Mrs. A:  So Mother, can you give us an idea of 'when' the NESARA announcement might come into being?

Mother Sekhmet:  'The time will be---when your sun goes into the Sign of Scorpio which represents the 'Rising of the Phoenix'.  This is when the energy of the SUN [RA] will pour out upon the whole universe, and you will SEE your FREEDOM at last.  There are still many procedures that must be followed and it will take this long for everything to be completed.'

Mother Sekhmet의 언어는 해독하기 어렵네요.  전갈좌는 10월 하순부터인데,
이게 일년중의 월간 자리를 말하는지, 아니면 보다 큰 황도 차원의 연간 자리가
있는 건지  아리송하네요.