금주 은하연합 메시지가 그 2 가지 이유를 요약 표현하고 있음.  개입 상태이긴 하지만,
아직은 때가 아니다.  지구동맹의 계획이 대중에게 드러날 때, 은하연합의 등장을 신호한다.

These mutations of your reality imply that a direct intervention on your behalf is now underway.  This direct intervention has both spiritual and physical dimensions.  The physical component includes the large first contact fleet assembled by the Galactic Federation.  This fleet has been at the ready to engage your global society for some time now.  

Many of you ask why this first contact has not yet happened.  The reasons are twofold : The first concerns your Ascended Masters who are fully in charge and who formally direct our Earth operations.  We can only intervene en mass when these most blessed Beings give their assent.  

The second reason rests with the divine plan.  Only when the sacred prerequisites are met can we even consider mass arrivals on your beautiful shores.  At present, we confine our activities to assisting our Earth allies in their many projects.  In fact, it is the public manifestation of their plans that can signal our appearance.  Until then, our policy is to remain cloaked and at the ready.