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Onderwerp: [doveofo] To YOU of the Dark Agenda from Dove

Datum: donderdag 11 april 2002 1:09


To You of the Dark Agenda:

It is time to inform you in a clear manner that NOW is the time for NESARA to come forth, for the redistribution of wealth upon Earth, and the transformations of government, legal, banking and other Earth realities into the frequencies of higher Love and Light.

Each of you is being continuously monitored from inside your minds and has been for some months for the purposes of canceling many of your activities.  Every thought you have, every emotion, every impulse, every action you take or contemplate are known and are reported.  Your free will to disallow this has been suspended for some months and will continue to be suspended by the Source of ALL That Is for some time into your futures.  I will explain why below.

There are 6,700 GROUPS of  99 TRILLION non-physical Multidimensionals of the Families of Love and Light of the 10th, 11th, and 12th Dimensions who are here continuously monitoring ALL Earth Humans and all other beings, energies and elements involved in some way with what is happening on Earth in these pivotal times of transformation. These Multi's of Love and Light are without judgement and are here for ONLY ONE REASON: to ensure that the great uplifting transformations upon planet Earth OCCUR NOW with the maximum options for Earth Humans to be all they can be and the maximum options for all of Life on Earth to experience higher Love and Light.  

These 663,300,000,000,000 Multi's are supporting the collective choices of the masses of Earth Humans who have chosen PEACE and more expanded realities in Love and Light for all on Earth. The Earth Humans have collectively chosen to experience the uplifting realities of greater Love and greater Light and their collective choices are NOW being activated by the Source of ALL That Is.  

The Source of ALL That Is has decreed that NESARA be announced and implemented NOW and all the grand transformations of worldwide prosperity, uplifting governments, banking systems, and legal systems in honest and sincere  service to the people must come forth NOW. The Multi's of Love and Light, the Angelic Forces of the Great Archangels, the Ascended Masters who are returning, and Earth Humans' brothers and sisters in the Light, known as ETs of Light and Love -- all of these are working for Source by intervening to ensure the great transformations occur and are assisting those Earth Humans known as White Knights who are bringing forth these grand transformations.

In the new realities coming forth, those of the Dark Agenda SERVE differently.  There are ways for those who wish to be part of Dark Agenda experiences to play roles in the new realities. Many Earth Humans are unaware of this, however, in the new higher frequencies of Love and Light  those of the Dark Agenda will be understood and honored as contributors who assist in fine tuning the new systems and realities.  This is part of how we all leave polarity behind.

The decision to move into the realities of higher Love and Light has been REFLECTED by your own experiences in trying and failing to press forward your Dark Agenda.  The Multi's and other Divine non-physical beings of Love and Light are the ones who have informed the VAST FORCES of Love and Light ETs and White Knights of your efforts to cause terrorist acts, military conflicts, natural disasters, and other crises.  ALL of your thoughts are KNOWN, all of your plans and actions are known by these loving beings and thus your plans and actions are DISSOLVED and/or contained and transformed by higher frequencies of Love and Light.

The reason your Dark Agenda activities are currently being curtailed is because we MUST have the pivotal transformation of NESARA and the prosperity distributions NOW so that YOU, as well as all Life here, have the option of future life.  From 175,000,000 Earth years in the future it has been seen that if you were allowed to continue your current Dark Agenda paths, you would SELF-DESTRUCT.  You would create a wave of destruction that would bring forth your own SEEMINGLY ETERNAL extinguishment and that of all Life on planet Earth, in the solar system, and one-third of the Milky Way Galaxy as well as harming other galaxies.  All of Life in these places would think itself extinguished and, if allowed, this would cause vast additional destruction.  

Therefore, the Source of ALL That Is has implemented extraordinary measures to bring forth activities that enable LIFE to continue and flourish.  Key among these extraordinary measures on planet Earth are NESARA and the prosperity redistributions.

I remind you, you have the PROOF that VAST divine intervention is occurring because your terrorist actions since 9/11 have been 99.9% CANCELLED.  Your military conflicts have been cancelled.  Your weapons of mass destruction have been DISABLED.  All your weapons of mass destruction will continue to be DISABLED as is required by the Collective Choice of Earth Humans invoking PEACE. The Collective Choice of Earth Humans is the expression of Divine LAW on Earth, as you know.

The flying saucers which you have had Earth Humans building in underground facilities below parts of California and other parts of the U.S. and the world to try to deceive Earth Humans, and also to use as your escape vehicles, are being contained from being used by you and DISABLED from being flown or moved by you.  ALL activities you try to use to delay or stop the grand transformations into higher Love and Light are being TOTALLY DISABLED and DISSOLVED to ensure the pivotal transformations on Earth into higher Love and Light DO OCCUR NOW.

Your Dark Agenda ET groups and your Dark Agenda energy beings are also routinely REMOVED from planet Earth and this Solar System by order of the Source of ALL That Is.  These are disallowed from being here as they have already had thousands of years of impact here and their time here is OVER.

Some of you who are reading this message have KNOWN for some months that there has been increasing Divine Intervention DISABLING your Dark Agenda activities and you have kept this secret from others in the Dark Agenda hierarchies.  However, with this message MANY of the Dark Agenda will now KNOW there are VAST Divine Forces who are DISABLING the Dark Agenda actions so that the transformations into higher Light and Love occur NOW.  I'm suggesting that you of the Dark Agenda reading this message FORWARD this on to your Dark Agenda cohorts so that ALL know the CURRENT STATUS and that all Dark Agenda actions are being DISABLED.  The TRUTH is now out and it is time to consider your options.

You have a choice in how you proceed.  You can pursue your current efforts which have already been reported and are in process of being DISSOLVED.  If you continue these efforts, this will EARN YOU a GREATER BACKLASH of energy and YOU will be the ones to have heavy charges come down on you in the International Crimes Court for "genocide".  Please understand that these kinds of activities only result in an ENERGY BACKLASH on YOU when you do these things. This has happened over and over to you this last year as signals to YOU that transformations to higher Love and Light are in process. You can continue and make your futures worse OR You can take a new path.  You of the Top Thirteen and all those in your Dark Agenda hierarchies have the option of standing aside and allowing these transformations to occur without further interference.  YOU have valuable ROLES to play in the future of Earth IF you make this choice.  YOU can tell Earth Humans the TRUTH as you know it about the HISTORY of Earth.  You can tell about the Ancient Controllers who have been YOUR controllers for thousands of years. You can tell your own stories of being manipulated and used.  

The Ascended Masters and Archangels of Love and Light and the ETs of Love and Light will be telling the TRUTH about the history of Earth and Earth Humans in the coming days.  ALL will become known.  This is ABSOLUTE, regardless of what you try to do.

Therefore, YOU of the Dark Agenda have the IDEAL opportunity RIGHT NOW to POSITION yourselves in a favorable way.  You can choose to cooperate and be part of bringing TRUTH to the Earth Humans.  You have much knowledge to share and your personal situations will improve if you do this.  

For example, you, Bush Jr., can explain the truth of the last few years as you know it; the TRUTH will come out regardless and if you assist in it's coming out, there will be better results for you personally. You, Bush Senior, have also considerable knowledge of the TRUTH of Earth's History and can contribute your knowledge to enlightening Earth Humans and improving your own future options. You, Bill Clinton, are an enlightened person and can easily make the circle to be of true service if you wish and fulfill the dream of the young boy you once were who admired JFK. You, Prince Charles, also have much to contribute to the TRUTH of Earth's History and you personally KNOW what the path of Earth Humans is today through a Divine Teacher whose messages you hear.  MANY of you of the Dark Agenda have tremendous contributions of TRUTH to make and if you do this, your futures will be much better.  Although your days of holding power are over, you have many benefits coming to you by contributing to bringing TRUTH to all Earth Humans.

From all the TRUTH coming forth to Earth Humans, the GRAND DIVINE PURPOSE is being accomplished for ALL of us to GAIN GREATER WISDOM. When we all understand this, we all will leave polarity behind; we will leave blame behind and accept responsibility for our parts in what has occurred.  We all will be WISER and more loving.  

The Source of ALL That Is has decreed the grand transformations of higher Love and Light on Earth occur NOW and IS INTERVENING DIRECTLY on a continuous basis to bring these forth using VAST FORCES AT ALL LEVELS to accomplish these ABSOLUTE loving transformations.  You of the Dark Agenda have a new path open to you.



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