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8월2일날 72시간 있다고 했으니, 지금 미국 뉴욕시간으로는 8월 5일 새벽 1시 입니다.
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Extremist Message from HAM

Date: Mon, 2 Aug 2004 21:10:15 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: 72 hours that all

and then a new moon shines in the world. Amerikkkka will be dead,

I Advise you, Oh America, Britain and those whom Allah said about you: Allah´s wrath upon you, the Zionists oh the sons of apes and pigs. There is no strife on the face of the earth that you have not sparked, Whenever you start the fire of strife, Allah extinguished it, May Allah extinguish your light and your fires.

But we are the men whom Allah has chosen, and wanted, and made us strong. So as to pluck your heads ripe for the picking. That rose and actes in tyranny and in arrogance. We will be the ones to pluck them, if Allah wills it. Oh Nation of Qur´an, civil strife has not appeared on the earth that was not [brought about] by the money of the criminal Zionists and thier conspirations in the media [The Zionists] that unfortunately and shamefully, America and Britain has bowed down to thier tyrants, the tyrants of the generation and its pharoahs...

They will know, and i dont want to mention thier names, the America and thier president and the British and thier allies and the Zionists, the spoiled offspring of this entity...

More Mail from EOM?

be ready for breaking news from Osama Osama in Amerikkka now will
destroy the infidels