

우주는 우리를 돕고 있습니다.
많은 사람들이 의식 있는 삶에
눈을 떠가고 있습니다. 빛의 지
구는 내면에 있는 다양한 차원
의 의식을 통합하여 평화와 조
화의 빛을 내기 시작하는 사람
들의 교류 장소입니다.


자유게시판 방금 제니퍼 리포트를 읽었는데 부시가 선거결과를 조작했다고 합니다. 그리고 부시가 이겼다고 믿고 방심하고 있을 때 갑자기 은하연합, 상승마스터 들이 들이닥쳐서 사람들에게 진짜 선거결과를 폭로한다고 합니다.
그렇게 되면 사람들은 부시가 악당이라는 것을 확실히 알게 되며 이에 따라 그동안 저질렀던 악행들도 같이 밝혀지게 될 것입니다.
일부러 선거조작을 할 수 있게 허락하였다고 하며, 개표 기계를 조작하여 부시와 케리를 바꿔쳐서 승자가 바뀌었다고 함.
부시의 악행의 증거를 보여주기 위해 선거조작을 막지 않았고, 선거가 끝나고 나서 이 조작사실을 전세계에 폭로시킬 것이라고 함.
그러므로 부시의 시대가 4년간 더 계속되지는 않습니다.
이제는 진실이 다 드러날 것임.

Now see this message from Cara posted to the SSN---
Buckle Up! Grace Kelly's driving! Remember that scene from To Catch a Thief with Cary Grant, his knees were shaking as they almost careened over the edge of the Mountain Road several times. Whatever  it takes to wake Up the Masses Is what will be on the Agenda ..Agenda.. Agenda.
It's only an illusion which starts with ill....
Eludes us until we find that we're not or are depending on your perspective.
Let's get on with it,
Jack Be Nimble  
A Loving Mind  
A Thoughtful Heart
We will not have four more years of Bush. Mother Earth was granted ascension, and what Bush et all plans to do would destroy her. Read the messages again.  Bush had to be shown as the winner because when the real results are revealed, it will be positive proof to the masses how elections have been rigged for decades and longer.
I watched the election results last night and this morning. Even the news commentators are shocked by the results. The exit polls indicated Kerry would win. Commentators claimed to be mystified by this, they said that must mean the exit polls were wrong. They were not wrong, the election was rigged for Bush to win.
The same thing happened in the governor race in California. The man who overwhelming was shown the winner in exit polls only got 38% of the vote when the votes were counted.  Arnold was declared the winner 3 minutes after the polls closed. It is very easy to do, all they have to do is switch the votes.  And that is what happened in this election, the votes were switched in key states.
Remember the company that supplied the voting machines is owned by Jeb Bush. It would be very easy to program them to switch the votes from Kerry to Bush in the states Bush won last time. I think Bush knew from the real polls that he didn't have a real chance of winning, and it really would be a landslide, so they had to rig the election.
To keep it from being so obvious the election was rigged, Kerry had to be allowed to win the same states Gore did with Ohio, Florida and Pennsylvania being the deciding states. Kerry got Pennsylvania, but Bush had to get the other two.
Both Ohio and Florida are still counting ballots, yet Kerry is conceding when he insisted he would have his 10,000 lawyers file lawsuits as soon as the polls close. He's not doing that. WHY NOT???
The huge number of voter turn out does not reflect the results. I refuse to believe it and I'm sure others feel the same way, including people in the news, even though they are not allowed to express their true belief that the election was obviously rigged again.
If the truth be known, it's a very real possibility that Bush would not carry even one state for real. Or very few. The 10 million addition voters would have changed the election results a lot from last time, yet that result was not reflected in this election.  
As we have been told in recent messages, the fix was in. The GF plans to wait until Bush feels he has won and then the Galactic Forces and Ascended Masters and White Knights will pounce and reveal the true results. The people in the U.S., who actually did vote for Bush, need a major wake up call. Showing them how Bush rigged this election will be the first step to revealing the rest. Bush had to be allowed to succeed with rigging the election and be declared the winner before the GF, AM, and WK can act.
It's like any criminal investigation, the cops have to allow the crooks to be caught in the act before they can arrest them. This election was right in everyone's face for the entire world to see. Nothing covert that was hidden and needs to be explained.
Al Capone's many crimes were not provable in court, so they nailed him on income tax evasion.  Bush can be nailed on election fraud for all the world to see. They saw it with their own eyes. Then the people will be more willing to believe the rest of the many crimes Bush et all has done to the world.
It is actually better for us that Kerry concedes today rather than drag it out another two weeks while they count the provisional ballots in Ohio. Last night, they said they weren't even going to start counting them for 11 days. This morning they said they would start tomorrow. They also said Kerry insisted he would not concede until the last vote was counted, then less than 30 minutes later, they said Kerry had conceded. He is completely reversing many of the things he said before, but it's to our advantage that he is doing that, and that could be why he is, so the bombshell can come down on Bush quicker.
It's possible that Kucinich, or someone else has convinced Kerry to concede early so it isn't dragged out for two more weeks or months. Again, Kerry's early concession is in our best interest.
Stay tuned, the fun is about to begin. The Light will win in the end, have no fear of that.
Love, Peace, Harmony, Balance, Joy, Prosperity, Abundance, Compassion, Justice, Freedom.
조회 수 :
등록일 :
11:18:20 (*.248.189.5)
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게시글 주소 :


투표에 더 많은 사람들이 참여한 것은 케리를 찍기 위해서 입니다.
커다란 부정이 개입 되었다고 생각합니다.
지난 메세지에서 언급되었던 투표의 열기가 식기전에
은하연합이 개입 할 것이 확실하겠지요~ 네사라 Now


이런, 또 혼란을 일으키려고 하네요. 정말 이런 일이 있다면, 일이 일어난 다음에 이야기 하는 것이 순서 일 것입니다.
지난번 Harton의 메세지 등이 진실인지 아닌지는 조금만 지나보면 알 수 있습니다. 이제 우리는 상황에 따라서 판단을 해야 하겠지만, 메세지의 조작 가능성에 염두를 두어야 할 때인것 같습니다. 모든 메세지에 대해서가 아니라 사람들의 판단과 기대를 교묘하게 흐트려 놓는 메세지들을 말 하는 것입니다.

사실 위의 메세지는 많은 의구심과 항의를 하려는 미국 사람들에게 잠시나마 잠잠하게 하려는 의도가 있을 수 있습니다. 부시측은 바보들 입니까?
이런 의도가 있다는 것을 알면 가만 있겠습니까?

우리들이 더 멀리 더 넓은 시야에서 사물과 현상을 보는 훈련을 한 것을 활용해야 합니다. 그렇게 볼 수 있는 사람들이 많으면 많을 수록 함부로 지어내는 일은 없을 것입니다.


저는 선거 이틀 전에 빛님으로부터 부시가 재선할 것이라고 들었습니다.


한 번 기다려 봅시다..


이 메세지를 믿을 수 업는 이유 : 이라크전이 일어 났을때 미국이 이라크 해엽에 항공모함 대기시켜 놓고 언제 공격할지 카운트다운 하고 있을때 이 메세지가 모라고 했냐하면, 공격은 없을 것이다. 만일 미국이 공격하면 기계적인 오작동을 일으켜서 미군은 안다치고 최첨단 무기들만 사용못하게 할것이다 라고 했습니다. 그런데 지금 이라크전에서 미국이 승리하고, 우리나라 파병하고 더군다나 부시가 재선까지 되었네요 ㅋㅋㅋ 은하연합 메세지외에 다른 메세지들을 믿을 수 없는 이유가 여기 있습니다.


부시 재선 확실합니다. 이 일에 '불행히도' 은하연합 개입 없습니다.


저 써글넘의 부시가 조작 안할 리 없지요 ㅡ.ㅡ+
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