Sheldan Nidle - Am I The Only One Who Has Noticed?

From: Robert Paul LeBreton |

Sheldan Nidle - Am I the only one who has noticed ? ...

Hello everyone, The following e-mail was sent me by a friend. They gave me permission to post it anonymously.

Paul Simone


Am I the only one who has noticed that Sheldan's Galactic Federation Updates paint two opposite scenarios consistantly?

Scenario number one;

The dark cabal is finally overcome and the Galactic Federation lands. Along with this great prosperity is released to all the world, along with fabulous technologies, lots of them, that have been previously repressed. These fabulous technologies solve the energy problems along with other problems on the earth.

New governments that work for the highest good of all concerned, are established, safeguarding peace and protecting the Constitutional Rights of all. Medical and other specialty teams from our Space Families give us even more aid and Earth is now a partner of the wonderful intergalactic Federation.

Scenario number two:

Powerful earthquakes, pole shifts, high winds, sinking and rising lands sweep the earth. Humans are tenderly evacuated, some to outer space on wonderful living spaceships and others to Eden-like inner earth.


Now I have wondered if Sheldan is aware of this double message because, if he is, he has never explained which scenario comes first, i.e., does scenario number one with dark cabals ending and new governments of Constitutional Law worldwide, with great prosperity and healing technologies happen first and then we all get lifted off the planet while great earthquakes etc. change everything, or does the earth changes happen first and then we are all returned here and have Constitutional Law, new technologies and Great Prosperity?

Personally right now I feel scenario number one is the only one. I think most of the earth changes will be and have been moderated through higher consciousness and technology from us and our space family and the heavenly hosts.

In fact, from what I have gathered, in 1974 [or 73] a huge solar flare would have destroyed the earth except that it was raised a half tone by our space family and heavenly hosts and it passed right through us sort of like a radio wave passes through us. Not an exact analogy but gives you a rough idea.

What excites me so much, that I just recently realized on a deeper level than before, is the extent that emotion changes DNA. I have discovered that loving each and every emotion with unconditional all encompassing love transforms it and evolves it. This is especially noticeable with negative or painful emotions now that the 9th D grid has been put in place.

I have been experiencing the most troublesome emotions with an attitude of love, instead of judgement or fear, and almost instantly they balance and heal. THIS IS CHANGING MY DNA, and I can feel it.

I guess its so exciting to me because it is so simple and direct.