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영어 실력이 모자라서 영어 번역좀 누가 해주세여 ㅠ.ㅠ

                          PROOF OF ATLANTIS?
                          Breaking News: April 9 2003

          Proof of Atlantis? Alien
      Technology........Ancient Astronauts............      
"We may at last have discovered evidence that proves the existence of that most fabled and mysterious civilisation: Atlantis"

So says Professor Winwood, a British researcher, who claims to have unearthed a mysterious crystal-domed medallion at an undisclosed ancient archaeological site in Egypt.

The professor approached our agency, asking for assistance in letting the world know that he had found an ancient artifact that he believes may prove the existence of that most fabled and mysterious civilization of Atlantis. He is reticent about giving too many details and will not publicly reveal his full identity or the location where he found the medallion until next week, because he believes the government of that country will demand that the relic be returned immediately. He is determined to share his discovery with the world before he hands it over."Otherwise," said the professor, "it will be relegated to the dust-ridden storage room of 'Forbidden Archaeology', where discoveries always end up that do not fit within the accepted protocol and beliefs of archaeological hierarchy.

After telling his story he pulled out an extraordinary golden disk-shaped object from his pocket, about four inches in diameter. When asked about the "glass dome", the professor was quick to correct the presumption. "It most certainly is not glass. It is made from some kind of hardened crystal."

On the rim that surrounds the dome are eight distinct symbols. Professor Winwood claims that they do not match any known culture. He specialises in paleography - the study of ancient writing - and has concluded that it predates the oldest Vedic writing known; a plant-like, trident-shaped writing discovered on fragments of pottery at Harappa, Pakistan, in 1999, which was dated at more than 5500 years.

Because the medallion is decorated with crosses, floating on a golden spiral-like wire behind the dome, the professor initially thought it to be from an early period of Christianity. But as he delved deeper he realised that it indicated more of a universal message. "It certainly relates to the heavens above," he said, "but not in a religious way. I am convinced the symbols are linked to the movement of celestial bodies. Many ancient civilisations used the cross as a symbol to indicate the Sun."

Professor Winwood contemplated the possibility that the large blue central cross on the concave background, with a sapphire-like gem at its centre, was a depiction of our solar system. As there were planets missing, he soon concluded that it was more likely a celestial map depicting some kind of galactic alignment of stars. "At this stage I am not sure what the clear golden crystal segment that crosses the spiral and the blue gem at an angle represents, but I am confident the medallion will soon reveal its secrets. If you look closely at the blue gem, you can see that it has been fashioned in the shape of a pyramid."

Could This be the Alien Technology of The Anunnaki?
The Symbol for Thier Planet  "Nibiru" is the Cross.
It is called the Planet of Crossing.

Zecharia Sitchen should be involved in this work.

"There are arrows at each point of the cross that divides the cycle into four quarters," the professor said. "The top and the bottom of the cross points to the outer edge of the mysterious golden band at either side."

Professor Winwood believes that the age of the medallion is well over 13,000 years. "I discovered it inside a small sealed black granite box," he said. "I do not as yet know what kind of alloy the medallion is made of, but there was no noticeable tarnishing on any part of it. Carbon dating done on material found with the medallion suggests it was made somewhere between 11,000 and 11,500 BC." Due to the location of its discovery and some of the inscriptions, the professor is of the opinion that the medallion may be connected to the time of Atlantis.

"The ancient philosopher Plato, spoke at length about Atlantis in his writings. The age of the medallion is in keeping with the timing that Atlantis was supposed to have existed. I believe that the message of the medallion is a warning that relates to the ending of a galactic cycle."
"The crosses floating on the golden wire would suggest the stars are in some kind of spiralling orbit around a gigantic blue star," said the professor. "One gets a sense that they are moving clockwise, and if this is the case it would seem that the second star out from the centre and the seventh star at the top of the cross are about to enter an energy field of some kind. If one of those stars represents our Sun, I believe that message of the medallion is a warning of something that will affect our planet and the entire solar system in the near future."

Professor Winwood tells us there are also symbols and text on the back and the inside of the medallion which he is confident represents some kind of calendar system. This will be displayed in a future posting. He has given us some examples here.

Further findings and photos will be posted during the coming weeks, as the enigmatic professor deciphers more of the symbols and text on the medallion. We anticipate that the location where the professor found the relic, will be revealed in the next posting on this internet site. The purpose behind this publicity event, will be revealed in the coming weeks.

Ancient Discoveries

April 15 2003

"We may at last have discovered evidence that proves the existence of that most fabled and mysterious civilisation: Atlantis"

Since posting the information about this medallion the Professor has been contacted be many researchers from around the world. Three of them claim to also have discovered medallions that are apparently exact replicas of the one that professor Winwood unearthed.

He has told us that he found his medallion at a dig in Egypt. He is till to be forthcoming with the exact location, but we expect he will reveal this at a later date. The other researchers claim to have found theirs in Europe, South America and China respectively. They did not go public with their find because they have been doing research to try and decipher the complex symbols and script on the front and back of the medallion. Not until then did they want to reveal their find. None of them have as yet been able to open the domed section.

Because Professor Winwood has gone public with his find, the other researchers have agreed to put their heads together to try and decipher the full meaning behind the medallions.

Professor Winwood has told us that he believes there are twelve medallions in all that are most likely scattered around the world. He is certain they originated from the one source, Atlantis. The Professor expects that once the full extent of the medallions secrets have been uncovered, it will tell of a galactic line-up of stars which caused some kind of planetary shift over 13,000 years ago. And that groups of Atlanteans moved to different parts of the world to escape the cataclysmic destruction of their continent.

"If you look closely at the symbols on the front of the medallion," said the professor, "it is my guess that they individually represent one of the stars and their orbits around a gigantic blue star that is within some kind of energy field, as indicated by the golden band. The star at the outermost orbit appears to be about to  enter this field. The large blue cross on the concave background divides the cycle into four quarters.

The professor is trying to find a way to open the domed section of the medallion. "There is a hinge at the top of the medallion, so it must open," he said. "I will simply have to have patience. The button at the bottom of the medallion apparently doesn't serve as a latch."

He is confident that the symbols and inscriptions on the back of the medallion will reveal the full story of its history. "I have no conclusive evidence as yet," said the Professor. "However it would not surprise me if the ending of this cycle coincides with the ending of the Mayan Calendar on December 22 2012. There will then most likey be another shift of some kind. I am certain the symbols will soon reveal their secrets. The back is divided into three bands of twelve segments. I feel it may relate to a calendar system of some kind. I also believe that there were twelve groups that left Atlantis before its destruction, with the intention of spreading their knowledge throughout the world. That is probably why they went to various locations, to make sure that some of it survived. When we finally open the domed section, I believe it will activate some kind of technology concealed within. It will be most interesting to see what develops"

April 20 2003

"We may at last have discovered evidence that proves the existence of that most fabled and mysterious civilisation: Atlantis"

Professor Winwood has confirmed that he believes that the central sapphire-like pyramid within the golden band, may contain information that has been stored within it. "It wouldn't be much different to how information is stored on current-day microchips," he said. "It is a known fact that crystals do have the ability to hold an electronic charge. We have detected an electro-magnetic energy field around the medallion. If you look into the hole at the back you can see through the pyramid to what appears to be fine gridlines, just beneath its outer casing. I expect that it will take some kind of electrical pulse to activate it. It may have to be opened first."

At this stage the researchers who found identical medallions at various locations around the world, have yet to confirm that they've been able to open theirs.

The professor is inclined to believe that the star system within the medallion does include our own Sun. "There has been much debate in recent years about the fact that some researchers believe our solar system is in the process of entering something called the Photon Band," he said. "It has been put forward that this is a band of intensified photon light, that comes from the centre of our Galaxy. Could this be the golden band beneath the crystal dome? Twice within a 26,000 year cycle, our solar system apparently passes through this band of light, taking about 2000 years to do so each time. It has also been suggested that the frequency of this light will create a planetary pole reversal thereby stopping all electronics from working, and even affect our brains function. How this will manifest itself, I do not exactly know, but I suspect it will have taken place by the ending of the Mayan Calendar on 22 December 2012."

"The medallion depicts a central blue star and seven other stars within a spiralling-like orbit around it," said Professor Winwood. "I do not as yet know how this relates to our solar system, however I do believe that answers will be forthcoming."

There have been thousands of emails flooding in from all over the world, putting forward suggestions about the meaning of the medallion. Some have proposed that:

A] The symbols are similar to proto-European markings from an early period of Scottish culture, also being compared to early Bulgarian and Mongolian cultures.

B] A musical "tone" may activate the medallion.

C] The medallion is the key to the Hall of Records as prophesied by Edgar Cayce.

D] The crosses represent the balance between the Left and Right hemispheres of the brain, and that the activation of the medallion will stimulate the pituitary gland and dormant DNA, allowing the wearer to become super-conscious.

E] The medallion is more likely from the time of Lemuria, rather than Atlantis.

F] The blue pyramid is a miniature depiction of a Blue Star Crystal Pyramid still to be discovered beneath the sands of Egypt.

G] The seven crosses are the Seven Sisters (stars) of the Pleiades system.

H] The golden band is a symbolic representation of the Photon Band.

I] The blue pyramid is the star Polaris or, Vega of Lyra.

J] The symbols are ancient astrological constellations.

If the professor's analysis is correct, it would seem that an ancient culture did indeed have knowledge of galactic cycles beyond our current understanding.

We will keep you updated as more information comes in.

The Southern Cross

The stars that make up - what we refer to today as the Southern Cross - were recorded reality since Egyptian, Sumerian, Chaldean, Babylonian, and Aramaean times as evidenced in their star charts found on clay pots and other known artifacts.

You can hang all the "religious" labels you want on those stars, but the fact remains that they were there and their existence was recorded long before 2,000 years ago when Jesus was walking around.

Rumor Mill


33,000 years ago:  Refugees erected Greater-Atlantis. There was also
Smaller-Atlantis and a third sister called Mu, in China.

15,000 years ago:  The battle for Greater-Atlantis began. The failed coup
plotters exiled in Beta-Centauri.

They spent 2,000 years gather their forces for war on Earth.  Bred fighters and
instilled in them hate.

13,000 years ago these very ones returned to Earth to war with Atlantis. This
cycle became known as the epoch of the Aryan race.

11,000 BC:  The breeding of Adams and Eves by three Aryan scientists.

9,900 BC:  War activities in Greater-Atlantis instigated by the Aryans.

9,500 BC:  The Aryans were successful in bringing about a coup in
Greater-Atlantis. Brutal war erupted shortly after between the Aryans and the
Atlantians. Atlantis was destroyed and sunk by an engineered asteroid by one of
her sister nation.

8,400 BC:  The opposition to the Aryan group began to implement a plan to bring
about the prophets to re-educate the misguided Aryans. The first of these was

8,100 BC:  The great biblical flood caused by a Comet. Known as a "cosmic

3,500 BC:  Smaller-Atlantis was destroyed by a "cosmic phenomena".

346 BC:  The ancient Greek philosopher Plato pen down his knowledge about
Atlantis. The spirit-form that was inside Plato, reincarnated in Vienna,
Austria in 1892, and the ETs reinstated in him via telepathic impulses,
information about Atlantis. He did a pretty good job for his mission.
He died in 1935. (He was also involved in inventing the Schnorkel for
the Nazi U-boat.)

The Austrians came very close to modeling one of the Atlantian ritual
(religious) buildings, which is known as the Hausberg of Stoneegg in Austria.
The Atlantians were very fond of circular structures, and it had deep meaning to

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