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역 사
트럼프왕과 기사이야기...2530...사탄의 가족...번역요!
kimi 추천 3 조회 810 20.05.31 00:14 댓글 24

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참고로 여기서 말하는 보헤미안 그로브는 켈리포니아에 

있는 건물로서 미국 정치인들과 엘리트들이 이용하는 곳이다.


  • Somerset Belenoff, Countess of Banbury and Arran, chairs the World Governing Council and is the Chief Executive Officer of the World Security Office, which is the prosecutorial and enforcement arm of the House of Wettin's Upper Chamber. This is the powerful cabal which controls all of the elite Illuminati groups familiar to researchers.
  • She is the registered owner of the Bohemian Grove domain name and is likely the owner of the actual property where Bohemian Grove is located
  • She attended Benenden School, of which Princess Anne is also an alumnus.
  • Vladimir Putin has said that The Countess of Banbury and Arran is both the most beautiful woman and the most terrifying person he has ever met
  • She rules the House of Wettin's Upper Chamber with an iron fist and is likely responsible for the execution of dozens of Illuminati (see the section titled "Purge of the Princes" on the There will be Blood tab). The most recent executions are those of 3 elite international bankers, murdered in California in May, 2018.
  • Through statements and actions over the years, Belenoff has made it very clear that she considers groups such as the Bilderbergers, Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, etc. to hold a lower position in the cabal than those born into nobility. She refers to these lesser Illuminati members as "grubby, downstairs staff, inferior in rank, intellect, common sense and breeding."
  • Has suggested that these "newly-moneyed" lesser Illuminati should be accustomed to living in mud huts with dirt floors, as befitting their actual rank.
  • Has been closely associated with the occult from a very early age - claims to have met the Devil at Glamis Castle when she was a child, and "frankly was not impressed"
  • Is the great grand daughter of Gregory Rasputin and the great great great grand daughter of Queen Victoria
  • Travels regularly to the Kremlin, the White House and of course Buckingham Palace - she arrives unannounced and without an invitation and she is probably the only person in the world who does this (uninvited yet completely welcome in all of those locations)
  • She was the driving force behind the rise of Mikhail Gorbachev in the Soviet Union and the ultimate fall of the Soviet Communist Party
  • Refers to international communism as "a filthy cabal, full of incompetent, lazy dogs who should be thrown from the castle walls at our earliest convenience."
  • She ordered Barrack Obama to bring down the government of Muamar Gaddafi and told him to be sure that the dictator would be shot in the street like a dog
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09:07:13 (*.111.5.14)
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