Today, at a press conference on Capitol Hill, Congressman Dennis
J. Kucinich (D-OH), who leads opposition to the war in Iraq, issued
the following statement:
오늘(3.29), 의회의 기자회견에서, 이라크에서의 전쟁반대를 이끌고 있는 하원의원 데니스 J 쿠치니치씨는 다음의 성명을 발표했습니다. :

"This Administration has never made its case for war against Iraq.
It is an unjustified war, which the Administration continues to
misrepresent and exaggerate.  The most recent example is the
Administration's characterization of international coalition support
for this war."
"이 행정부는 이라크에 대한 전쟁에 대해 어떻게도 논증할 수 없습니다. 그것은 불의의 전쟁이며, 정부는 이에 대해 허위와 과장을 계속 일삼고 있습니다. 가장 최근의 본보기는 이 전쟁에 대한 국제적 제휴와 지원에 대한 정부의 특성짓기입니다. "

"This morning, President Bush once again exaggerated the extent
of support for the war stating that the coalition of countries
supporting this war is larger than the 1991 Gulf War. What Bush
failed to mention was that back in 1991, all of the 34 coalition
members offered military force, by contributing troops on the
ground, aircraft, ships or medics. "
"오늘 아침, 부시 대통령은 다시 한번 이 전쟁을 지원하는 나라들의 제휴가 1991년 걸프전 때보다도 더 많다고 구술하는 등 전쟁 지원의 범위를 침소봉대하여 말하였습니다. ...

"This war involves the troops of only the U.S., Britain, Australia,
Poland and Albania.  Not even the three members of the Security
Council that support the war, Spain, Italy, and Bulgaria are
committing military support."

"This Bush Administration has been adding coalition member to
their list based on statements of 뱈oral?support.  As the Washington
Post reported last week, if this type of criteria was used back in
1991, the size of the coalition would likely have topped 100 countries."

"Further, the total cost of the Gulf War to the United States was around
$4 billion dollars.  This time, the President has come to Congress
requesting a $75 billion bill, all of which will be paid by U. S.
taxpayers. Clearly, military and economic support from countries is
far more important than statements of 'well-wishes'."

"This war must end now.  It was unjust when it started last week, and
is still unjust today.  The U.S. should get out now and try to save the
lives of American troops and Iraqi citizens.  Most importantly, ending
the war now and resuming weapons inspections could salvage world opinion
of the United States, which has been deteriorating since the talk of war
began.  After all, the greatest threat to the United States at this time
is terrorism, which is breeding from this war."

Congressman Kucinich will issue daily statements on the war in Iraq.
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