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From: Dr. Richard Boylan []
Sent: Saturday, June 08, 2002 6:50 PM
To: UFOFacts; DrRichBoylanReports
Subject: [DrRichBoylanReports] Transparency

Hallmark of Star Visitors' Cultures; Hallmark of Earth's "Fifth World"

    "Transparency" is becoming a key value buzzword bantered about in
today's society. It connotes honesty, openness, clearness, care not to
deceive or mislead.
    Diplomats want agreements to have "transparency", i.e., treaties
with no obscuring phrases with wigglewords that seem to say one thing
but permit another interpretation.
    Lawyers talk about "transparency" in legal agreements, which would
set out to present in  clear terms what is being said.
    Yet, I would think that few citizens think that international
diplomacy or the arena of lawsuits is permeated with transparency.
Diplomats artfully craft phrases to obscure disagreements and create
accords which exist mostly on paper, as both sides know. Lawyers in
drafting legal language, and in making legal arguments, use language
with arcane meanings and abuse semantics to insinuate what they cannot
    This is in sharp contrast with the Star Visitors and their cultures,
where transparency is a reality, not just a buzzword.
    One of the common features of Star Visitor cultures is communication
via mental telepathy. Since this involves directly exchanging
information between minds, there is no use of spoken words. One person
has immediate access to what is in the other person's mind. This makes
for mind transparency and straightforward communication. In turn, such
mental transparency creates collective trust, since the fact that you
can read the minds of those you deal with reduces the likelihood of
deception, dishonesty and false emotional display. Does this mean that
every Star Visitor pours out the entire contents of their knowledge in
every conversation? No. As even in human communication, the person
focuses on what they want to share and convey, and those mental
impressions are exchanged. Can a Star Visitor tell a lie? All but the
rarest miscreant few would not want to do so. And trying to convey
something you know is not true also conveys along with it that you know
it is not so. So, there is no point to trying to lie. The most Visitors
seem to occasionally do is withhold certain information deemed not
timely to reveal yet. But even that withholding is conveyed to the
receiving person as well. The overwhelming result is that Star Visitor
cultures are transparent: everyone lays on the line what they think.
    Because Star Visitors have highly-developed intuition and empathy as
well as telepathy, they are also able to "read" the emotional feelings
of and feel the attitudinal mind-set of the person they are
communicating with. Thus, in an exchange there is not just mental data
being transmitted, but what the "sender" thinks about their information
and how they feel about what they are sending are also revealed. And
because Visitors are so empathic, they also pick up on the feelings of
the sender about the "receiver" as well. This certainly creates
motivation to hold accommodating feelings towards those one deals with.
And builds solidarity.
    In such a communicationally-exposed society, we should not be
surprised to learn that Visitor cultures are highly socially cohesive.
They operate by going for consensus. The objectives of the social group
are valued more than rugged individualist agenda. While Cabal
disinformation propagandists rant in pop ufology magazines about Grey
"hive mentalities", the fact is that Star Visitors' concern for their
fellow citizens' thoughts and feelings is a social comity value that
would serve Earth cultures very well to adopt. Selfish, Darwinian,
hypercompetitive social values have led America and other developed
countries to have legions of persons trapped in welfare dependency,
isolated in disability, pushed into homelessness, marginalized in
physical and cultural ghettoes, or otherwise leading lonely lives of
quiet desperation. If the goal is to get on top, there are going to be
by definition those left on the bottom. It is no mystery why Star
Visitor cultures do not have such homelessness, welfare dependency, etc.
The high degree of collective awareness that individuals in Star
Cultures operate with does not permit them to shrug and brush off their
neighbor's plight. Such cannot easily be put out of mind. So, the
Visitors's cultures end up being ones where each is "their brother's
    Star Visitor cultures operate with spiritual transparency as well.
Since their highly- developed and psychic minds attune to the
metaphysical presence of the Supreme Source in all creation, they
recognize that each is a part of the whole, and that we all share a
common Source.
Thus, they recognize, as in the old Native American saying taught the
Lakota by the Pleiadean, White Buffalo Calf Woman, "All are my relatives."
    Seeing the cosmos as populated by distant cousins allows the
advanced Star Visitors to treat other civilizations they come upon as
they would wish to be treated themselves. It is no accident that such
extended-family civilizations band into federations, and as Dr. Michael
Wolf, NSC revealed, even into federations of federations, in order to
operate in a transparent and collective way in the missions they decide
upon, (such as aiding Earth through its challenging Late Adolescence phase.)
    Certain Star Visitor cultures from the Zeta Reticuli system certain
Reptoid cultures, the Praying Mantis people, and other Visitor groups
extend transparency to the physical realm by not adopting any clothing.
And of course Visitors who are light beings or energy beings similarly
do not use garb. In "developed" human cultures, clothes are used in many
cases to hide; whereas in the Visitor cultures, there is hardly any way
to hide, nor is there much interest in doing so, since what a person
sees themself to be like is already quite evident. Even in those
cultures where climate or custom result in wearing some garb, the
clothing is typically simple or even a uniform. There are no elaborate
efforts to one-up the neighbor by a fancier outfit. Such competitiveness
has no point in a physically and mentally transparent society.
    Social transparency refers to the lack of a caste system or
socioeconomic classes among the Star Visitor cultures. Since all are
relatives, and everyone is a fully-conscious, fully- participating,
valued member of the collective enterprise and purposes, one-upsmanship
has no place. Everyone is accorded dignity as they find their role as a
member of their society.
    What can the transparency of Star Visitor cultures teach us about
how to refashion this crumbling Fourth World culture into the
vastly-superior Fifth World global civilization prophesied by so many
shamans and Visitors?
    As we work to develop our psychic gifts, led by the example of
talented Star Seeds and Star Kids among us, we humans can increasingly
weave together our intuition, telepathy and empathic sensitivity into a
culture of mental transparency and collective trust and empathetic
    As we rebuild our society into one of social transparency and
cohesion, let us tear up all bumper stickers that say: "The one who dies
with the most toys wins." Instead, we will build social groupings where
the smallest and most challenged is no less valued than the most
talented. And as we become practiced at operating openly and
empathetically with each other, we will hasten the spread of a socially
transparent Fifth World, where each has a role to play. And each is
their brother's/sister's keeper. There is nobility in having a
contributing place, whatever the task, in the important services and
production operations of your society.
    I have noted many times that, when experiencers are taken aboard
Zeta craft and examined by Reticulan scientists, these expereiencers are
often undressed, and they see fellow humans also naked. Yet I have never
encountered any indication of sexual arousal or prurient interest. In
the telepathic common mind field that Visitors and experiencers are
operating in aboard craft, there is a matter-of-factness about the
situation It is obviously not an erotic setting, and everyone, human and
Star Visitor, is on the same wavelength that it is not an erotic setting.
     It is interesting that particularly among the younger generation,
many Star Kids and Star Seeds among them, there is an increasing
casualness about body exposure. This is particularly so in such settings
as hot springs, undeveloped ocean, lake and river beaches, and college
residences' rooftop sunbathing areas. Polls tell us that in America, for
one, a growing majority of people endorse social nudity in appropriate
settings. Also, among the young there is an almost aversion to
formalistic attire at work, and certainly a relaxedness in non-work
attire. Is the growing spread of psychic consciousness across the human
genome moving even traditionally Puritan societies like America towards
physical transparency?
    And the transformation of Earth will indeed be hastened by adoption
of spiritual transparency. More and more people are shedding organized
religions, so weighed down with man-made distortions of the truth and
gratuitous rules. Those among us who are Star Seeds, Star Kids, or
otherwise developed souls can model and share natural spirituality,
based on the intuitively-obvious metaphysical truths, and thus hasten
the spread of spiritual transparency, like that which has so advanced
the Star Cultures visiting us.
    The transparency features of the Visitors' cultures are a living
template that can guide humans of good will, as we engage in the mission
of transforming Earth into a loving, just, ecologically-sound,
fully-conscious, psychically-attuned, cosmically-aware Fifth World
culture. Let us be encouraged by the successes of these older Visitor
cultures to complete the work of transforming our planet into its full
potential. And so will we usher in the prophesied Thousand Years of Peace.

                        Richard Boylan, Ph.D.

Richard J. Boylan, Ph.D., LLC       Post Office Box 22310, Sacramento, CA
95822, USA.    Phone/voice mail/fax: (916) 422-7400;
E-mail address:
Official website:   or

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