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제목   [CrimsonCircle] New ascension symptoms  
보낸날짜   2002/10/7 11:43:37 오전
보낸이   "Mark Goodes"<mgoodes@sympatico.ca> 주소록에 추가  수신거부    
받는이   CrimsonCircle@yahoogroups.com

Hi everyone,

I've been experiencing some symptoms that appear to be ascension
symptoms which are not on the list on the CC website.  So I did a poll in a
group that is related to the CC and came up with the following list.  If you've
experienced these or other new symptoms, please let me know some of your
experiences.  I've been finding people's stories to be quite helpful in
understanding my own experience, and maybe others on the list will as well.

Current list (in process):


1.  Different sense of time and relationship to it.

2.  Memory loss (mostly short term but some long term) but with a sense of
peace about it, a feeling that it's not a big deal.

3.  General feistiness, standing up for ourselves, defining our boundaries.

4.  Greater sensitivity to alcohol and coffee.

5.  Greater interdimensional awareness.

6.  Headaches.

7.  Feeling off balance, losing a sense of body boundaries (one person
mentioned feeling like she was stepping through the floor).

8.  Seeing unusual colors (Kryon has talked about this too).

9.  Familiar places appear different, as if something has changed.

10.  Increased synchronicity.  The information we need seems to come to us
in the moment more and more.  Operating more on intuitive information.

11.  Continued unusual sleep patterns, and a sense that we are being
"worked on" when we sleep.  (One person also mentioned needing much less
sleep than before).  (Even though this symptom is on Geoffrey Hoppe's
original list, it seems to have become more frequent or unusual so it feels like
there has been a change even from the original symptom).

Toronto, ON