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그동안 언급해온 force는 역시 은하연합이었던것 같네요. ;;
Thursday, July 18, 2002 10:46 AM
Hello Dear Friends and White Knights,
There were significant actions yesterday and last evening to move the true NESARA law announcement process into position.
A major event which did not make the controlled U.S. media news occurred in the skies over Washington, D.C. yesterday afternoon. Our White Knight contact in the White House called on a land line yesterday afternoon to say that all cell phones and satellite phones in the D.C. area were out of order for three hours yesterday. The reason was that two very large Forces' ships decloaked in the sky over D.C. about 3 p.m. EDT yesterday afternoon.
Our White Knight contact in the White House stated that these large ships were at least 200 miles in diameter and sat in the skies over D.C. for about 3 hours. (Large ships are normally referred to as "Mother Ships".) He said that the ships could be seen on radar and that ".nothing could be done about it."
I'm told that this friendly appearance by the Forces was a signal to the Bush regime that they must step aside peacefully when the true NESARA law is announced and the removal of the Bush regime occurs. I'm told that this appearance by the Forces was in response to the Bush regime demanding proof that the Forces are supporting the true NESARA law being announced and implemented.
I'm asking that we all send our heartfelt support to the TRUE White Knights who are acting on our behalf to bring us the true NESARA law announcements and removal of the Bush regime! Let's do our prayers, meditations, and energy work focuses in support of these brave White Knights who are acting from high motivations to bring the world's people our NESARA and prosperity blessings. Let's continue our prayers, meditations, and energy work focuses daily at 4 P.M. in our time zone.
I'm told we will be seeing the removal of the Bush regime very quickly as the true NESARA law is announced and implemented. I'm also told that our mass prosperity deliveries to residences in the U.S. and Canada will occur AT ONE TIME and the deliveries to commercial addresses will occur the following business day. I'm told that there will be up to three delivery passes on different days to each delivery address so if we are not available on the first pass, there will be additional delivery attempts. I'm told that prosperity program members in the rest of the world will have their prosperity programs' deliveries and notifications very quickly after the U.S. and Canada. I'm told our mass U.S. prosperity deliveries will be closely aligned with the timing of the true NESARA law announcement process.
Due to some personal commitments, I'm keeping this Dove Report brief. I do expect to be seeing the true NESARA law announcement process on television very quickly and look forward to seeing the NESARA Designates sworn in immediately following the broadcasts of the Bush Jr. and Cheney resignation speeches. Let's get NESARA on television NOW, White Knights!
Thursday, July 18, 2002 10:46 AM
Hello Dear Friends and White Knights,
There were significant actions yesterday and last evening to move the true NESARA law announcement process into position.
A major event which did not make the controlled U.S. media news occurred in the skies over Washington, D.C. yesterday afternoon. Our White Knight contact in the White House called on a land line yesterday afternoon to say that all cell phones and satellite phones in the D.C. area were out of order for three hours yesterday. The reason was that two very large Forces' ships decloaked in the sky over D.C. about 3 p.m. EDT yesterday afternoon.
Our White Knight contact in the White House stated that these large ships were at least 200 miles in diameter and sat in the skies over D.C. for about 3 hours. (Large ships are normally referred to as "Mother Ships".) He said that the ships could be seen on radar and that ".nothing could be done about it."
I'm told that this friendly appearance by the Forces was a signal to the Bush regime that they must step aside peacefully when the true NESARA law is announced and the removal of the Bush regime occurs. I'm told that this appearance by the Forces was in response to the Bush regime demanding proof that the Forces are supporting the true NESARA law being announced and implemented.
I'm asking that we all send our heartfelt support to the TRUE White Knights who are acting on our behalf to bring us the true NESARA law announcements and removal of the Bush regime! Let's do our prayers, meditations, and energy work focuses in support of these brave White Knights who are acting from high motivations to bring the world's people our NESARA and prosperity blessings. Let's continue our prayers, meditations, and energy work focuses daily at 4 P.M. in our time zone.
I'm told we will be seeing the removal of the Bush regime very quickly as the true NESARA law is announced and implemented. I'm also told that our mass prosperity deliveries to residences in the U.S. and Canada will occur AT ONE TIME and the deliveries to commercial addresses will occur the following business day. I'm told that there will be up to three delivery passes on different days to each delivery address so if we are not available on the first pass, there will be additional delivery attempts. I'm told that prosperity program members in the rest of the world will have their prosperity programs' deliveries and notifications very quickly after the U.S. and Canada. I'm told our mass U.S. prosperity deliveries will be closely aligned with the timing of the true NESARA law announcement process.
Due to some personal commitments, I'm keeping this Dove Report brief. I do expect to be seeing the true NESARA law announcement process on television very quickly and look forward to seeing the NESARA Designates sworn in immediately following the broadcasts of the Bush Jr. and Cheney resignation speeches. Let's get NESARA on television NOW, White Knights!
- 2002.07.19
- 11:14:33
- (*.82.44.44)
* 내용 수정
음..워싱턴 DC 상공에 지름 200마일 크기의 거대한 모선 2대가 나타나서 휴대폰과 인공위성(GSM 폰) 폰이 3시간 가량 동작되지 않았다고 하는군요. 모선이 출현한 시간은 어제 오후 ETD 기준으로 3시 정도였고 미디어 뉴스에서는 이 사실을 감춘 것으로 보이는군요. 아마도 부시정권과 컨택트를 취하고자 백악관을 행차한 화이트나이트 요원이 모선을 목격한 모양입니다. 레이더에 분명히 모선이 잡혔지만 그 모선에 대해 어떠한 일도 할 수 없었다고 하는군요.
모선이 나타난 이유는 부시 정권이 은하연합이 네사라와 화이트나이트를 정식으로 지지하고 있는가에 대한 증거를 보여달라고 했기 때문이라고 합니다. 이로서 Forces는 틀림없는 은하연합임이 이 메시지에서 드러났군요.
음..워싱턴 DC 상공에 지름 200마일 크기의 거대한 모선 2대가 나타나서 휴대폰과 인공위성(GSM 폰) 폰이 3시간 가량 동작되지 않았다고 하는군요. 모선이 출현한 시간은 어제 오후 ETD 기준으로 3시 정도였고 미디어 뉴스에서는 이 사실을 감춘 것으로 보이는군요. 아마도 부시정권과 컨택트를 취하고자 백악관을 행차한 화이트나이트 요원이 모선을 목격한 모양입니다. 레이더에 분명히 모선이 잡혔지만 그 모선에 대해 어떠한 일도 할 수 없었다고 하는군요.
모선이 나타난 이유는 부시 정권이 은하연합이 네사라와 화이트나이트를 정식으로 지지하고 있는가에 대한 증거를 보여달라고 했기 때문이라고 합니다. 이로서 Forces는 틀림없는 은하연합임이 이 메시지에서 드러났군요.
- 2002.07.19
- 11:42:21
- (*.82.44.44)
Dear Friends,
Moments ago I learned from my friend who is in telepathic communication with nonhuman benevolent et's that LARGE benevolent ET ships uncloked over the Whitehouse in DC yesterday. I asked in response to the recent Dove report. What they told us is that ET's uncloked only for about 5 seconds and also did the same thing about 100 miles east of LA, over Mexico City, Paris, Beuno Aries, as well as other locations World Wide. Does anyone have additional supporting information or confirmation. My understanding is that it is a warning to the regressive elete who are still in power.
야후 PAW 그룹의 한 회원이 올린 내용인데 이 사람의 글에 의하면 ET와 텔레파시 교신을 취하는 친구로부터 어제 워싱턴DC 백악관 상공에 거대한 모선이 출현하였다는 소식을 들었다는군요. 약 5초 가량 나타났다가 사라진 후에 다시 LA 동부, 멕시코 시티, 파리, 부에노 아이레스, 기타 세계의 몇몇 도시에 출현하였다고 하는군요.
Moments ago I learned from my friend who is in telepathic communication with nonhuman benevolent et's that LARGE benevolent ET ships uncloked over the Whitehouse in DC yesterday. I asked in response to the recent Dove report. What they told us is that ET's uncloked only for about 5 seconds and also did the same thing about 100 miles east of LA, over Mexico City, Paris, Beuno Aries, as well as other locations World Wide. Does anyone have additional supporting information or confirmation. My understanding is that it is a warning to the regressive elete who are still in power.
야후 PAW 그룹의 한 회원이 올린 내용인데 이 사람의 글에 의하면 ET와 텔레파시 교신을 취하는 친구로부터 어제 워싱턴DC 백악관 상공에 거대한 모선이 출현하였다는 소식을 들었다는군요. 약 5초 가량 나타났다가 사라진 후에 다시 LA 동부, 멕시코 시티, 파리, 부에노 아이레스, 기타 세계의 몇몇 도시에 출현하였다고 하는군요.