category: Alternative News and Information on Earth and in Space.
Site Name: The Progressive Magazine, edited by Matthew Rothschild
Site Description: A monthy publication and journalistic voice for peace and
social justice at home and abroad. Opposes militarism, concentration of power
in corporate hands, disenfranchisement of the citizens, poverty and
prejudice. Website has many articles from the monthly magazine.
Category: Alternative News and Information: Website and Monthly News
Site Name: Mysteries of the Mind
Site Description: Unique talk radio program. Alex Merklinger, host. Explores
arcane secrets of many cultures, spiritual cosmology, UFOs, spiritual
healing, alternative medical practices, crop circles, political agendas,
Earth changes, and more.
Category: On-line radio talk show.
Site Name: Discerning Times
Site Description: Commentary, satiric musings, free weekly newsletter,
discussion forums, quick-stop world news portal. Largest collection of
worldwide news on the internet., Steve Bergstrom, founder, author.
Category: Alternative News and Information
Site Name: Art Bell
Site Description: One of the most listened to On-line radio/web talk shows;
hosts interviews, call-ins, current news and views, millions of listeners,
casette tapes available.
Category: Alternative News: On-line radio
Site Name: The Spectrum Newspaper
Site Description: A non-profit, educational monthly magazine publishing Truth
on a wide array of topics. Insightful, credible information ignored by
mainstream media. An alternative news magazine. A graduate level course in
the Truth no university would dare teach.
Category: Alternative News and Information: Monthly Magazine
Site Name: Phoenix Archives
Site Description: Truth's Warehouse on the Web. An archival site for Contact
Newspaper, The Phoenix Liberator, The Phoenix Journals Express, and The
Phoenix Journals.
Category: Alternative News: Newspaper(s), Journals.
Site Name: FSTV--Free Speech T.V.
Site Description: Mission: Working with activits and artists, Free Speech TV
uses television to cultivate an informed and active citizenry in order to
advance progressive social change. Launched in 1995.
Category: Alternative News & Information + Freedom, Liberation & Peace
Site Name: David Icke
Site Description: Noted author, lecturer. Some of his books are: Children of
the Matrix, and the truth shall set you free, the latest book is: Alice in
Wonderland and the World Trade Center Disaster. Eye-opening information.
Category: Books of Truth
NESARA Web Sites
Site Name: Principality Of Cameside, Australia NESARA Section
Site Description: Alternate Australian site hosting the daily Dove Reports,
Australian Radio Interviews and other NESARA related nformation including a
good overview.
Category: NESARA
Site Name: Newsletters 2002
Site Description: Alternate site hosting the daily Dove Reports. Features
headlines of important topics of the reports and a nice site search engine.
Category: NESARA
Site Name: Announce NESARA Now!
Site Description: Online NESARA Petition Site, Sign the Petition to U.N.,
World Court, U.S. Government, U.S. and International Media and World
Governments. Gives benefits of NESARA: (National Economic Security And
Reformation Act)
Category: NESARA
Site Name: Alternative Technology Library -- NESARA Support page
Site Description: Various NESARA buttons, Logos and pictures publicly
available for download on this NESARA Support page of the Alternative
Technology Library

Category: NESARA and Alternative Technology
Site Name: German NESARA Site
Site Description: A new NESARA site in German made by Volkmar Eckardt. This
nice site has the Dove Reports translated in to German. Just click on the
NESARA logo.
Category: NESARA
Spiritual & Inspirational Web Sites
Site Name: Wisdom Traditions Web Site
Site Description: Bringing the wisdom of our past with the science of our
future. Books, audios, events, newsletter, thoughts from Gregg, Comments from
Gregg, Articles and interviews, lost mode of prayer and courses to take.
Category: Spiritual & Inspirational
Site Name: Slavery's Judgement and the Mark of the Beast
Site Description: The Creator's warning to the rulers of the earth and those
who support them. Uses Biblical references, political leader's quotes,
research material.
Category: Spiritual and Inspirational + Freedom Liberaton & Peace
Site Name: Star Quest
Site Description: Monthly messages from Archangel Michael. Site has messages
from the book, On Wings of LIght". Also questions such as ,What your mission
is on Earth, and how you are connected to Angels, etc. are discussed and
answered, among other spiritual questions.
Category: Spiritual and Inspirational
Site Name: The Prophets Conference
Site Description: Dates and times of Conference in U.S. and other countries.
Email newsletter; Travel Programs; Reading Room of inspiring toughts,
feelings, ideas, etc.; Comments and Reflections, Photos, and Information on
internationally known faculty members.
Category: Spiritual and Inspirational
Site Name: The Center for Conscious Evolution
Site Description: Barbara Marx Hubbard's site. Provides and initial framework
and resource hub to foster greater cooperation and coherence within the vast
global movement towards positive change now arising on Earth. Invitation to
Cocreation, presented as a "blueprint" of what it is envisioned to become
through collaborative creation.
Caterogy: Spiritual and Inspirational
Site Name: Emissary of Light
Site Description: Website for James Twyman. Peace prayers, books,music and
art, internet courses, schedule, email letter, chat room.
Category: Spiritual and Inspirational
Site Name: Self-Mastery Earth Institute
Site Description: ECETI: Enlightend Contact with Extra Terrestrial
Intelligence, dedicated to the awakening and healing of humanity and the
Earth, body mind and spirit.
Category: Spiritual and Inspirational + UFO's & ET's
Site Name: 1 Spirit
Site Description: An international spiritual directory of people, places,
products & services dedicated to assisting those on a spiritual path. Select
names, categoreis or locations as one's path to explore all the enlightening
web sites within 1 Spirit.
Category: Inspirational / Spiritual
Site Name: Planetary Activation Organization
Site Description: Sheldon Nidle website. Mission: An organization established
to support Sheldan Nidle's four-fold mission to prepare the world for first
contact with the Galactic Federation, spread their message, establish a
network of PAO groups, and to establish a short-notice global communication
network on earth changes. Nidle's books available and his weekly update
posted, among other news of the Galactic Federation.
Category: Spiritual and Inspirational + UFOs & ETs
Health & Alternative Medicine Web Sites
Site Name: Carter's Twilight, Corporation
Site Description: Information about the Physical Force of Love, the most
powerful force in the world.; Products i.e. Prills to restructure water.
Category: Health and Alternative Medicine
Site Name: Perfect Soulutions (Q-2 Detoxifier)
Site Description: Offers education and products and presentations to assist
in activation and realization of unlimited potential to achieve wellness for
us and our world. Products i.e. Q-2 Detoxifier.
Category: Health and Alternative Medicine
Site Name: ProHealth Solutions
Site Description: Information on Exerciser 2000, a high quality passive
aerobic exerciser for ones to experience "chi" Chinese for "Life Giving
Category: Health and Alternative Medicine
Site Name: Dr. Hulda Clark Store
Site Description: Over 270 self-health products. Author of 17 books i.e. Cure
for All Cancers, Cure For All Diseases.
Category: Health and Alternative Medicine
Site Name:  Biophysica, Inc.
Site Description:  Consultants on Alternative Medicine, Energy Medicine and
Subtle Energy related devices and systems matched to specific needs.  
Proto-type devices for health professionals and manufactureres.  They offer a
course covering Biophysics underlying Energy Medicine, Vibrational Medicine
and Alternative Medicine.  Silver and Gold Generators and other products
Category: Health and Alternative Health Care
Site Name: Colloidal Silver
Site Description:  Excellent information on Colloidal Silver.  This
information is one of the menus offered on the home site of

Category:  Health and Alternative Medicine
Site Name:  Robey Colloidal Silver Generators
Site Description:  Excellent site for purchasing on line Colloidal Silver
Generator(s).  Information on generators and uses of Colloidal Silver
Caterogy:  Health and Alternative Medicine.  

UFO's & ET Web Sites
Site Name: The Nibiruan Council
Site Description: Jelaila Starr, the Nibiruan Council's messenger and author
of We Are The Nibiruans, offers ground breaking information about their
origins and galactic heritage. Her teachings expel the prejudice, fear and
mlyths surrounding these stellar ancestors.
Category: ET's...Planet Nibiru
Site Name: Self-Mastery Earth Institute
Site Description: ECETI: Enlightend Contact with Extra Terrestrial
Intelligence, dedicated to the awakening and healing of humanity and the
Earth, body mind and spirit.
Category: Spiritual and Inspirational + UFOs & ETs
Site Name: Planetary Activation Organization
Site Description: Sheldon Nidle website. Mission: An organization established
to support Sheldan Nidle's four-fold mission to prepare the world for first
contact with the Galactic Federation, spread their message, establish a
network of PAO groups, and to establish a short-notice global communication
network on earth changes. Nidle's books available and his weekly update
posted, among other news of the Galactic Federation.
Category: Spiritual and Inspirational + UFO's & ET's
Free Energy & Alternative Energy Technology
Site Name: Free Electricity-- Dennis Lee, inventor
Site Description: Free Electricity for the rest of your life...Sundance
Generator and Hommingbird Motor; Revolutionary Products, Information on
joining the NUAF(National Union of American Families) Much more.
Category: Free energy
Site Name: Sympathetic Vibratory Physics
Site Description: The science of Sympathetic Vibratory Physics is the science
and philosophy of Love. Etheric Force responds to Love, it is Light and Love
or Mind Force, engineered to move our machinery as it moves us. SVP combines
the work and research of Keely, Russell, Reich, Tesla and many others into a
comprehensive working paradigm.
Category: Freedom, Science, Philosophy
Site Name:  Welcome to
Site Description:  Discover the Latest in Technolgoy and Health Products,
along with ground breaking freedom education foryou and your family.  
Products available and Information and services offered.  Among articles for
education is the Missing 13th Amendment.
Category:  Alternative Technology Products and Freedom Education
Miscellaneous Web Sites
Site Name: World Time Server
Site Description: Accurate and current local time of any world clock on the
Internet. Also has Time Zone Database and Guide.
Category: Miscellaneous
Site Name: Bank Index: Financial Resource Authority
Site Description: Financial resource authority for common person. Everything
you need to know about banking. Credit reports, special reports, many articles on banking, news, etc.
Category: Miscellaneous

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List of Articles
번호 제목 글쓴이 조회 수 추천 수sort 비추천 수 날짜 최근 수정일
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공지 현재 진행중인 국내, 국제정세에 대하여.. 아트만 321324     2020-01-09 2020-01-16 18:33
공지 어보브 메제스틱 (한글자막) -- 데이빗 윌콕, 코리 굿 출연 / "트럼프왕과 기사이야기" [1] 아트만 340333     2019-10-20 2019-12-17 04:02
공지 유엔 각국대표부에 보내는 제안서 [2018. 8. 29.] 아트만 327721     2018-08-29 2018-08-29 12:14
공지 우리가 지금 이곳 지구에 있음은 우연이 아닙니다. [1] 아트만 409602     2015-08-18 2021-07-14 23:44
공지 [릴루 마세(Lilou Mace)] 포스터 갬블(Foster Gamble)과의 인터뷰 1부/ 2부 아트만 413938     2014-05-10 2015-03-11 07:25
공지 가슴으로 느껴보세요 - '빛나는 꿈들' [2] [46] 관리자 454237     2013-04-12 2021-12-16 14:02
공지 자본주의 체제가 총체적 사기 임을 알려주는 동영상(한글자막) [67] 관리자 485275     2012-12-09 2012-12-09 23:43
공지 각성을 위한 준비 --마이트레야(미륵) [7] [57] 관리자 523681     2011-08-17 2022-01-10 11:20
공지 자유게시판 글쓰기에 관한 안내 [3] [54] 관리자 638455     2010-06-22 2015-07-04 10:22
1401 윤석열 팩트 폭격 ㅡ 현재 민주당정권의 정체 파악을 똑바로 잘했음/"독재정부는 산업화, 이 정부는 바보들 데려다 나라망쳐" [2] 베릭 2108     2021-12-29 2022-01-03 11:07
1400 빛의 지구는 수많은 출처의 채널 정보들이 모여있는 공간 [1] 베릭 1529     2021-12-31 2022-01-03 21:50
1399 이제 우리도 투쟁해야 한다! ㅡ 빛의 전사로 거급난 윤석열 대선 후보 [6] 베릭 5669     2021-12-31 2022-06-07 06:30
1398 ㅁ ㅊ 정부가 마트도 방역패스 적용시킨다네 [3] 토토31 1120     2021-12-31 2021-12-31 13:09
1397 뉴질랜드 총리 재산 9억->297억(국민들의 생명을 팔고 화이짜에게?돈받았나?) [1] 베릭 1288     2021-12-31 2022-01-01 14:24
1396 '强석열'로 정면돌파..다시 '정권교체' 호랑이등 올라탄다 [3] 베릭 1394     2021-12-31 2022-01-02 13:58
1395 인산 김일훈 선생의 용화세계외 스승님의 칠성신. 가이아킹덤 1276     2021-12-31 2021-12-31 17:38
1394 짐승의 영 ㅡ 방역패스는 인권 유린이다 [4] 베릭 1840     2022-01-01 2022-01-02 02:53
1393 국민의힘 "김만배의 '좋으신 분', 윤석열 아닌 양승태" ㅡ민주당 선대본부장은 '정영학 녹취록' 일부를 발췌하고 '악마의 편집'으로 왜곡해 허위사실을 발표했다. "독일 나치의 '괴벨스식 선동 [2] 베릭 1626     2022-01-01 2022-02-23 07:12
1392 카톨릭 프리메이슨(예수회)의 창작품 - 신천지 베릭 1455     2022-01-01 2022-01-02 03:36
1391 "코로나 사태는 '의료부패동맹'의 정점...끝장내야" ㅡ 자본과 의료시스템이 결탁한 '의료부패동맹'(corrupt medical alliance) [2] 베릭 1214     2022-01-01 2022-06-04 04:05
1390 龍이 한민족(봉황)을 죽이려 하는 이유 [2] 베릭 1498     2022-01-02 2022-03-01 13:35
1389 'K방역' 허점 파고든 尹선대위 "백신 부작용 국가가 책임지겠다" [3] 베릭 1183     2022-01-02 2022-02-24 04:02
1388 새해 성경책 들고 명성교회 간 윤석열 "어려운 일 있어도.." "하나님께 믿고 맡기자는 시편 말씀..모두에게 큰 힘" [1] 베릭 1333     2022-01-02 2022-01-02 14:07
1387 민족사랑 국민사랑과 봉사정신의 참된 지도자는 윤석열과 황교안 두사람 [29] 베릭 1614     2022-01-02 2022-01-03 10:54
1386 "아들 죽었기에 나는 죽을 각오"…청와대 찾은 코로나19 백신 피해자 유족들 (현장영상) / SBS [1] 베릭 1294     2022-01-02 2022-04-03 21:42
1385 병든 민주당의 잘못된 전체주의 세력이 민주당을 장악하고, 정상적이고 훌륭한 정치인이 숨쉬지 못하게 만드는 것이 지속된다면 대한민국에 미래가 없다 ㅡ옛날부터 독일의 나치, 이탈리아의 파시즘, 그리고 소련 공산주의자들이 늘 하던 짓이 자기 과오를 남에게 뒤집어씌우고, 자기 과오는 덮고, 남이 하지도 않은 것을 뒤집어씌우는 것 [1] 베릭 1401     2022-01-02 2022-03-06 13:14
1384 복을 불러들이는 좋은 습관 6가지 베릭 1607     2022-01-02 2022-01-02 23:25
1383 황교안 sns ㅡ 일방적인 백신 강요(백신패스)는 폭력과 다를 바 없습니다. 베릭 1390     2022-01-03 2022-01-03 10:56
1382 尹측, '부산저축은행 봐주기' 의혹보도에 "김만배 일방적 거짓말"ㅡ대장동 게이트'가 언론에 보도된 후 검찰 수사를 앞두고 김만배가 지인에게 늘어놓은 변명을 그대로 믿을 수 없는 것은 당연하다. 김만배는 신 전 위원장에게 자신의 결백을 강변했지만 그 후 밝혀진 증거들은 전혀 그렇지 않았다 "(녹취록에서) 이재명 후보를 감싸는 발언만 하는데, 범인이 보호하려는 사람이 곧 공범 베릭 1258     2022-01-03 2022-03-07 01:49