

우주는 우리를 돕고 있습니다.
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의 의식을 통합하여 평화와 조
화의 빛을 내기 시작하는 사람
들의 교류 장소입니다.


오늘자 메시지를 보니까 이 사람이 이야기하는 forces는 은하연합이 아니라고 하는것 같네요.

도대체 뭐가 어떻게 돌아가는건지...여러분들의 생각을 듣고 싶습니다.

Date: Sunday, September 1, 2002 7:55 p.m. PDT

To: "Dove Group Members"

From: "Dove_of_O" <>

Subject: [doveofo] U.N. Being Coerced; Forces TRIPLE in Number


Hello Dear Friends and White Knights,

I did further research on the reasons behind the EMERGENCY warning that was
passed on to me by the high U.N. official yesterday. I’m told that the
dark agenda are using ALL their tricks of coercion including threatening to
kill people, and bribery to manipulate the U.N. voting members into
allowing the ILLEGAL Bush regime to attack Iraq.

I’m told by the Force’s Intelligence Agents that the Bush regime is
planning to attack Iraq on September 11, 2002 . I’m told the dark agenda
stooge Hussein is another puppet like Bush Jr. and is just playing his part
in helping to cause war. This is WHY we absolutely MUST have the true
NESARA law announced ASAP!

I’m told by both White Knight sources and the Forces that the Bush regime
intends to send many White Knights in the U.S. Military to Iraq to get them
killed. Last year, I was told of several plots to send White Knight U.S.
Military teams and units into “suicide missions” by some of the top
officers in the U.S. Military who worked for the dark agenda. I’m told
this is the Bush regime’s plan again this month as they TRY to find an
opening and build more excuses to attack Iraq.

I was also told today that the Bush regime is considering staging a phony
attack and covering it with television cameras. I’m told the Bush regime
want to make Americans think there are reasons why Americans should give up
more of their civil rights and the ILLEGAL Bush regime thinks that
Americans will let more abuses occur if they believe the U.S. is in a

I’m told there was a battle two weeks ago in which WE LOST certain
significant groups of OUR PEOPLE due to the opposition using some unknown
weapons. It’s been some time since we had these kinds of losses; I’m
mentioning it because this is part of why the true NESARA law Announcement
is yet to be broadcast. Since that time the Forces and White Knights have
been BUILDING STRONGER protection and also obtaining some new advantages of
their own in weapons and technology. I’m told the building of the stronger
security has taken weeks to accomplish so that our people will be safe and
our world safe and peaceful when the true NESARA law is announced.

In the last 48 hours, I’m told the SUPERIOR Forces have been increased by
200 Billion ships/group and these massive groups have brought MAJOR
advantages with them. These are the Forces who have come from 175 million
years in the future and far far away because what happens on Earth is
impacting these groups also.

The SUPERIOR Forces about which I write are NOT the Sananda’s or the
Galactic Federation or any of the other groups that are commonly discussed.
Many of the visitors from other places, such as the Galactic Federation,
have signed “contracts” with government officials and others which LIMIT
what these visitors can do on Earth.

The SUPERIOR Forces about which I write have REFUSED to sign or have
cancelled their contracts with the dark agenda governments and are acting
TOTALLY ON BEHALF of the billions of Earth Humans who wish to have PEACE
and LIBERTY for all. These SUPERIOR Forces are the main ones who are
supporting the White Knights and others in bringing us the true NESARA law
announcements and implementations. Someday I will name the main groups of
these SUPERIOR Forces and they will speak to all of us about what they have
done to protect us and help the White Knights to bring us our true NESARA
law benefits and our prosperity.

Some of you have asked WHY the Forces do not just take over and get the
true NESARA law announced and implemented. I’ve asked the Forces and
Beloved Ascended Master Saint Germain these questions myself. I’m told
that the reason is that in order to HELP the people of Earth, there MUST BE
some Earth Humans who are willing to TAKE ACTION to bring us the true
NESARA law announcement. I’m told the Forces can SUPPORT the White Knights
who are in the right positions or have necessary knowledge to bring us the
true NESARA law announcement and implementation. As of now, I’m told the
SUPERIOR Forces must work with the White Knights to get the true NESARA law
announced and our prosperity to us.

However, I’m told there is an exception to this rule. I’m told the
SUPERIOR Forces do have Divine Authority to take action in certain
circumstances and bring us the true NESARA law announcement and
implementation and our prosperity, if this becomes necessary.

To subscribe to the Dove egroup, please send an email to my address: with the “Subject: SUBSCRIBE” and I will
manually add you to the Dove egroup. You will receive the next DAILY Dove
Report which will be a confirmation that you were added. If you miss
seeing the Dove Report within a day or two of your request, send your
SUBSCRIBE email to me again.

For members who want to REMOVE themselves from the Dove egroup, please note
the instructions of how to “unsubscribe” are on the BOTTOM of EVERY Dove
Report every day and are very easy to use. If this does not work for you,
send me an email with Subject: UNSUBSCRIBE or REMOVE and I will remove

Quite a few people are being blocked from receiving the Dove Reports by
dark agenda interference on the Internet. The dark agenda may have sold
your ISP a software to filter out the Dove Reports so you need to check
with your ISP and tell them YOU WANT to RECEIVE the Dove Reports and tell
them to check and make sure there’s no filter preventing you from receiving
the Reports. Also, you should check your Junk Mail file in case the Dove
Reports have been put in that file. If you miss receiving the Dove Report,
you can read it at the following websites: (also has Dove Voice Reports)

Please keep posting your comments to the White Knights on the NESARA NOW
online internet petition website. If the page is “unavailable”, that
probably means that it is “busy” with others posting at the same time. You
can go back and click later to access it:

and tell the White Knights we MUST have the true NESARA law announced and
the illegal Bush regime removed immediately!

Blessings and Love,
Dove of Oneness

To Unsubscribe from the new dove_of_o group:

1) Go to
2) Type in your email address and click the 'process' button

You will be sent a confirmation email with a special link in it that
contains a confirmation ID number. You will have to click on this link or
copy this link to your web browser to confirm your unsubscription. Another
email will be sent to you after this process is done confirming your

조회 수 :
등록일 :
17:08:04 (*.215.148.62)
엮인글 :
게시글 주소 :


다른 종족이 그정도 까지 관여할수 있을수 있나요? 간섭에 대한 싸인을 하지 않았다고 하는데...그건 우주기본원칙에 어긋나지 않나요?



SUPERIOR Forces는 은하연합도 아니고 마스터 사난다가 이끄시는 아슈타 코맨드도 아닌 제 3의 존재들이라고 언급되어 있군요. 은하연합 메시지에서도 언급되어있지만 은하연합은 지구의 세력들과 계약을 맺었고 그것을 지구 세력들이 이행할 단계이고 필연적으로 그럴 것이라 우리에게 이야기해주었지만 도브 메시지에 따르면 그들은 빈번히 이 약속을 깨뜨리고 지속적으로 네사라 발표를 방해하고 있다면서...이제는 신성한 개입을 취할 수 있는 SUPERIOR Forces가 직접 나설 단계라고 말하고 있네요. 네사라가 발표되면 이 존재들의 이름과 정체에 대해 밝힐 예정이라 하는군요.

* 제가 보기에 전혀 이질적인 관계가 아니라 SUPERIOR Forces, 은하연합, 아쉬타 코맨드 모두 협력관계에 있을 것이라 봅니다. 음..그리고 신성한 개입에 대해서 진실여부는 항상 논쟁거리를 불러일으키니 그 점은 차치하고 은하연하이나 기타 채널링 메시지에 따르면 신성한 개입은 우리가 지구에 화신하기 전에 오래 전에 그 개입을 허용한다고 약정을 맺었다고 하죠. 반면 그러한 개입은 결코 있을 수 없다고 하는 메시지들도 많지만... 그럼


갈수록 흥미로운 세력들이 나타나는군요!
'SUPERIER FORCES' 라구요? 햐! 과연 누굴까요? 우리가 모르는 것들이 너무나 많군요!
그리고 제가 이미 언급한 것과 같이 비밀도당에게 노출이 되지 않은 세력이 도래한 것입니다.
비밀이 유지되어야 기습은 효과를 올릴수 있습니다. 그래서 발표때까지는 전혀 실체를 드러내지 않다가, 발표한 후에 비로소 실체를 드러내겠다는 것입니다. 효과적인 작전 수행을 위해서...
뭔가 확실한 결과를 가져올 것 같다는 느낌이 듭니다.
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