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역 사

                                                                                                        Paul Craig Roberts   October 25, 2014 

Dear Friends,

러시아 소치에서 열린 Valdai 국제토론클럽 11차 회의에서 있은 블라드미르 푸틴의 연설은, 내 생애에서 그와 같은 것을 본 적이 없는, 인도주의적 정치 지도자(a humanitarian political leader)의 발언이다. 

푸틴을, 백악관의 부패한 전쟁 범죄자(the corrupt war criminal 오바마) 또는 독일, 영국, 프랑스, 일본, 캐나다, 호주의 공직에 있는 미국의 꼭두각시들(his puppets)과 비교해보라. 모든 민족의 이해가 존중받는, 인간적이고 살만한 세상을 위해 분투하는 지도자와 범죄 도당(徒黨)(a criminal clique)의 차이를 볼 수 있을 것이다.

Vladimir Putin’s remarks at the 11th meeting of the Valdai International Discussion Club are worth more than a link in my latest column. These are the remarks of a humanitarian political leader, the like of which the world has not seen in my lifetime. Compare Putin to the corrupt war criminal in the White House or to his puppets in office in Germany, UK, France, Japan, Canada, Australia, and you will see the difference between a criminal clique and a leader striving for a humane and livable world in which the interests of all peoples are respected.

서구 사회(미국)가 제정신이라면, 푸틴의 발언내용은 언론을 통해 전재(全載)되었을 것이고, 스테판 코언(Stephen F. Cohen)같은 전문가들이 참여한 토론이 열렸을 것이다. 그리고 푸틴의 발언에 찬동하는 목소리가 TV에서 그리고 지상매체(紙上)를 통해 이구동성으로 들렸을 것이다. 

하지만, 자신들의 국가는 세계를 지배할 법외적(法外的) 권리를 가진 "예외적(exceptional)"이며, "없어서는 안되는(indispensable)" 국가라고 주장하는 통치자들이 있는 나라에서는 이와같은 일은 물론 불가능하다. 워싱턴과 그의 매춘미디어('presstitutes')에 관한 한, 위싱턴을 제외한 어떤 나라도 중요하지 않다. 

"너희들은 우리와 함께 하지 않으면 우리에 반대하는 것이다(You are with us or against us)"라는 것은 " 너희들은 우리의 속국(屬國 vassals)이거나 아니면 우리의 적(敵)이다"라는 뜻이다. 이는 워싱턴이 러시아, 중국, 인도, 브라질과 남미의 다른 국가들, 이란 그리고 남아프리카를 미국의 적(敵)이라고 선언했다는 것을 의미한다.

In a sane Western society, Putin’s statements would have been reproduced in full and discussions organized with remarks from experts such as Stephen F. Cohen. Choruses of approval would have been heard on television and read in the print media. But, of course, nothing like this is possible in a country whose rulers claim that it is the “exceptional” and “indispensable” country with an extra-legal right to hegemony over the world. As far as Washington and its prostitute media, named “presstitutes” by the trends specialist Gerald Celente, are concerned, no country counts except Washington. “You are with us or against us,” which means “you are our vassals or our enemies.” This means that Washington has declared Russia, China, India, Brazil and other parts of South America, Iran, and South Africa to be enemies.

그 속국(屬國 vassal) 국민들에게, 그리고  많은 제 나라 국민들('subjects')에게 미움받는, 세계 역사상 그처럼 끔찍한 핵무기를 유일하게 사용해서 1945년에 조그만 일본을 물리친 이후로 전쟁에 단 한번도 승리해본 적이 없는,  파산(破産)한 국가(a bankrupt country)인 미국에게 세계는 자신들이 차지할 하나의 큰 덩어리이다.

This is a big chunk of the world for a bankrupt country, hated by its vassal populations and many of its own subjects, that has not won a war since it defeated tiny Japan in 1945 by using nuclear weapons, the only use of such terrible weapons in world history.

이름있는 어느 미국 정치인이, 또 그 문제에 관해  하버드, 예일, 프린스턴 또는 스탠포드 대학의 어떤 교수들이 , 학식있는 토론 그룹을 상대로 푸틴처럼 양질(良質)의 연설을 할 수 있을 지를 미국민으로서 그려보라.

푸틴의 연설을 읽은 사람이라면, 푸틴이 세계의 지도자라는 결론을 내리지 않을 수 없다.

As an American, try to image any known American politician, or for that matter any professor at Harvard, Princeton, Yale, or Stanford capable of giving an address to an educated discussion group of the quality of Putin’s remarks. Try to find any American politician capable of responding precisely and directly to questions instead of employing evasion.

No one can read Putin’s remarks without concluding that Putin is the leader of the world.

내 견해로는, 푸틴은 워싱턴이 암살 표적으로 삼을 정도로 위대한 인물(a towering figure)이다. CIA는, CIA가 러시아 내에서 지원하고 있는 무슬림 테러리스트 중 하나를 이용할 것이다. 국민들 사이로 공개적으로 다가가려 하지 않는 미국의 대통령과는 달리, 푸틴은 국민들로부터 떨어져있지 않다. 푸틴은 편하게 러시아 국민들 속에 섞이고, 그들과 어울린다. 이점이 푸틴으로 하여금, 체첸 테러리스트나 지하드 자살폭탄테러범을 이용하는 CIA의 쉬운 암살 표적이 되게 한다.

비도덕적이며, 사악한 그리고 쇠퇴하고 있는 서구(西歐) 세계는, 푸틴과 같은 자질(資質)의 지도자를 배출할 수 없다. 서구(西歐) 미디어는 푸틴을 비난해왔기 때문에, 푸틴 암살에 대해 서구(西歐) 매체의 비난 논평은 거의 없을 것이다.

In my opinion, Putin is such a towering figure that Washington has him marked for assassination. The CIA will use one of the Muslim terrorists that the CIA supports inside Russia. Unlike an American president, who dares not move among the people openly, Putin is not kept remote from the people. Putin is at ease with the Russian people and mingles among them. This makes him an easy target for the CIA to use a Chechnya terrorist, a Jihadist suicide bomber, or the traditional “lone nut” to assassinate Putin.

The immoral, wicked, and declining West is incapable of producing leadership of Putin’s quality. Having defamed Putin, assassinating him will cause little comment in the Western media.

여기 푸틴의 탁월한 연설이 있다. Here are Putin’s remarkable remarks


Washington Is Defaming Putin

Paul Craig Roberts  October 24, 2014

UPDATE: Here is a translation of Putin’s address at Valdai:

Today at the Valdai International Discussion Club meeting in Sochi, Russia’s President Putin correctly and justifiably denounced Washington for destabilizing the world in order to serve its own narrow and selfish interest and the interests of the private interest groups that control Washington at the expense of the rest of the world. It is about time a world leader denounced the thuggish neocon regime in Washington. Putin described Washington’s double standards with the Roman phrase: “What is allowed for God [the US] is not allowed for cattle [the rest of the world].”

RT reports on Putin’s address here:

RIA Novotsi reports here:

Curiously, the Russian media has not, at this time of writing, produced an English translation of Putin’s full remarks. Perhaps the Russian media do not realize the importance of Putin’s words. Too much of the Russian media is owned by foreign interests who use the access to Russian readers to attack and discredit the Russian government. It is amazing that the Russian government allows Washington’s propaganda within its own ranks. Perhaps Moscow accepts Washington’s propaganda among Russians in order to protect the broadcasts in the US of RT, RIA, and Voice of Russia. But the balance is uneven. The Russian broadcasts in the West report otherwise unreported news; they do not defame America.

See also:

Putin: world leaders blackmailed:

Putin: US escalates worldwide conflict:

German MP: sanctions without proof:

I did not see any reporting of Putin’s address in the US print and TV media. Clearly in the US there is an absence of public discussion of US foreign policy and foreign reaction to it. A country in which propaganda and silence rule out awareness and public discussion is not a democracy regardless of what it calls itself.

Washington long ago learned the dark art of silencing truth with defamation. Washington used defamation to overthrow Iran’s elected leader, Mossadegh in 1953, to overthrow Congo’s prime minister Patrice Lumumba in 1960, to overthrow Guatemala’s President Arbenz in 1954, to overthrow Venezuela’s President Hugo Chevez in 2002, a coup that was cancelled by the Venezuelan people and military who threw out Washington’s stooge replacement and reinstalled Chavez, to overthrow Ukraine’s elected President Yanukovych in 2013, to overthrow Honduras President Manuel Zelaya in 2009 , to overthrow in 2013 Mohamed Morsi, president of the first democratically elected government in Egypt’s history, to overthrow Gaddafi in Libya, Saddam Hussein in Iraq, in ongoing efforts to overthrow Assad in Syria and the government of Iran, and in failed attempts to overthrow Indonesia’s Sukarno, Ho Chi Minh in Vietnam, and Castro in Cuba.

Today Washington’s target is Vladimir Putin. This is the height of folly and hubris. Putin’s public support far exceeds that of any American president in history. Currently, the level of public support for the Obama regime and the US Congress is far too low to be compatible with a functioning democracy. If the US is actually a democracy, it is the most dysfunctional democracy in world history. Practically no one, except the powerful private interest groups who own Washington, supports the US government. Everyone else despises Washington.

As the result of 13 years of murderous destruction of life and property in the Middle East and Africa, a dysfunctional and collapsing US economy, and a display of unrivaled arrogance, Washington has destroyed America’s soft power. Abroad only the deluded few and those paid by US-financed NGOs still have a good opinion of the United States.

In all world polls, the US ranks as the greatest threat to world peace. Washington has made our country a despised nation, and we the people have done nothing about it.

You would never know this from the US print or TV media or even from most of the UK and Western European media. As I reported on October 16, Udo Ulfkotte, a former editor of one of Germany’s most important newspapers, the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, has written a best-selling book in which he reports that the CIA owns everyone of significance in the major European media. In his own words Udo Ulfkotte says that he was “taught to lie, to betray and not to tell the truth to the public.”

As a former Wall Street Journal editor, Business Week columnist, columnist for the Scripps Howard News Service, columnist for a German magazine and French and Italian newspapers, I observed and experienced the gradual impoundment of any dissent from Washington’s line. It became clear that the path to journalism success in the West was to lie for the Establishment in Washington, largely a private establishment along with the dark off-budget “security” agencies bolstered by the neoconservative ideology of US world hegemony.

Much of Russian media and Putin’s advisors are fully aware of Washington’s media campaign to defame President Vladimir Putin. The internet site Russia Insider today asked the pertinent question: “Is the CIA Running a Defamation Campaign Against Putin?” As Russia Insider makes clear, the answer is most certainly.

Click the URL above and view the front pages of the UK Sun, Daily Mirror, and Daily Express. I would bet that these are front pages designed in Washington or Langley and are in fact paid ads by the CIA or National Endowment for Democracy or by one of the Republican or Democrat organizations that sponsor Washington’s overseas propaganda.

Of course, these UK rags can be dismissed as sensational junk comparable to the US versions that are for sale at grocery store checkout counters–”movie star abducted by aliens in UFO.” So scroll down the page of the above URL and look at the covers of Newsweek and The Economist. once these were respected publications. Today I would bet that no one reads them and that they are dependent on CIA subsidies for their existance. Nevertheless, they impact the European, Canadian, Australian, and Japanese media and no doubt the media of other countries on the borders of the US empire. A number of gullible fools still think that America has a free press.

Be sure to notice this section of the report from Russia Insider:

“The issue of manipulation of news by intelligence services has been in the news recently with revelations that the CIA and German Secret Service (GSS) have long-running programs to influence how media executives and top journalists convey and interpret the news, including direct cash payments.
“Here are some examples they point to:
Portraying him [Putin] as a scheming dictator trying to rebuild a repressive empire.
Claiming he personally ordered the murder of a number of journalists, and personally ordered a KGB defector to be murdered with radiation poisoning.
Frequently citing unsubstantiated rumors he is having an affair with a famous gymnast.
Allegations that he has stashed away billions for his personal benefit, without providing evidence.
Recent article in newsweek claiming he leads a luxurious and lazy lifestyle, sleeping late.
Recent article in NYT focusing on a supposed personal arrogance.
Hillary Clinton mentioning in speech after speech that he is a bad guy, a bully, that one must confront him forcefully.
Frequently using pejoratives to describe his person – “a jerk and a thug” (Thomas Friedman this week in the NYT)
Mis-quoting him on his regret about the collapse of the Soviet Union.
Articles about a supposed super-luxury villa built for him in southern Russia.
The over-the top headlines in the western media (they were worst of all in Germany) portraying him personally responsible for murdering the victims of MH17.
And soft stuff – magazine covers making him look sinister, monstrous, etc.”

If you are not already aware, I am pleased to introduce you to The Saker, a pseudonym for a high level US military analyst who lives in Florida. No, it is not me. Be sure to read the interview with Saker, which is at the bottom of the article:

Every day readers ask me what they as individuals can do. Some possibly are government trolls who hope I will answer “overthrow the government” so that I can be arrested as a terrorist. My answer to the question is that people are powerless until enough of them are informed. If people become informed and will take a stand, then the people can force the government back under their control. If this does not or cannot happen, democracy in America is dead, and our life as a free people protected by the Constitution and law against the power of the state is finished.

Possibly America is already finished and will now finish the rest of the world in its insane neoconservative drive to establish Washington’s hegemony over the entire world. Russia and China are not going to submit to being Washington’s vassals and India had enough of being a colony under Great Britain. If the crazed hegemons in Washington persist, nuclear war will be the outcome.
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