벨링거 사이트 어떻게 됬나 들어 가봤더니
오늘(16일)연기됬답니다. 원래 15일 오후 여섯시에 CNN 발표되려다가
방해되서 그 방해자가 빔으로 안전히 지구에서 제거됬다나?
아무튼 두고 볼 일입니다. 하하
The Public Announcement of NESARA is the United States is to be made today, Saturday, April 16, 2005.
Public Notice to the World:

I just recieved word (9:30 a.m. MST) from Esu Immanuel Sananda that the NESARA announcement was planned for 6 p.m. EST Friday, April 15 but was stoppd due to a kidnapping/hostage taking action of key announcement people at >>>>CNN<<<<
by the Darkside. The hostages were "beamed" to safety, the purpetrators were removed from Earth Shan, and the NESARA announement will proceed
today, Saturday,>>>> April 16, 2005.<<<< The Star People are in charge, and they are not backing down. There is no new date. This is it!

Patrick H. Bellringer