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AH 빛의 멤버 소식21 -미 서부 지진에 대한 천상의 경고
by gomiruart  개인 일반정보 열람  포럼 글 열람  개인 메시지  블로그 글 열람  뉴스기사 열람 Published on 2010-03-24  조회: 61    1 달린 글  오늘(2010.03.24) 아침 소식은 미국 서부 샌앤드레아스 단층 지역에 지진이 잦아지고 있다는 이야기입니다. 캔더스는 할수만 있다면 거기서 나오라고 권하며 이는 마치 이태리 베수비어스 화산이 분출할 즈음에 그곳에 있는 것과 같이 위험하다는 이야기네요.

조이스 멤버는 지난주 미 지진국 세계지도상에 크랙이 발생한 것을 보고하며 캘리포니아에 주의를 기울입니다. 자신도 꼭 GO! 라는 소리를 듣는 것같다합니다.
단 멤버는 꿈자리 이야기까지 하며 아주 이상한 느낌을 전하네요, 칠레와 아이티때도 같은 느낌으로 그일을 맞았다면서요..

바트론 멤버는 미 원주민의 지진 대피때 3일간의 시일을 갖고 결정했다하며 지금 캘리포니아 상황은 그런 여유도 없으니 즉시 행동하라고 권하고요.

에드워드 멤버는 식구들을 데리고 캘리포니아를 떠나서 아리조나로 향하고 있다합니다.
그러자 로이드는 성공을 빈다 God speed! 고 축하하고요..
(저도 어제와 오늘 머리가 너무 띵하게 아프고 몸에 이상한 느낌이 많이 엄습했습니다. 제 주변에 가족에게 이야기할 뿐이고 오로지 블로그 꼭지를 올릴 때 이 이야기를 넣는게 고작이었습니다. 이런 이야기가 그저 소동이라면 좋겠지만 중요한 변화의 때를 알리는 천상의 목소리라면 잘 듣고서 행동하길 바랍니다. 우리 모두의 안전을 위해서 기도합니다.) <칼럼니스트 피터김> 2010.03.24 10:16

2010년 03월 23일 23시 25분 16초
Then I would get the hell out of there, if you got this. Take a look today, do you follow the quakes there? The whole area of the southern section of the SA down further than science admits its runs is starting to move with more and more little quakes, the "frozen" area is about to unfreeze. I would at least be prepared to beam out, but better yet, if you can get out, get out.

I have never understood why people live in California. Even since my early childhood I know it is going into the sea. People choose to live in the damdest places on this planet. While no area is completely safe, living on something like the Andrease, or alond the western coast of Chile is just playing with fire. Or living under Vesuvius, thinking somehow that might never happen again, or maybe just no in your lifetime, but where does that leave the kids who might face it? Candace

2010년 03월 23일 23시 55분 26초
I agree - for what it's worth, last week when I looked at the world map on USGS I heard CRACK! when my attention was drawn to the CA coast. And when I attuned with your post today I simply heard GO!

Dan McCarthy wrote:
> Yes, please heed the warning.
> I'm not as psychically intune as some of the folks here, but since yesterday I have had an anxious and apprehensive feeling, slept on and off last night with incoherent dreams and this morning the apprehension seems worse and my left temple and eye are aching. I had very similar feelings as this when the Indonesia and Haiti quakes occurred.
> Please if you feel you have time, gather up what's dear quickly and get the heck out of there!
2010년 03월 24일 03시 06분 04초
A Native American technique I learned is to make a decision and wait three days. As time goes on the decision will feel either better and better or worse and worse. Since I strongly sense you don't have 3 days, started packing essentials and do this exercise for 3 hours, or maybe 3 minutes. All of us will ask CM and the other spiritual masters to make it very obvious.

Also check missing pets reports. Just before an earthquake, pets will run away, usually to higher ground.
Another sign is to see if new cracks in the sidewalks and street occurs in the area of the fault lines.
Getting out may be just for you, not related to a natural disaster.
Call into work that your favorite great, great great.....great grandmother just died and her funeral is in Arizona and get the hell out. My personal feeling is very strong get out.


2010년 03월 24일 03시 11분 56초

Man am I shook up or what ... try RN - Lloyd

On Tue, Mar 23, 2010 at 1:07 PM, Lloyd Faver <lefaver..> wrote:

<!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]-->


Hello to my brothers and sisters,

My brother and his wife who is an RV, run a free medical clinic/home for multiple handicapped children on the Baja peninsula in Mexico. He and his wife have over 40 children that they take care of. I ask Christ Micheal here and now to take care of them and the little ones. I have warned them about this, but they are evangelical Christians, so you know where that went. All my love to everyone and everything.

Lloyd Faver

2010년 03월 24일 08시 35분 00초

Edward - God speed!!!


------Original Message------

From: mintaka2424
Subject: [ahsupport] I will take my family out of california !!
Sent: Mar 23, 2010 5:22 PM

Hello my brothers and sisters !!

Thanks to everyone for your opinions and support and know that i'm going to move my family to Phoenix AZ.

Silvia, my name is edward. i feel bad for all these people that live in ignorance, CM knows that i have tried to inform them, i sent mails to big radio stations but they don't received it, weird !

see ya !!
글위치: 어번던트호프 대피계획 Evacuation 기후, 지구변화 보고서 지진,해일,재난 국제 Global 아메리카 America

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