인류의 육체의 고향은 베가 항성계에 있다.
그렇다면 우리 영혼의 고향은 어디 있을까.
우리가 암흑물질이라고 부르는 차원간 빛에서
모든 영혼들이 생겨나고 다시 거기로 돌아간다.
결국 우리 존재의 본질은 빛이고 우리 모두는
창조주의 의식과 연결된 천사라고 할 수 있다.

Physical Creation is much older than your scientists now believe. At the moment, they cannot accurately measure what they refer to as 'the dark matter', because that energy is part of the inter-dimensional Light that created all physicality. All physicality is simply a reflection of divine consciousness. It is as alive as you are. In a normal lifetime, you are birthed out of this dark matter and, eventually, return to it again. This vast field of Light is a consciousness that extends as far as the Creator. Truly, you are connected to all of life throughout the infinite immensity that is Creation!