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Sekhmet: He heard the call.  (laughter)   We would just sim…
Ava: There is, though, there is, in fact, 40 million sovereign militia….
Sekhmet: 40 million sovereign militia.
Ava: With the specific role of surrounding the communication center.

Sekhmet: Yes, they would take over the T.V. stations, the radio stations, the satellites along in conjunction with our help.    We would say that we are so close from this, you can taste it in your mouth.   But yet it is still, and yet, only seconds away from happening.   And the reason we say it is only seconds away because what needs to happen here is the White Knights need to do a few things that we call bye-bye maneuvers where they need to simply come in and if they have to kill some world leaders, they will kill the world leaders.

Ava: This is a private conversation and we’re making up a sci-fi movie, and I love to lie and so does Mother, and we have a formal disclaimer here and we have poetic life, right?

Sekhmet: That’s correct.   And because these world leaders have not followed the Laws of the Universal Wisdom and protocol, and they have violated those Universal Laws, we have every right to step in and intervene in this civilization’s development.   They have violated the Prime Directive and they have created genocide, therefore they need to be removed, and that is happening, we won’t say how, when, or where, but we will just simply say….

Ava: It is already happening….
Sekhmet: It is already happening.  King of Swords is in charge of that, and our little (mmmmmm) village idiot in the oral office knows all about this.   And that is all we’ll say on that subject without violating laws of FCC rules on this telephone line.
I hope this helps you Commander, understand a little more as how this could come to pass.   We cannot say the exact moment NESARA would be announced because there are moves that have to be made with the White Knights, and these things, the White Knights will not tell the rental unit.  We will not put them out there across the airways because…

Ava: That would jeopardize them.
Sekhmet: For one thing, we don’t have an unencrypted phone line that we can speak to you and fully share what has to happen.   But we would say, that yes, because we are inter-universal life-forms that can encrypt the phone line we would simply say (in her language) in yakakay cone yik ya ka koo!   Phone line now encrypted. (laughter)

Ava: I feel like I got encrypted.  (laughter)
Sekhmet: You have. (laughter)
Ava: That was good.  I liked that sound.   It kind of made me just kind of get excited.
Sekhmet:  I know we have been ranting and raving here with…. what questions do you have, Commander?
Commander: I guess that one thing that comes to mind would be…. could you elaborate a little bit on the type of society and civilization that we are to become?   And the type of technology that is to come.

Sekhmet: What is about to happen here is NESARA does get announced, it paves it forward to bring in universal economics.   This is what we have in the Federation of Worlds.   Where you have an idea, you want to colonize the world and you come before (mmmmmm) for metaphorical purposes, Starfleet.   You would come to Starfleet and you would present your proposition and ideas.   We would go over it with the other members of the Federation, and we would then draw up outlines and plans, and instantly, whatever you needed, wanted and desired to do that mission, where it lasted one day or a millennium, it would instantly be given to you----the ships, the equipment, the technologies.  All of it.   No money is changed hands.   In the Federation of Worlds we do not use money.   Money is simply a concept on this planet where (mmmmmm) I do a service for you, you pay us.  That is not how we do things in universal economics, and as NESARA gets announced, it evolves and brings forth true teachings of where we do not even need to barter anymore, but simply as the Forces land and we create technologies where precipitation manifestation is brought into physical reality, then things are instantly manifested.   It is like how it was, how it used to be in the Land of PAN where you thought about wanting to swim in a liquid-like lake and instantly you were there.    You wanted an apple, you wanted to make love with your twin flame, it instantly occurred.

Ava: You could also appear and disappear things, right?
Sekhmet: Bi-locate and transport yourself with single thought-form reality.   All of this is coming to pass.    As NESARA gets announced and we land, there are many technologies of alternative energies that will be being brought forth.   Already there are folks instantly ready to bring them forth as NESARA would be announced.   Let’s say tomorrow we would say there are cars that could run on hemp oil, or water, or (mmmmmm) shall we say, electricity.   There are even technologies and folks that we know that could create crystal energy technology-type cars or traveling; place-traveling devices.

Ava: How about shuttle craft?
Sekhmet: Shuttle craft?   There is a man that we know that has the understanding of how to build a warp-drive…
Ava: A warp-drive engine…

Sekhmet: Yes!  With dilithium crystals, and interestingly enough, dilithium crystals are real.   Gene Roddenberry knew all of this when we channeled this for him long, long ago back in the sixties, but he could not bring it into a format where Hollywood would understand it, so he had to bring in forth through a story like Star Trek for people to get an understanding.

LMMS: That was past stuff.
Sekhmet: Yeah. Issac Asimov, (mmmmmm)  Ray Bradberry.  All of these folks, they all knew and they all are still in a place of sharing the truth with the people, but they have to do it through fiction rather than fact.   And now, there is about to be a moment in time where Earth will become the 33 member of the Galactic Federation of Worlds, and it will be three.   As this happens, all of these things will be brought into manifestation.   We have friends that can create Testla-based technology now where you don’t even need cell phones.   You simply will have a communication device that you (mmmmmm) touch on your lapel, and you can talk to your beloved, whether she is in the next room or at the store or across the planet.   If you want to take a trip and go from London to Santa Fe, you could do that.   You simply get onto a transporter platform and you are instantly there. (laughter)

LMMS: Ohhhhhh.
Ava: Or go from here to another planet.
Sekhmet: Yeah!
Ava: Or another star system.
Sekhmet: All of these things are going to be brought forth now.   It is incredible how much will be shared with the people.   But what needs to happen is humanity—there are still and yet so many that are lost….
Ava: Right.

Sekhmet: Onward through the fog they are wandering and then when they hear stuff like this, and they think it is ya-da ya-da, and they bad-mouth Dove or Jennifer or A and A.   It is because they simply are not understanding how much they are asleep and they have become sheeple where they have allowed the dark agenda to control them with their thoughts and their minds.

Ava: But Mother, isn’t it time, or when is it time, I mean you have said that there would be this sleepy group of people, and rather than holding up our ---- those of us who are ready, that you would take them to other star systems and other planets where they can safely be or be just like the rest of the people that are on that planet, like planets that are a little behind the readiness of this planet, and they would still have more time to progress at their own pace rather than holding up all of us.

Sekhmet: That is already happening where they are simply being removed and it is more and more in occurrence where there are so many that are leaving and yet….
Ava: I don’t mean dying… I just mean that you remove them…
Sekhmet: Transporting them to other worlds where they could have an understanding of how to work out their kolly-uga consciousness.
Ava: They just have more time and they have people who are comfortable in the same place….

Sekhmet: Yes, and if they want to play in Jurassic Park, they will go play in Jurassic Park.  (laughter)   And if they want to have Love and Light they will come into balance and wholeness within themselves and not have to be deleted from the program.
Ava: And I think that’s all  great, Mother.   I just think that we need to take this one move, now, the NESARA move.

Sekhmet: That is on the table…Now! [‘now’ spoken in a loud cat growl]
Ava: All these other things can be going on in the background, and they can take some gradual moves that there has to be something that’s going to really jump-start this freedom and give us protection.
Sekhmet: We would say as this Yom Kippour eve is happening and that the Book of Life is opening, we would say that (mmmmmm) Lord Michael, Medatron and the rest of the Cosmic folks are looking at that Book of Life and they are seeing who has been naughty and who has been nice.  (laughter).   And we would say that Santa Claus IS coming to town, because he is time! (laughter)

LMMS: Well, that was great, Mother.   Thank you!
Sekhmet: Yes!
Ava: Have any more questions?
Commander: I don’t know.   (laughter)
Sekhmet: We have gone everywhere and nowhere in this conversation.  (laughter)
Commander: Yup.
LMMS: It feels like we are complete.
Ava: At least for today.
Commander: So, the physical gold that is backing the NESARA….  all of those are in place around the  different countries…  there is no more need to find more gold or to…  is that part of the hold-up, do you think?

Sekhmet: We would say the physical gold is in place and these U.S. bankers that played games and got arrested yesterday were still trying to shuffle papers and play the corporate bullshit games they continue to play the delay stuff, but the Forces….

Ava: They lied…they placed false reports.
Sekhmet: Mmm-mmmm.  We would say that that has been quickly compromised and changed as we speak.   Right now that has been stopped.   The gold that is on this planet originally came from Venus and many other planets where it was a gift for the people of Earth to balance out the energies on this planet.

Ava: In other words gold is not indigenous to this Earth it’s a substance from Venus that was brought by Merc and the Lady of the Sun….
Sekhmet: Yeah!
Ava: Sanat Kumara and Lady Master Venus on starships.

Sekhmet: Yes.  When Earth was originally formed, yes, there was gold within the matrix of forming the Earth but the gold was actually brought and given to the people as a form of currency where they could use this as a means of exchange…

Ava: It was transmuted gold, it wasn’t the kind of gold we have today it wasn’t the conventional gold.   It was transmuted gold.
Sekhmet: Yes.  It was the white gold substance that some people call mummy dust or (mmmmmm)….
Ava: Mono-gold.

Sekhmet: Mono-atomic gold like David Hudson’s stuff.   Yes!   And gold physically is in place right now in all the countries.   If anything that is holding this up what needs to be is the people simply have to get out of their own way and allow the White Knights to do this, and the White Knights — this is the message to all the White Knights listening to this little conversation, because we know that the ECH boys and carnivore all know what time it is, and that they simply have to step aside and allow us to do the job we have been hired to do, which was bring Earth into balance and become the first…..

Ava: Who hired you, Mother?
LMMS: We did,.
Sekhmet: ‘Course
Ava:  We did, the Earth and all of us.
Ava: Oh, you mean we asked you, we didn’t hire you.
Sekhmet: Metaphorically speaking, you hired us…
Ava: I commanded you to get your butt down here and help out, for heaven’s sakes. (laughter)
Sekhmet: It was called the planetary distress signal.
LMMS: Yes.
Sekhmet: ...That said, “Dire emergency, extreme red alert.
LMMS: Come now!
Ava: The other thing is that there is an infinite supply of gold, and as the 33rd member of the Galactic Federation of Planets, we will be trading in other systems with other planetary metals not even in, I mean gold is something we’re familiar with here-- there are a whole list of other substances that we can trade for that we will be using…. that starships are made of, for instance.

Sekhmet: Yeah!  Many of these substances—one is called Incolarium which is a hundred times harder than diamonds.   Crystacolum, which is a mineral on your planet that is very similar (mmmmmm) to—more like pink turquoise, which is gold mixed with quartz crystal.   And there are many other elements that will be brought into manifestation, where the people will be able to have these substances in the universes.   We do not use money.  We use other forms of trade but it is not in the form of what you would call buying and selling.  It is done by agreement and consensus.

Ava: And a re-balancing of what is needed from planet to planet, star system to star system.   We are going to have responsibilities to balance, not just our own planet, but to interact with other planetary systems and make sure that all things are in balance in a larger scale.
Sekhmet:  Yes!
Commander: So all of this enlightenment and new technology that’s coming, is in effect  going to be coming around in conjunction with the Photon Belt that is gradually increasing the frequencies of us here on Earth, right?
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