!  This is THE JENNIFER LEE REPORT for Monday, May 3rd, 2004.
We wish to thank you who sent us your support and love so these reports may continue! We are so touched by your notes of love and appreciation! We love you and appreciate your kindness so much!
God Bless YOU!
Here is todays A&A Report.....
The Wesak Festival

In 2004, the Wesak Festival occurs on May 4th
at 4:35 p.m. US EST.

Greetings all you COMMANDERS, EAGLES and ANGELS out there!

Today is Moon-Monday!  Tomorrow is THE BUDDHA FULL MOON [and Lunar Eclipse] Sun in Taurus with Moon in Scorpio [transformation brought into the material plane]---the celebration known as THE WESAK FESTIVAL which marks the day Guatama Buddha also known as Siddartha became enlightened while sitting under a Bodhi Tree.
This festival marks the greatest influx of SPIRITUAL ENERGIES coming into our planet for the entire year and can be used by humanity to transform our world!  On this day, THE ASCENDED MASTERS including Beloved Ascended Master Lord Sananda Kumara, Beloved Sanat Kumara, Lord Maitreya--The Cosmic Christ, and Beloved Ascended Master Saint Germaine and many others return to the Wesak Valley in the Himalayas to greet the people and CELEBRATE THE GIFT OF ENLIGHTENED TRUTH!  
To learn more go to:  
Here is a quote from the website.
When the moon is full in the constellation of Scorpio and the sun is in Taurus (usually the full moon in May), a world-wide event takes place that is oftentimes referred to as Wesak (also known as Vesak or Visakha). In the East, this date also marks a celebration of Gautama Buddha's birth, attainment of Buddhahood, and His departure from the physical body....
The Wesak Festival is in recognition of a present living event. [planetary ascension] This Heavenly Event takes place annually at the time of the full moon of Taurus (often called the "May Full Moon"), and at that event there is released upon Earth (according to the measure of man's demand) the Blessing of God Himself, transmitted through Gautama Buddha and Lord Maitreya, the Cosmic Christ. This happening has its physical / etheric counterparts. Paralleling the spiritual ceremony, an event of importance also takes place simultaneously in a little valley in Tibet, on the further side of the Himalayas. It is there that the earthly ceremony of blessing takes place, and to that valley many people in and around the district find their way as pilgrims towards the Light. There a solemn ritual is performed, which can be as definitely seen and heard as can any ceremonial in any of our great cathedrals.
[see entire article at the bottom of today's report]
This is why---it is such a POWERFUL TIME TO PRAY FOR PEACE!
Today I got to speak with that OLD  BYRD and His Holiness--The Old King we call Sir Lawrence of Arabia who both condemned The Shrub-gang and this entire administration for what they have done in Iraq, in Afghanistan and across middle east!  
They told me 'THESE ARE WAR CRIMINALS' who are no better than Hitler or any dictator and they should be REMOVED IMMEDIATELY from office---NOT ONE DAY MORE!!  They told me the true responsibility for all of this always lies with 'the leadership' and cannot be passed off to anyone else when you see the torture of prisoners of war!  They have played games with the lives of our entire world and this is totally unacceptable! Our young men and women have been sent into 'an unnecessary fraudulent war' which has cost thousands of lives on both sides and THESE ONES WILL PAY FOR THEIR CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY VERY SHORTLY!
All I can say is WE ARE ABOUT TO SEE OUR ANNOUNCEMENT OF NESARA!  That is what the OLD BYRD and Sir Lawrence told me today!  "One moment you will be going about your business and suddenly THERE IT WILL BE!" They told me again---NESARA CAN HAPPEN AT ANY MOMENT!
Today we saw a documentary Clown In Kabul of Hunter 'Patch Adams' M.D. on visiting the hospitals in Afghanistan and meeting with children who have were tortured and maimed by war!  He and a troupe of clowns in full make-up are bringing CHEER, HOPE and LOVE to these little ones!   Oh my gosh---their faces light up for a moment and there is a smile----even without arms and legs! He was asked, "What is the cause of all this?"  He answered. "The cause is greed and the lust for power!"  
Also today on LINK TV  we saw His Holiness: The I4th Dalai Lama on 'Ethical Self Awareness and Personal Transformation' speaking to thousands of people about the true path of peace!  He said, "Compassionate attitude creates a positive atmosphere whereby an ethical attitude can form and a positive constructive motivation becomes the prime mover of all we do, think and say." It was awesome! This is showing us just how much what 'we are all doing' IS MAKING A DIFFERENCE! We will try to get a copy of this speech for you!
US: Mass opposition grows to Iraq war
By Bill Van Auken, From World Socialist Web Site

In the face of the bloodbath that Washington is unleashing against the people of Iraq, mass opposition to the war and popular support for the withdrawal of US troops from the occupied country has soared among the American people.

Secretary of State Colin Powell speaking in Copenhagen, Denmark, on Thursday, was forced to acknowledge plummeting public support for the war and occupation. "April has been a particularly bad month for casualties," he said. "This causes people to stop and think and reflect, 'What are we doing?' and you can expect that to be reflected in the polls."

The latest of these polls, conducted by the New York Times and CBS News, shows a clear majority-58 percent-affirming that the war "was not worth the loss of American life," while half of those polled said that Washington should withdraw all US troops from the country "as soon as possible," regardless of whether "stability" had been imposed upon Iraq.

Given the insistence by both the Republican and Democratic parties that the US must "stay the course" in Iraq and the role played by the mass media in uncritically regurgitating every lie told by the administration to justify the war, these figures are a staggering indictment of the chasm that exists between the American people and the entire US political establishment.

See this entire article below!

Once again I am told to tell you WE ARE IN THE FINAL MOMENTS of what is about TO TAKE PLACE!  NESARA NOW WON IS HAPPENING!

Even though there is tremendous sorrow and suffering in our world there is ALSO TREMENDOUS LOVE POURING IN and MANY MIRACLES ARE TAKING PLACE!  May we imbibe the DEEP SPIRITUAL ENERGIES during THE BUDDHA FULL MOON over next few days as WE STAND AT THAT PIVOTAL MOMENT where 'every prayer we make, every breath we take' can fill the world with more and more and more LOVE!

This is how we DO IT!  WE are CHALICES OF LIGHT grounding and anchoring the energies, overflowing with Love and Compassion just as the Dalai Lama told us today!

Today's last word is from Amy Goodman of Democracy Now!...[paraphrased]

"Dissent is the finest tradition of America.  In a democratic society dissent is a necessity---otherwise there is no democracy."

Today, The Old King---Sir Lawrence told me Amy Goodman is 'The Gandhi' of the western world!  She is a Saint just like Mother Theresa administering to the people's needs.



We love you.

See you on the Bridge.

^j^  ^j^  ^j^
That's the report!  Below is information on The Wesak Festival, and the entire article titled US: Mass opposition grows to Iraq war By Bill Van Auken, From World Socialist Web  and TODAY'S NEWS DIGEST from INFORMATION CLEARING HOUSE at
Love. Jen