John Paul SPEAKS "I Am In My Prime

"Today I rest close to you, as I have not been buried yet.  Understand that that is just a shell, though I am pleased that you treasure my memory, that you hold off all work and daily activities to honor me.  I was never one to expect personal honor.  I always felt that it was a dedication to duty that was important. I took my duties seriously, though I believed that it was always the best approach to balance if one took life lightly.

"Jesus is portrayed as someone who was always serious in his life.  I am here to tell you that he has a great sense of humor, as does Mary his mother.  We walk lightly in our footsteps, and I ask you to do the same.

"Do not take events too seriously as they relate to you.  All on that plane is just an illusion.  You might ask, "How can suffering be an illusion?"  Suffering as it plays out and comes to you can be an illusion if you do not identify with it.

"But you might ask, "How can I face life when I feel such pain?"  I am here to tell you that pain on the emotional level is just an effect of the belief system.  Change your beliefs and you will suffer less.  You may even find that you can function in the darkest of days in joy.

"It is joy, my friends, that makes one’s soul fill with light.  Joy is the basis of all your aspirations, though you may not understand this yet.  So I will send these new messages on the ability to acquire joy in your life.  This first message was just to bring into your consciousness the thought that I can send you love and joy through a messenger on Earth, and I am on this side speaking through a telephone of sorts.

"This is my telephone call to Earth.  I am more robust than I have been since my youth.  Here I would appear to be around age twenty-two.  I felt that to be my prime, and it was a time when my body was full of life and vigor.  My heart was strong up until the end, but there were other physical problems that kept me from fulfilling my duties as I would want to have fulfilled them.

"Joy is the first attribute that I want to express to you.  I was full of joy when I transitioned.  My parents were there to greet me, and then they ushered me to the great hall of welcoming which was presided over by Jesus and his beloved Mary of Magdala.  Jesus’ mother Mary was also there; she sat on his right side and Mary of Magdala sat on his left.

"The hall was filled with angels from many communities.  In a future note I will tell you about the different communities of angels, as they are a favorite group that I hold dear to my heart.  For now I just wanted to say hello.  I have new work to do here in this state, and I will describe to you what I have agreed to do to help the Divine Mother in all her works.

"Presently she is centered on bringing her beloved Earth and her peoples into the fold of advancement, and I am just a simple soul who bends my knee to her brilliance.  As many of you may be aware, I held a great love for her while I was there with you.  I communicated with her as she came to me often, and I followed many of her directives on the political and religious scene.

"She was the one I followed.  The press and others spoke of my greatness, but it was really her that I not only addressed before making decisions, but carried out her plans for the world.  It was not the time to discuss that event with you, as I believed that it would not be a humble and sincere thing to do to express my communications with a being from this side of life.

"It was in humility that I kept council in this matter, but now that I am here, I can give her the credit for all the choices that I stepped forward with and made in her behalf.

"As I leave you now, I ask that you meditate on joy today.  Allow the joy to enter your hearts for me, as I am now in my prime and I can work ceaselessly for my Queen and Mother.  Also consider joy for yourself in your own lives.  Do everything possible to think of where joy could be expressed in your living, in your commitments with those that you love, and with all those you may meet today who before you meet are strangers, but after you meet them are strangers no more.

"It is the community of love that will bring joy into your living.  I would just add, think of Jesus who called the children to him and sat them on his knee.  It was the child’s uncomplicated heart that attracted him, and it is your call to keep a simple heart where love is the motivator of all your actions.

In peace and blessings,
Your Shepherd, John Paul